KJV Dictionary Definition: book
BOOK, n. Like the Latin liber, book signifies primarily bark and beech, the tree being probably named from its bark.
A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. The name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.
1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.
2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures, &c.
In books, in kind remembrance; in favor.
I was so much in his books, that at his decease he left me his lamp.
Without book, by memory; without reading;without notes; as, a sermon was delivered without book. This phrase is used also in the sense of without authority; as,a man asserts without book.
BOOK, v.t. To enter, write or register in a book.
BOOK'ED, pp. Written in a book; registered.
BOOK'FUL, a. book and full. Full of notions gleaned from books; crowded with undigested learning.
BOOK'ING, ppr. Registering in a book.