KJV Dictionary Definition: apparel
APPAR'EL, n. L. paro, apparo, to prepare; Heb. bara
1. Clothing; vesture; garments; dress.
2. External habiliments or decorations; appearance; as, religion appears in the natural apparel of simplicity.
Glorious in apparel. Is. 63.
3. The furniture of a ship, as sails, rigging, anchors, &c.
APPAR'EL, v.t.
1. To dress or clothe.
They who are gorgeously appareled are in kings court.
Luke 7.
2. To adorn with dress.
She did apparel her apparel.
3. To dress with external ornaments; to cover with something ornamental; to cover, as with garments; as, trees appareled with flowers; or a garden with verdure.
4. To furnish with external apparatus; as ships appareled for sea.
APPAR'ELED, pp. Dressed; clothed; covered as with dress; furnished.
APPAR'ELING, ppr. Dressing; clothing; covering as with dress; furnishing.