KJV Dictionary Definition: conspirant
CONSPIRANT, a. L. Conspiring; plotting; engaging in a plot to commit a crime.
CONSPIRATION, n. Conspiracy; agreement or concurrence of things to one end.
1. One who conspires; one who engages in a plot to commit a crime, particularly treason.
2. In law, one who agrees with another falsely and maliciously to indict an innocent person of felony. By the British statute, a conspirator is defined to be one who binds himself by oath, covenant, or other alliance, to assist another falsely and maliciously to indict a person, or falsely to maintain pleas.
CONSPIRE, v.i. L., to plot; to breathe. But the primary sense is to throw, to wind; hence spira, a fold, circle, wreath or band; and the sense of the verb is, to breathe together, or more probably, to wind or band together.
1. To agree, by oath, covenant or otherwise, to commit a crime; to plot; to hatch treason.
The servants of Ammon conspired against him, and slew the king in his own house. 2 Kings 21.
They conspired against Joseph to slay him. Genesis 37.
2. In law, to agree falsely and maliciously to indict an innocent person of felony.
3. To agree; to concur to one end.
The press, the pulpit, and the stage, conspire to censure and expose our age.
All things conspire to make us prosperous.
CONSPIRER, n. One who conspires or plots; a conspirator.
1. Agreeing to commit a crime; plotting; uniting or concurring to one end.
2. In mechanics, conspiring powers are such as act in a direction not opposite to one another; cooperating powers.
CONSPIRINGLY, adv. In the manner of a conspiracy; by conspiracy.