KJV Dictionary Definition: fare
FARE, v.i. This word may be connected in origin with the Heb. to go, to pass.
1. To go; to pass; to move forward; to travel.
So on he fares, and to the border comes of Eden.
In this literal sense the word is not in common use.
2. To be in any state, good or bad; to be attended with any circumstances or train of events, fortunate or unfortunate.
So fares the stag among th' enraged hounds.
So fared the knight between two foes.
He fared very well; he fared very ill.
Go further and fare worse. The sense is taken from going, having a certain course; hence, being subjected to a certain train of incidents. The rich man fared sumptuously every day. He enjoyed all the pleasure which wealth and luxury could afford. Luke 16.
3. To feed; to be entertained. We fared well; we had a good table, and courteous treatment.
4. To proceed in a train of consequences, good or bad.
So fares it when with truth falsehood contends.
5. To happen well or ill; with it impersonally. We shall see how it will fare with him.
FARE, n.
1. The price of passage or going; the sum paid or due, for conveying a person by land or water; as the fare for crossing a river, called also ferriage; the fare for conveyance in a coach; stage-fare. The price of conveyance over the ocean is now usually called the passage, or passage money. Fare is never used for the price of conveying goods; this is called freight or transportation.
2. Food; provisions of the table. We lived on coarse fare, or we had delicious fare.
3. The person conveyed in a vehicle. Not in use in United States.