KJV Dictionary Definition: bountiful
BOUN'TIFUL, a. bounty and full. Free to give; liberal in bestowing gifts and favors; munificent; generous.
God, the bountiful author of our being.
It is followed by of before the thing given, and to before the person receiving.
BOUN'TIFULNESS, n. The quality of being bountiful; liberality in the bestowment of gifts and favors.
BOUN'TY, n. L.bonitas, from bonus, good.
1. Liberality in bestowing gifts and favors; generosity; munificence. The word includes the gift or favor and the kindness of disposition with which it is bestowed; or a favor bestowed with benevolent disposition. This distinguishes it from a mere gift. It is also observed by Johnson, that it differs from charity, as a present from an alms, in not being bestowed upon persons absolutely necessitous. This is often the case; but bounty includes charity, as the genus comprehends the species; charity however does not necessarily include bounty, for charity or an alms may be given with reluctance.
The word may be used also for a free gift, 2 Bor.4.5' or a disposition to give, without the gift; goodness in general.
2. A premium offered or given, to induce men to enlist into the public service; or to encourage any branch of industry, as husbandry, manufactures or commerce.