KJV Dictionary Definition: advertise


ADVERTI'SE, v.t. s as z. See Advert.

1. To inform; to give notice, advice or intelligence to, whether of a past or present event, or of something future.

I will advertise thee what this people will do to thy people in the latter day. Num. 24.

I thought to advertise thee, saying; buy it before the inhabitants and elders of my people. Ruth 4.

In this sense, it has of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his losses.

2. To publish a notice of; to publish a written or printed account of; as, to advertise goods or a farm.


ADVERTI'SED, pp. Informed; notified; warned; used of persons: published; made known; used of things.


ADVER'TISEMENT, n. Information; admonition, notice given. More generally, a publication intended to give notice; this may be, by a short account printed in a newspaper, or by a written account posted, or otherwise made public.


ADVERTI'SER, n. One who advertises. This title is often given to public prints.



1. Informing; giving notice; publishing notice.

2. a. Furnishing advertisements; as, advertising customers.

3. In the sense of monitory, or active in giving intelligence, as used by Shakespeare. Not now used.