KJV Dictionary Definition: fierce


FIERCE, n. fers. L. ferus, ferox, the primary sense of which is wild, running, rushing.

1. Vehement; violent; furious; rushing; impetuous; as a fierce wind.

2. Savage; ravenous; easily enraged; as a fierce lion.

3. Vehement in rage; eager of mischief; as a fierce tyrant; a monster fierce for blood.

4. Violent; outrageous; not to be restrained.

Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce. Gen. 49.

5. Passionate; angry; furious.

6. Wild; staring; ferocious; as a fierce countenance.

7. Very eager; ardent; vehement; as a man fierce for his party.


FIERCELY, adv. fers'ly.

1. Violently; furiously; with rage; as, both sides fiercely fought.

2. With a wild aspect; as, to look fiercely.


FIERCENESS, n. fers'ness.

1. Ferocity; savageness.

The defect of heat which gives fierceness to our natures.

2. Eagerness for blood; fury; as the fierceness of a lion or bear.

3. Quickness to attack; keenness in anger and resentment.

The Greeks are strong, and skilful to their strength,

Fierce to their skill, and to their fierceness valiant.

4. Violence; outrageous passion.

His pride and brutal fierceness I abhor.

5. Vehemence; fury; impetuosity; as the fierceness of a tempest.