KJV Dictionary Definition: ascribable


ASCRI'BABLE, a. See Ascribe. That may be ascribed or attributed.


ASCRI'BE, v.t. L. ascribo, of ad and scribo, to write.

1. To attribute, impute, or set to, as to a cause; to assign, as effect to a cause; as, losses are often to be ascribed to imprudence.

2. To attribute, as a quality, or an appurtenance; to consider or allege to belong; as, to ascribe perfection to God, or imperfection to man. Job 36. Ps. 68. 1Sam. 18.


ASCRI'BED, pp. Attributed or imputed; considered or alleged, as belonging.


ASCRI'BING, ppr. Attributing; imputing; alleging to belong.