KJV Dictionary Definition: deliverable
DELIVERABLE, a. That may be or is to be delivered.
A bill of lading may state that the goods are deliverable to a particular person therein named.
1. Release from captivity, slavery, oppression, or any restraint.
He hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives. Luke 4.
2. Rescue from danger or any evil.
God sent me to save your lives by a great deliverance. Gen. 45:7.
3. The act of bringing forth children.
4. The act of giving or transferring from one to another.
5. The act of speaking or pronouncing; utterance. In the three last senses, delivery is now used.
6. Acquittal of a prisoner, by the verdict of a jury. God send you a good deliverance.
1. One who delivers; one who releases or rescues; a preserver.
The Lord raised up a deliverer to Israel. Judges 30.
2. One who relates, or communicates.