KJV Dictionary Definition: child



1. A son or a daughter; a male or female descendant, in the first degree; the immediate progeny of parents; applied to the human race, and chiefly to a person when young. The term is applied to infants from their birth; but the time when they cease ordinarily to be so called, is not defined by custom. In strictness, a child is the shoot, issue or produce of the parents, and a person of any age, in respect to the parents, is a child.

An infant.

Hagar cast the child under one of the shrubs. Gen. 21.

It signifies also a person of more advanced years.

Jephthas daughter was his only child. Judges 11.

The child shall behave himself proudly. Is. 3.

A curse will be on those who corrupt the morals of their children.

The application of child to a female in opposition to a male, as in Shakspeare, is not legitimate.

2. One weak in knowledge, experience, judgment or attainments; as, he is a mere child.

Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child. Jer. 1.

3. One young in grace. 1 John 2.

One who is unfixed in principles. Eph. 4.

4. One who is born again, spiritually renewed and adopted; as a child of God.

5. One who is the product of another; or whose principles and morals are the product of another.

Thou child of the devil. Acts 13.

That which is the product or effect of something else.

This noble passion, child of integrity.

6. In the plural, the descendants of a man however remote; as the children of Israel; the children of Edom.

7. The inhabitants of a country; as the children of Seir. 2 Chron. 25.

To be with child, to be pregnant. Gen. 16:11, Gen. 29:36.

CHILD, v.i. To bring children.


CHILDED, a. Furnished with a child.


CHILDING, ppr. Bearing children; producing; as childing women.