KJV Dictionary Definition: cinnamon


CINNAMON, n. The bark of two species of Laurus. The true cinnamon is the inner bark of the Laurus Cinnamomum, a native of Ceylon. The base cinnamon is from the Laurus Cassia. The true cinnamon is a most grateful aromatic, of a fragrant smell, moderately pungent taste, accompanied with some degree of sweetness and astringency. It is one of the best cordial, carminative and restorative spices. The essential oil is of great price.

Cinnamon stone, called by Hauy, Essonite, is a rare mineral from Ceylon, of a hyacinth red color, yellowish brown or honey yellow; sometimes used in jewelry.

Cinnamon-water, is made by distilling the bark, first infused in barley water, in spirit of wine, brandy or white wine.

Clove-cinnamon, is the bark of a tree growing in Brazil, which is often substituted for real cloves.

White-cinnamon, or Winters bark, is the bark of a tree, growing in the West Indies, of a sharp biting taste, like pepper.