KJV Dictionary Definition: express
EXPRESS', v.t. L. expressum, exprimo; ex and premo, to press. See Press.
1. To press or squeeze out; to force out by pressure; as, to express the juice of grapes or of apples.
2. To utter; to declare in words; to speak. He expressed his ideas or his meaning with precision. His views were expressed in very intelligible terms.
3. To write or engrave; to represent in written words or language. The covenants in the deed are well expressed.
4. To represent; to exhibit by copy or resemblance.
So kids and whelps their sires and dams express.
5. To represent or show by imitation or the imitative arts; to form a likeness; as in painting or sculpture.
Each skilful artist shall express thy form.
6. To show or make known; to indicate.
A downcast eye or look may express humility, shame or guilt.
7. To denote; to designate.
Moses and Aaron took these men, who are expressed by their names. Num.1.
8. To extort; to elicit. Little used.
EXPRESS', a. Plain; clear; expressed; direct not ambiguous. We are informed in express terms or words. The terms of the contract are express.
1. Given in direct terms; not implied or left to inference. This is the express covenant or agreement. We have his express consent. We have an express law on the subject. Express warranty; express malice.
2. Copied; resembling; bearing an exact representation.
His face express.
3. Intended or sent for a particular purpose, or on a particular errand; as, to send a messenger express.
EXPRESS', n. A messenger sent on a particular errand or occasion; usually, a courier sent to communicate information of an important event, or to deliver; important dispatches. It is applied also to boats or vessels sent to convey important information.
1. A message sent.
2. A declaration in plain terms. Not in use.
EXPRESS'ED, pp. Squeezed or forced out, as juice or liquor; uttered in words; set down in writing or letters; declared; represented; shown.
EXPRESS'IBLE, a. That may be expressed; that may be uttered, declared, shown or represented.
1. That may be squeezed out.
EXPRESS'ING, ppr. Forcing out by pressure; uttering; declaring; showing; representing.
EXPRES'SION, n. The act of expressing; the act of forcing out by pressure, as juices and oils from plants.
1. The act of uttering, declaring or representing; utterance; declaration; representation; as an expression of the public will.
2. A phrase, or mode of speech; as an old expression; an odd expression.
3. In rhetoric, elocution; diction; the peculiar manner of utterance, suited to the subject and sentiment.
No adequate description can be given of the nameless and ever varying shades of expression which real pathos gives to the voice.
4. In painting, a natural and lively representation of the subject; as the expression of the eye, of the countenance, or of a particular action or passion.
5. In music, the tone, grace or modulation of voice or sound suited to any particular subject; that manner which gives life and reality to ideas and sentiments.
6. Theatrical expression, is a distinct, sonorous and pleasing pronunciation, accompanied with action suited to the subject.
EXPRESS'IVE, a. Serving to express; serving to utter or represent; followed by of. He sent a letter couched in terms expressive of his gratitude.
Each verse so swells expressive of her woes.
1. Representing with force; emphatical.
These words are very expressive.
2. Showing; representing; as an expressive sign.
EXPRESS'IVELY, adv. In an expressive manner; clearly; fully; with a clear representation.
EXPRESS'IVENESS, n. The quality of being expressive; the power of expression or representation by words.
1. The power or force of representation; the quality of presenting a subject strongly to the senses or to the mind; as the expressiveness of the eye, or of the features, or of sounds.