KJV Dictionary Definition: depart
DEPART, v.i.
1. To go or move from.
Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire. Matt. 25.
It is followed by from, or from is implied before the place left.
I will depart to my own land, that is, I will depart from this place to my own land. Num. 10.
2. To go from; to leave; to desist, as from a practice. Jehu departed not from the sins of Jeroboam. Jehoshaphat departed not from the way of Asa his father.
DEPARTER, n. One who refines metals by separation.
DEPARTING, ppr. Going from; leaving; desisting; forsaking; vanishing; dying.
DEPARTING, n. A going away; separation.
1. Literally, a separation or division; hence, a separate part, or portion; a division of territory; as the departments of France.
2. A separate allotment or part of business; a distinct province, in which a class of duties are allotted to a particular person; as the department of state, assigned to the secretary of state; the treasury department; the department of war.
3. A separate station; as, the admirals had their respective departments. Nearly in this sense, during war, were used in America, the terms, Northern and Southern departments.