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Old 04-15-2009, 09:51 AM
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Default Triple Inspiration, Part One

Friends, this is a small chapter in a book I am working on called The Original Manuscript Fraud. It is titled as a doctrine, but it was arrived at by Bible study and concerns the Bible version issue, so that's why it's in this section of the Forum. It will comprise between four and seven parts, I hope it is of value to all of you and that you are edified and encouraged.

Grace and peace to all.


The Doctrine Of Triple Inspiration

1Corinthians 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
2Corinthians 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
2Corinthians 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
Psalms 56:5 Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil.
2Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Every day the word of God is wrested, twisted, and corrupted by those who use it the least. They are the ones who, either by legitimately earned or self-appointed scholarship, craftily and deceitfully try to play a Jehovah’s Witness word game with Psalms 12:6-7 by trying to change the rules of both English and Hebrew grammar to make it say what it does not say, to wit; “…God only promised to preserve the poor…” of verse 5. They write, and then merrily plagiarize each other, “Questions for KJV-Onlys”. They condescend to those who don’t know Origen and Eusebius nor know what a conflation or Lucian Recencion is. They translate their own “versions” of the “bible” and then in their Statements Of “Faith” they will utter the truth:
KJV advocates have “…declared a holy war against those who do not hold their views on the KJV…”
You can bet your bottom drachma and last shekel we have.
The most fervent and zealous “advocate” of the KJV is the frontline soldier for Christ; the one who wields it every day, the one who does not criticize its cutting edge in spiritual combat. We don’t write textbooks nor give lectures and seminars. We don’t hold tenure in colleges. We aren’t on TV or radio, making converts to ourselves, and to our own dishonest, deceptive and scholarly matriculated crackpot opinions. We don’t ignore honest and valid scholarship that established “…the correct text and manuscript families” for the true word of God, blood-bought scholars past and present who beat those who wrest the Scriptures at their own game: the “science” of “textual criticism” We don’t indulge and waste time in useless letter-writing debates with each other. We don’t spend every spare moment on a computer using the GOOGLE search engine to scan every “anti-KJV-Only” webpage to borrow and steal information to win arguments against “KJV-Onlys” and then treat the lies we tie our souls to as if we originated them ourselves. Who are the “KJV-Onlys”?

We are the ones who have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are the ones whose sum total of righteousness is as filthy rags. We are the ministers of the reconciliation, ambassadors for Christ created unto good works, unfit vessels for so great a salvation. We are the door-to-door representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, the missionaries in a foreign land, the street ministers, the youth pastors and Sunday school teachers. We are the paltry flesh and clay urns with agoraphobia who cannot handle crowds and so we stick tracts titled “God’s Last Name Is Not Damn” in twelve packs of beer and we don’t stand in “higher criticism” of the Scripture on those tracts as to whether or not they have “manuscript backing”. We are the parents and Sunday School teachers who rent helium tanks and watch our children stuff balloons with tracts to be released into the jet stream where they may travel for thousands of miles before they burst, raining the words of God down, and we don’t police each child’s tract and wipe through a verse with a black marker pen because “…it’s not IN the original manuscripts”. We’re sure it was in the original manuscripts. We don’t need the “original manuscripts”, we have a copy in our hands given by inspiration of God. And it is better than the original manuscripts because we can read our copy, it’s not written in three dead languages but in the tongue we speak today. It is given to us by inspiration, it’s “inspired”; two words The Original Manuscript Frauds are afraid of unless it is applied to writings that no longer exist. If Christians have God’s word in their hands, the OMFs are no longer needed. The OMF have tied their reputations, their vocations, minds, and souls to “the empiric scientific method” created by the Jesuits. They want to be on “the winning side”, they don’t want to be identified with “…the extremists…”
2Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
No more extreme than the apostle Paul, who had copies of the “inspired” Scriptures in his hands given by the inspiration God, and he knew it.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
The Original Manuscript Frauds confine “inspired” Scripture to manuscripts and other reading and writing media that no longer exists, as if the word of God came out of them and for them alone; accusing those who believe that copies and translations can be given by the same inspiration as the long-dead original manuscripts of teaching and believing in “double inspiration”, a “heresy”.
The OMFs are wrong on both counts.
Not only were the original manuscripts given by a singular act of inspiration; copies and translations propagating by a second and complimentary act of inspiration, they have missed the third and most practical act of inspiration by failing to look in a mirror: The third, the triple act of inspiration, is in the body, soul, spirit, mind, and reasonable service of the believer.

(Cont' in Part Two)

Last edited by tonybones2112; 04-15-2009 at 10:15 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 04-15-2009, 09:51 PM
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Not only were the original manuscripts given by a singular act of inspiration; copies and translations propagating by a second and complimentary act of inspiration, they have missed the third and most practical act of inspiration by failing to look in a mirror
There is no evidence that copies and translations were propagated by inspiration. What they are is copies of the originally inspired Word. The God who inspired also worked providentially to preserve. The preserved words are inspired words, not because of secondary or tertiary acts of inspiration, but because they are faithfully transmitting what was originally inspired, so that we still have the inspired words today.
Old 04-16-2009, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
Not only were the original manuscripts given by a singular act of inspiration; copies and translations propagating by a second and complimentary act of inspiration
Are you saying that the copies and translations were "given by inspiration" or simply "inspired" copies and translations?
Old 04-16-2009, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by pbiwolski View Post
Are you saying that the copies and translations were "given by inspiration" or simply "inspired" copies and translations?
I don't see a difference, as copies and translations are given by inspiration(otherwise they are not "Scriptures")and they are inspired if they are what God works through to make converts alive to Christ and give us understanding of the word(Job 32:8). Part Two is coming soon.

Grace and peace

Tony Bones
Old 04-22-2009, 07:53 AM
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Tony, Barry over on FFF has placed a challenge to you regarding your book. He first implies that you may not actually be working on a book by using the statement, "You claim that you are writing a book on KJVOism." He also misrepresents the purpose of your book. Since you have not been posting on FFF recently, you may not have noticed it. Of course he falsely implies that you are afraid or unable to answer his challenge.

I posted a few responses, but my time left there is limited (5 more posts), and I shouldn't answer for you, so I thought I might mention it here. I know you can very well handle yourself, and I am perfectly happy whether you choose to respond or not. Barry is recalcitrant anyhow.

Barry cannot post on this forum because of past indiscretions, so he would not be able to debate here.
Old 04-22-2009, 08:11 AM
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Freesundayschoollessons is a true adversary. He has gone out of his way to make a comment on my latest YouTube videos too. I have let him have his little blab, only to show that we are able to answer the gainsayers. Having "discussions" with him is like going to the School of Tyrannus.
Old 04-22-2009, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Tony, Barry over on FFF has placed a challenge to you regarding your book. He first implies that you may not actually be working on a book by using the statement, "You claim that you are writing a book on KJVOism." He also misrepresents the purpose of your book. Since you have not been posting on FFF recently, you may not have noticed it. Of course he falsely implies that you are afraid or unable to answer his challenge.

I posted a few responses, but my time left there is limited (5 more posts), and I shouldn't answer for you, so I thought I might mention it here. I know you can very well handle yourself, and I am perfectly happy whether you choose to respond or not. Barry is recalcitrant anyhow.

Barry cannot post on this forum because of past indiscretions, so he would not be able to debate here.
Tim, thank you so much, I have a family illness here. My wife has not been well and I see to her as much as I possibly can and I don;t mean to neglect them over there. I hope my arrival didn;t make things hard for you, but short of admitting Machiavellianisn, there is a purpose in everything I do and I'll get over as soon as I can and again, thank you. I don;t understand why you have chosen not to post there anymore but like me, you have a reason.

Grace and peace and call on me anytime I can be a help to you.

Old 04-22-2009, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by bibleprotector View Post
Freesundayschoollessons is a true adversary. He has gone out of his way to make a comment on my latest YouTube videos too. I have let him have his little blab, only to show that we are able to answer the gainsayers. Having "discussions" with him is like going to the School of Tyrannus.
My friend, the main thrust we have in trying to have an answer for everyone as Paul said, is that perhaps the answer is not always for the person doing the answering, as we discussed getting"off topic" with Nehemiah in his short stay.

My answers on the Bible version issues are not from Hills and Burgon, but from the Scriptures themselves. Even as fellow soldiers and friends, you and I could discuss and debate Vaticanus till Christ returns and it would be of no effect to anyone. My discussions on the Scriptures is from the position of the Scriptures themselves. That is the thrust of my little booklet I have been planning and working on. A Biblical response to the Original Manuscript Fraud.

Grace and peace to you

Old 04-22-2009, 09:17 AM
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Tony, please don't take my statements as pressure on you to respond. I just didn't know if you had seen the little ankle-biter's jabs at you (written in love, Barry ).

The reason that I am leaving FFF is basically that I determined some time back to stop before I hit the 1000 posts. I have been there for a long time, and little has come out of it. I made a decision to let the 999th post be my last so that I would not get the title "Fundamental Pope". I know that it is just a silly title chosen by the system operator, but I eschew the name "pope".
Old 04-22-2009, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Tony, please don't take my statements as pressure on you to respond. I just didn't know if you had seen the little ankle-biter's jabs at you (written in love, Barry ).

The reason that I am leaving FFF is basically that I determined some time back to stop before I hit the 1000 posts. I have been there for a long time, and little has come out of it. I made a decision to let the 999th post be my last so that I would not get the title "Fundamental Pope". I know that it is just a silly title chosen by the system operator, but I eschew the name "pope".
Right on brother. That's your conviction and I stand with you on it if that's your feelings. We gave them Hills, Burgon, Waite, Ruckman, I'm gonna see if they can handle Scripture.

Tim, who created the "KJV-Only"?

They did.

Pope Clement did, Satan did, Westcott and Hort did, Kutelik, Hudson, White, BJU, they all created their own monster. Let's look at them from a human perspective: This is all these people have. What else do they have? Rather than stand next to you and me and the rest of this forum and weather the assaults and fiery darts, they turn into chihuahuas, as you say, rather than be a lion for Christ.

They got their work cut out for them brother, they got questions coming they can't answer.

Grace and peace to you


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