KJV Dictionary Definition: commend



1. To represent as worthy of notice, regard, or kindness; to speak in favor of; to recommend.

I commend to you Phebe our sister. Rom. 16.

2. To commit; to entrust or give in charge.

Father, into hy hands I commend my spirit. Luke 23.

3. To praise; to mention with approbation.

The princes commended Sarai before Pharaoh. The Lord commended the unjust steward.

4. To make acceptable or more acceptable.

But meat commendeth us not to God. 1 Cor. 8.

5. To produce or present to favorable notice.

The chorus had an occasion of commending their voices to the king.

6. To send or bear to.

These draw the chariot which Latinus sends,

And the rich present to the prince commends.


COMMENDABLE, a. That may be commended or praised; worthy of approbation or praise; laudable.

Order and decent ceremonies in the church are commendable.


COMMENDABLENESS, n. State of being commendable.


COMMENDABLY, adv. Laudably; in a praise-worthy manner.



1. The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; declaration of esteem.

Need we, as some other, letters of commendation. 2 Cor. 31.

2. Ground of esteem, approbation or praise; that which presents a person or thing to another in a favorable light, and renders worthy of regard, or acceptance.

Good-nature is the most godlike commendation of a man.

3. Service; respects; message of love.


COMMENDED, pp. Praised; represented favorably; committed in charge.


COMMENDER, n. One who commends or praises.


COMMENDING, ppr. Praising; representing favorably; committing, or delivering in charge.

Note: In imitation of the French, we are accustomed to use recommendation, &c., for commendation. But in most instances, it is better to use the word without the prefix re. A letter of commendation, is the preferable phrase.