KJV Dictionary Definition: discontinuance


DISCONTINUANCE, n. See Discontinue.

1. Want of continuance; cessation; intermission; interruption of continuance; as a discontinuance of conversation or intercourse.

2. Want of continued connection or cohesion of parts; want of union; disruption.

3. In law, a breaking off or interruption of possession, as where a tenant in tail makes a feoffment in fee-simple, or for the life of the feoffee, or in tail, which he has not power to do; in this case, the entry of the feoffee is lawful, during the life of the feoffor; but if he retains possession after the death of the feoffor, it is an injury which is termed a discontinuance, the legal estate of the heir in tail being discontinued, till a recovery can be had in law.

4. Discontinuance of a suit, is when a plaintiff leaves a chasm in the proceedings in his cause, as by not continuing the process regularly from day to day; in which case the defendant is not bound to attend. Formerly the demise of the king caused a discontinuance of all suits; but this is remedied by statute 1. Ed. VI.


DISCONTINUATION, n. Breach or interruption of continuity; disruption of parts; separation of parts which form a connected series.


DISCONTINUE, v.t. dis and continue.

1. To leave off; to cause to cease, as a practice or habit; to stop; to put an end to; as, to discontinue the intemperate use of spirits. Inveterate customs are not discontinued without inconvenience.

The depredations on our commerce were not to be discontinued.

2. To break off; to interrupt.

3. To cease to take or receive; as, to discontinue a daily prayer.


1. To cease; to leave the possession, or lose an established or long enjoyed right.

Thyself shalt discontinue from thine heritage. Jeremiah 17.

2. To lose the cohesion of parts; to suffer disruption or separation of substance. Little used.


DISCONTINUED, pp. Left off; interrupted; broken off.


DISCONTINUER, n. One who discontinues a rule or practice.


DISCONTINUING, ppr. Ceasing; interrupting; breaking off.


DISCONTINUITY, n. Disunion of parts; want of cohesion.



1. Broken off; interrupted.

2. Separated; wide; gaping.