KJV Dictionary Definition: begin


BEGIN', v.i. pret. began; pp. begun. L.genero,gigno; Heb.to make ready, to adapt,prepare, establish.

1. To have an original or first existence; to take rise; to commence.

As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, who have been since the world began. Luke 1.

Judgment must begin at the house of God. 1 Pet.4.

From Nimrod first the savage race began.

And tears began to flow.

2. To do the first act; to enter upon something new; to take the first step; as, begin, my muse.

Begin every day to repent.

When I begin, I will also make an end. 1 Sam.3.

BEGIN'v.t. To do the first act of any thing; to enter on; to commence.

Ye nymphs of Solyma, begin the song.

And this they begin to do. Gen.11.

2. To trace from any thing, as the first ground; to lay the foundation.

The apostle begins our knowledge in the creatures, which leads us to the knowledge of God.

To begin with, to enter upon first; to use or employ first; as, to begin with the Latin Grammar; to begin business with a small capital.


BEGIN'NING, ppr. First entering upon; commencing; giving rise or original; taking rise or origin.

BEGIN'NING, n. The first cause; origin.

I am the beginning and the ending. Rev.1.

1. That which is first; the first state; commencement; entrance into being.

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Gen.1.

3. The rudiments, first ground or materials.

Mighty things from small beginnings grow