KJV Dictionary Definition: bat
BAT, n.
1. A heavy stick or club; a piece of wood with one end thicker or broader than the other.
2. Bat or bate, a small copper coin of Germany, with a small mixture of silver, worth four crutzers. Also a coin of Switzerland, worth five livres.
3. A term given by miners to shale or bituminous shale.
BAT, v.i. To manage a bat, or play with one.
BAT, n. I have not found this word in any European language, except in English.
A race of quadrupeds, technically called Vespertilio, of the order primates, in Linne's system. The fore feet have the toes connected by a membrane, expanded into a kind of wings, by means of which the animals fly. The species are numerous. Of these, the vampire or Ternate bat inhabits Africa and the Oriental Isles. These animals fly in flocks from isle to isle, obscuring the sun by their numbers. Their wings when extended measure five or six feet. They live on fruits; but are said sometimes to draw blood from persons when asleep. The bats of the northern latitudes are small; they are viviparous and suckle their young. Their skin resembles that of a mouse. They enter houses in pleasant summer evenings, feed upon moths, flies, flesh, and oily substances, and are torpid during the winter.
BAT'FUL, a. See Batten. Rich, fertile, as land. Not in use.
BAT'TING, n. The management of a bat play.