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Old 11-08-2008, 12:18 AM
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Default The Chronicles Of The Obamessiah, Volume II: In The Temple


This is so funny!!!!!!!!!

The Chronicles Of The Obamessiah, Volume II: In The Temple

These guys are very good!!!!!!!!!

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Old 11-08-2008, 02:39 AM
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This video makes me uncomfortable.

Peace and Love,
Old 11-08-2008, 10:38 AM
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This video makes me uncomfortable.

Why is that? It's a joke,

Old 11-08-2008, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post

Why is that? It's a joke,

I realize that. It's just that the footage they used is from a film that I placed value upon in years past, and then the fact that they're mocking the president elect in it, compounds into a 'joke' that I'm not comfortable with. Perhaps this stuff was ok when Obama was merely running for president, but now that he is going to be our president, I think the time for mockery is past. That's just my take though, and you are free to disagree with me of course. But you should know when you post this stuff that it makes some folks uncomfortable.

Peace and Love,
Old 11-08-2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
I realize that. It's just that the footage they used is from a film that I placed value upon in years past, and then the fact that they're mocking the president elect in it, compounds into a 'joke' that I'm not comfortable with. Perhaps this stuff was ok when Obama was merely running for president, but now that he is going to be our president, I think the time for mockery is past. That's just my take though, and you are free to disagree with me of course. But you should know when you post this stuff that it makes some folks uncomfortable.

Peace and Love,
I say he's fair game until he truly becomes the president.

Then again I'm seriously enjoying my Free Magnolia magazine (, so my political views are sure to be questioned immediately!
Old 11-08-2008, 08:51 PM
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Default Obama film; plus, on a serious note

I think it's a great film. I forwarded it to all my Obama-loving family members and told them that now I understand, and I'm sorry I wasted my vote on McCain.

But seriously, I've been pondering how we pray for Barak, and how to encourage others to pray for him . . . seems to me like it's:

--his personal salvation (NOT United Church of Christ church membership!)
--the salvation of his family
--his safety (and the safety of his family)
--some kind of normal life for his young children
--wisdom in making decisions, seeking advisors, and establishing relationships
--protection from foolish or impulsive decisions

What else? Surely the more we pray for the guy, the better off he's going to be . . .

Old 11-08-2008, 10:01 PM
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But you should know when you post this stuff that it makes some folks uncomfortable.
How should I know this?

Also should I now be chanting " Yes We Can!!!!!!and Change!!!!!! " as loud as I can just because he won?

I was told to pray for the man nothing more. I am praying for him when he gets in office. I'll pray that he gets saved.


Last edited by atlas; 11-08-2008 at 10:17 PM.
Old 11-08-2008, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post

How should I know this?

Also should I now be chanting " Yes We Can!!!!!!and Change!!!!!! " as loud as I can just because he won?

I was told to pray for the man nothing more. I am praying for him when he gets in office. I'll pray that he gets saved.

I didn't mean to sound like I was saying "you should know better". I was trying to say "I'm letting you know this makes some of the brethren uncomfortable".

Concerning what we are told to be doing in the Word of God: You should also be honouring him (Romans 13:7), and trying not to have any appearance of evil as you speak to others about Obama. It's one thing to disagree with the man (I myself whole heartedly disagree with nearly every idea he has. I was rooting for Ron Paul), and an entirely different thing mock him in a way that in the eyes of the weak might be construed as an attempt to incite sedition in others. You see, I've noticed this election (this is my first election where I've been in fellowship with IFB's), that my fellow Baptists have been acting in a way I feel is umbecoming of those that profess faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. I've tried really hard to not get to frustrated with this behaviour, and tried patiently to warn folks to trust that God is still God and fully in control of things, and to honor the man in the office, but some people seem to try their hardest to push the line of acceptable Christian practice. This video in particlular really frustrated me because in the eyes of someone that isn't a Christian (and in the eyes of some Christians, myself included) the video could be viewed as mocking Christianity in general. This is in and of itself entirely unacceptable.

I hope the spirit of what I'm saying is clear. I'm not trying to convince anyone to raise the Obamanation flag by any means. I just want people to recognize that our words and actions concerning the President elect could help or harm our witness towards the unbelieving onlookers, as well as the born again Christians that are watching us.

Peace and Love,
Old 11-08-2008, 11:22 PM
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Our job is to glorify God through our obedience to the government that God has allowed to come to power.

At the same time, I don't mind giving Obama what-for up until he actually becomes our president.
Old 11-09-2008, 12:05 AM
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This video in particlular really frustrated me because in the eyes of someone that isn't a Christian (and in the eyes of some Christians, myself included) the video could be viewed as mocking Christianity in general.
It is not mocking the bible or Christians at all it is mocking the idea of " Obamessiah " and how some act as if he is the messiah.

I will honouring him by paying higher taxes.

Rom. 13:7

Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
That is what Rom 13:7 tells me to do is pay taxes. It dose not say I have to be nice to him. I am to pay my taxes and pray for him. i will do both of these things.

Unless I do not pay my taxes I will not be disobeying the Bible. Trust me I will pay my taxes so the bottom 90% can get my money and be happy. I will also make sure I keep my money in tax free investments this way I can pay less taxes so the leeches and the messiah will get less of my money. I will pay what I must by the law. I will also make sure I use the law to pay as little as I can. I will move my money to as many tax free investments as I can.

So let's not just post the chapter and verse numbers. Lets see what the Bible says in Rom 13:7. It's telling m to pay my taxes. I always do. So do not tell me this video has anything to do with me paying my taxes because it dose not.


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