KJV Dictionary Definition: clamor



1. A great outcry; noise; exclamation; vociferation, made by a loud human voice continued or repeated, or by a multitude of voices. It often expresses complaint and urgent demand.

2. Figuratively, loud and continued noise, as of a river or other inanimate things.

CLAMOR, v.t. To stun with noise.

To clamor bells, is to multiply the strokes.

CLAMOR, v.i. To utter loud sounds, or outcries; to talk loud; to utter loud voices repeatedly; to vociferate, as an individual; to utter loud voices, as a multitude; to complain; to make importunate demands.

Those who most loudly clamor for liberty do not most liberally grant it.

Glamor your tongues in Shakespeare, if intended to mean, stop from noise, is not English. Perhaps the word was clam, or intended for a derivative.


CLAMORER, n. One who clamors.


CLAMORING, ppr. Uttering and repeating loud words; making a great and continued noise; particularly in complaint or importunate demands.


CLAMOROUS, a. Speaking and repeating loud words; noisy; vociferous; loud; turbulent.


CLAMOROUSLY, adv. With loud noise, or words.


CLAMOROUSNESS, n. The state or quality of being loud or noisy.