KJV Dictionary Definition: exact
EXACT', a. egzact'. L. exactus, from exigo, to drive; ex and ago. Gr. to drive, urge or press.
1. Closely correct or regular; nice; accurate; conformed to rule; as a man exact in his dealings.
All this, exact to rule, were brought about.
2. Precise; not different in the least. This is the exact sum or amount, or the exact time.
We have an exact model for imitation.
3. Methodical; careful; not negligent; correct; observing strict method, rule or order. This man is very exact in keeping his accounts.
4. Punctual. Every man should be exact in paying his debts when due; he should be exact in attendance on appointments.
5. Strict. We should be exact in the performance of duties.
The exactest vigilance cannot maintain a single day of unmingled innocence.
EXACT', v.t. egzact'. L. exigo, exactum. See the Adjective.
1. To force or compel to pay or yield; to demand or require authoritatively; to extort by means of authority or without pity or justice. It is an offense for an officer to exact illegal or unreasonable fees. It is customary for conquerors to exact tribute or contributions from conquered countries.
2. To demand or right. Princes exact obedience of their subjects. The laws of God exact obedience from all men.
3. To demand of necessity; to enforce a yielding or compliance; or to enjoin with pressing urgency.
And justice to my father's soul, exact
This cruel piety.
EXACT', v.i. To practice extortion.
The enemy shall not exact upon him. Ps.89.
EXACT'ED, pp. Demanded or required by authority; extorted.
EXACT'ING, ppr. Demanding and compelling to pay or yield under color of authority; requiring authoritatively; demanding without pity or justice; extorting; compelling by necessity.
EXAC'TION, n. The act of demanding with authority, and compelling to pay or yield; authoritative demand; a levying or drawing from by force; a driving to compliance; as the exaction of tribute or of obedience.
1. Extortion; a wresting from one unjustly; the taking advantage of one's necessities, to compel him to pay illegal or exorbitant tribute, fees or rewards.
Take away your exactions from my people. Ezek.45.
2. That which is exacted; tribute, fees, rewards or contributions demanded or levied with severity or injustice. Kings may be enriched by exactions, but their power is weakened by the consequent disaffection of their subjects.
EXACT'NESS, n. Accuracy; nicety; precision; as, to make experiments with exactness.
1. Regularity; careful conformity to law or rules of propriety; as exactness of deportment.
2. Careful observance of method and conformity to truth; as exactness in accounts or business.