KJV Dictionary Definition: accord


ACCORD', n.The Lat. has concors, concordo.

1. Agreement; harmony of minds; consent or concurrence of opinions or wills.

They all continued with one accord in prayer. Acts, 1.

2. Concert; harmony of sounds; the union of different sounds, which is agreeable to the ear; agreement in pitch and tone; as the accord of notes; but in this sense, it is more usual to employ concord or chord.

3. Agreement; just correspondence of things; as the accord of light and shade in painting.

4. Will; voluntary or spontaneous motion; used of the will of persons, or the natural motion of other bodies, and preceded by own.

Being more forward of his own accord. 2Cor. 8.

That which groweth of its own accord thou shall not reap. Lev. 25.

5. Adjustment of a difference; reconciliation.

The mediator of an accord.

6. In law, an agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, bars a suit.

7. Permission, leave.

ACCORD', v.t.

1. To make to agree, or correspond; to adjust one thing to another.

Her hands accorded the lute's music to the voice.

2. To being to an agreement; to settle, adjust or compose; as to accord suits or controversies.


ACCORD'ABLE, a. Agreeable, consonant.


ACCORD'ANT, a. Corresponding; consonant; agreeable.


ACCORD'ED, pp. Make to agree; adjusted.


ACCORD'ER, n. One that aids, or favors. Little used.



1. Agreeing; harmonizing.

Th' according music of a well mixt state.

2. Suitable; agreeable; in accordance with.

In these senses, the word agrees with or refers to a sentence.

Our zeal should be according to knowledge.

Noble is the fame that is built on candor and ingenuity, according to those beautiful lines of Sir John Denham.

Here the whole preceding parts of the sentence are to accord, i.e. agree with, correspond with, or be suitable to, what follows. According, here, has its true participial sense, agreeing, and is always followed by to. It is never a preposition.


ACCORD'INGLY, adv. Agreeably; suitably; in a manner conformable to.

Those who live in faith and good works, will be rewarded accordingly.