KJV Dictionary Definition: disclose
DISCLOSE, v.t. discloze. dis and close; L. See Close.
1. To uncover; to open; to remove a cover from, and lay open to the view.
The shells being broken, the stone included in them is disclosed.
2. To discover; to lay open to the view; to bring to light. Events have disclosed the designs of the ministry.
3. To reveal by words; to tell; to utter; as, to disclose the secret thoughts of the heart.
4. To make known; to show in any manner. A blush may disclose a secret passion in the breast.
5. To open; to hatch. Not used.
The ostrich layeth her eggs under sand, where the heat of the sun discloseth them.
DISCLOSE, n. Discovery.
DISCLOSED, pp. Uncovered; opened to view; made known; revealed; told; uttered.
DISCLOSER, n. One who discloses or reveals.
DISCLOSING, ppr. Uncovering; opening to view; revealing; making known; telling.