KJV Dictionary Definition: collect
1. To gather, as separate persons or things, into one body or place; to assemble or bring together; as, to collect men into an army; to collect ideas; to collect particulars into one sum.
2. To gain by observation or information.
From all that can be collected, the public peace will not soon be interrupted.
3. To gather from premises; to infer as a consequence.
Which consequence, I conceive, is very ill collected.
4. To gather money or revenue from debtors; to demand and receive; as, to collect taxes; to collect the customs; to collect accounts, or debts.
5. To gather, as crops; to reap, mow or pick, and secure in proper repositories; as, to collect hay, corn or fruits.
6. To draw together; to bring into united action; as, to collect all the strength, or all the powers of the mind.
7. To obtain from contribution.
To collect ones self, is to recover from surprise, or a disconcerted state; to gain command over the thoughts, when dispersed; over the passions, when tumultuous; or the mind, when dismayed.
COLLECT, v.i. To run together; to accumulate; as, pus collects in an abscess; sand or snow collects in banks.
1. A short comprehensive prayer; a prayer adapted to a particular day or occasion.
2. A collection or gathering of money.
1. Gathered; assembled; congregated; drawn together.
2. Recovered from surprise or dismay; not disconcerted; cool; firm; prepared.
1. That may be collected or gathered; that may be inferred.
2. That may be gathered or recovered; as, the debts or taxes are or are not collectible.
COLLECTING, ppr. Gathering; drawing together; assembling.
1. The act of gathering, or assembling.
2. The body formed by gathering; an assemblage, or assembly; a crowd; as a collection of men.
3. A contribution; a sum collected for a charitable purpose.
Now concerning the collection for the saints. 1 Cor. 16.
4. A gathering, as of matter in an abscess.
5. The act of deducing consequences; reasoning; inference.
6. A corollary; a consectary; a deduction from premises; consequence.
7. A book compiled from other books, by the putting together of parts; a compilation; as a collection of essays or sermons.
1. Formed by gathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated, or aggregated.
2. Deducing consequences; reasoning; inferring.
3. In grammar, expressing an number or multitude united; as a collective noun or name, which, though in the singular number itself, denotes more than one; as, company, army, troop, assembly.
COLLECTIVELY, adv. In a mass, or body; in a collected state; in the aggregate; unitedly; in a state of combination; as the citizens of a state collectively considered.
COLLECTIVENESS, n. A state of union; mass.