KJV Dictionary Definition: estate


ESTA'TE,n. L. status, from sto, to stand. The roots stb, std and stg, have nearly the same signification, to set, to fix. It is probable that the L. sto is contracted from stad, as it forms steti.

1. In a general sense, fixedness; a fixed condition; now generally written and pronounced state.

She cast us headlong from our high estate.

2. Condition or circumstances of any person or thing, whether high or low. Luke 1.

3. Rank; quality.

Who hath not heard of the greatness of your estate?

4. In law, the interest, or quantity of interest, a man has in lands, tenements, or other effects. Estates are real or personal. Real estate consists in lands or freeholds, which descent to heirs; personal estate consists in chattels or movables, which go to executors and administrators. There are also estates for life, for years, at will, &c.

5. Fortune; possessions; property in general. He is a man of a great estate. He left his estate unincumbered.

6. The general business or interest of government; hence, a political body; a commonwealth; a republic. But in this sense, we now use State.

Estates, in the plural, dominions; possessions of a prince.

1. Orders or classes of men in society or government. Herod made a supper for his chief estates. Mark 6.

In Great Britain, the estates of the realm are the king, lords and commons; or rather the lords and commons.

ESTA'TE, v.t. To settle as a fortune. Little used.

1. To establish. Little used.


ESTA'TED, pp. or a. Possessing an estate.