KJV Dictionary Definition: disfiguration
DISFIGURATION, n. See Disfigure.
1. The act of disfiguring, or marring external form.
2. The state of being disfigured; some degree of deformity.
DISFIGURE, v.t. dis and figure.
1. To change to a worse form; to mar external figure; to impair shape or form and render it less perfect and beautiful; as, the loss of a limb disfigures the body.
2. To mar; to impair; to injure beauty, symmetry or excellence.
DISFIGURED, pp. Changed to a worse form; impaired in form or appearance.
DISFIGUREMENT, n. Change of external form to the worse; defacement of beauty.
DISFIGURER, n. One who disfigures.
DISFIGURING, ppr. Injuring the form or shape; impairing the beauty of form.