KJV Dictionary Definition: defamation
DEFAMATION, n. The uttering of slanderous words with a view to injure anothers reputation; the malicious uttering of falsehood respecting another which tends to destroy or impair his good name, character or occupation; slander; calumny. To constitute defamation in law, the words must be false and spoken maliciously. Defamatory words written and published are called a libel.
1. To slander; falsely and maliciously to utter words respecting another which tend to injure his reputation or occupation; as to say, a judge is corrupt; a man is perjured; a trader is a knave.
2. To speak evil of; to dishonor by false reports; to calumniate; to libel; to impair reputation by acts or words.
Being defamed, we entreat. 1 Cor. Iv.
DEFAMED, pp. Slandered; dishonored or injured by evil reports.
DEFAMER, n. A slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator.
DEFAMING, ppr. Slandering; injuring the character by false reports.
DEFAMING, n. Defamation; slander.