KJV Dictionary Definition: deputation



1. The act of appointing a substitute or representative to act for another; the act of appointing and sending a deputy or substitute to transact business for another, as his agent, either with a special commission and authority, or with general powers. This word may be used for the election of representatives to a legislature; but more generally it is employed to express the appointment of a special agent or commissioner, by an individual or public body, to transact a particular business.

2. A special commission or authority to act as the substitute of another; as, this man acts by deputation from the sheriff.

3. The person deputed; the person or persons authorized and sent to transact business for another; as, the General sent a deputation to the enemy to offer terms of peace.


DEPUTE, v.t. To appoint as a substitute or agent to act for another; to appoint and send with a special commission or authority to transact business in anothers name. The sheriff deputes a man to serve a writ.

There is no man deputed by the king to hear. 2 Sam. 15.

The bishop may depute a priest to administer the sacrement.


DEPUTED, pp. Appointed as a substitute; appointed and sent with special authority to act for another.


DEPUTING, ppr. Appointing as a substitute; appointed and sent with special authority to act for another.


DEPUTIZE, v.t. To appoint a deputy; to empower to act for another, as a sheriff.