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Old 04-11-2009, 11:55 AM
Mind and Body Mind and Body is offline
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But God, knowing my heart, knows that I think no-one other than Him to be Holy. It is perhaps not good to say things like "holy cow!" but does God not know my intent and that I am not sincere in my saying? Oh, and thank you for your genteel, reasonable, and kind post. I really wish Brother George would post in such a way. Is that too much to ask? There is a difference from being zealous and just being rude.
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Old 04-11-2009, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Mind and Body View Post
Quit knit-picking, George. The "Holy" in "holy cow!" is lowercase, capitalized only because it was at the beginning of the sentence. You are just being ignorant if you try to act as if I was insinuating that any cow is Holy. You for some reason don't like me, even though I have no objections to your response to my posts (other than your hostility), so I should have known that you would find anything to yip at me about. I'll leave if you want me to.

Mind and Body,

"holy cow" is a lousy expression for a Christian. I wasn't "insinuating" anything, other than your choice of words demonstrates both "ignorance" and "insensitivity" on your part in the use of the word "HOLY". To use the Biblical word "Holy" in a pejorative sense is irresponsible and immature. And the fact that you "STILL JUSTIFIED" your use of the term, even AFTER brother Winman pointed out to you (in a gentle manner) that using the word as you did is blasphemous, proves that you will not receive instruction, no matter WHO instructs you, and no matter HOW that instruction is given.

"Liking" you or not "liking" you has nothing to do with my responses to you. It's not a matter of "LIKE" - it's the fact that as an "educator" you have displayed an amazing amount of ignorance of the church of God and its history since its beginning, and you seem to have a "chip on your shoulder" whenever questioned.

You can stay or leave, it's your decision; but I will remind you (again) - you have yet to respond to any of the points that I brought up, other than to protest my "hostility" towards you.

If you are going to Post on an "adult" Forum, you should be more careful when making statements that are not factual, and you should try to ask intelligent questions, instead fatuous questions for which there are no meaningful answers.

Last edited by George; 04-11-2009 at 12:11 PM.
Old 04-11-2009, 12:10 PM
Winman Winman is offline
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Mind and Body

Well, why don't you take the first step, and give a respectful and sincere answer to the questions he asked. Then I am sure you will receive a respectful and sincere answer.

And you've heard the saying, "sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind"? That is straight from the Bible.

Prov 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love. 6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

John the Baptist probably seemed rude when he said:

Matt 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

And the Lord himself may have seemed rude when he spoke to the scribes and Pharisees.

Matt 23: 33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Old 04-11-2009, 09:09 PM
Mind and Body Mind and Body is offline
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I'll say it again, because you didn't hear me the first time: I have nothing to say about the points you made, George. Scripture--not you, but Scripture--has silenced me. I will not say anything to you again, and I ask that you do likewise, unless you have anything to say that isn't either ad hominem and pointless or arrogant and rude.
Old 04-12-2009, 04:36 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Brethren, this is getting ugly. Would it be out of line for me to suggest we cease with the personal attacks on each other... clubbing each other with hurtful comments is not going to solve anything.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. -- Eph. 4:32

(message delivered, ducking now and slipping out the back door)...
Old 04-12-2009, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: " Do Roman Catholics Go To Hell?"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Brethren, this is getting ugly. Would it be out of line for me to suggest we cease with the personal attacks on each other... clubbing each other with hurtful comments is not going to solve anything.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. -- Eph. 4:32

(message delivered, ducking now and slipping out the back door)...

Aloha brother Parish,

I appreciate your concern, but have you any way of knowing (for sure) WHO is our "brother" (or "sister") in Christ on this Forum? Or WHO may be a "sheep in wolves clothing"; or a "False Teacher"; or a "Heretic"; or just some Christian that is spouting off without having any solid grounding in the Scriptures? We get one of the above at least once a week - and sometimes more often!

Have you noticed that you and I have NEVER "clashed" - not even once (even though we obviously have very different personalities and concerns?) Have you ever noticed that I have never "clashed" with brother Chette (and yet you have)? I have never "clashed" with brothers (or sisters) Biblestudent, Bibleprotecter, Chette, CKG, Cody1611, Debau, drBible1611, Forrest, fundy, Gord, Here Am I, JMWHALEN, Kiwi Christian, KJB Princess, Luke, Manny Rodriguez, Paladin54, pbiwolski, peopleoftheway, pneuby, Steve Schwenke, Steven Avery, Stvvv1611, swordsman, TheBibleSender, tonybones2112, Traditional Anglican, Vendetta Ride, Will Kinney, Winman, for example.

I would almost guarantee you that If I were to sit down and talk with these brethren, that there are areas where we would agree to "disagree", I wouldn't "brow beat" them over our differences (as long as it wasn't clear and unmistakable "heresy").

Brother Sammy Tabuena (Biblestudent) and I have had a couple of "differences" and yet we still fellowship with each other.

I think that brother MC1171611 have had a couple of differences (my memory is "fuzzy"), but there isn't any "bad blood" between us (as far as I know - and not on my part).

Brother Tim and I have had a few disagreements (some stronger than others), but we have always walked away from our "differences" (most of the time still not "settled" between us), still respecting each other, and without malice or rancor. I can say, in all sincerity, that even though he and I differ on several issues (of importance to each of us), that I could sit down and have a cup of tea (coffee for him), or I could pray and worship with him any time. HOW do explain that? WHAT is the difference then?

Brother Stephenos (Stephen) and I "CLASHED" big time soon after he came on the Forum, and yet today, we not only get along, but I don't hesitate to call him a brother in Christ, and with whom I could also pray and worship.

What is going on then? It can't be just differences in "personalities", because I am as different from some of these brethren as you could get. There has to be something more then, and I believe it is the fact that I have a very low tolerance for Pharisees (religious dictators & bigots) and proud, vain, and arrogant "Academic types" of Christians (know-it-alls), who when pressed or questioned are proven to be either ignorant, or worse, liars!

There is a third "type" of Christian that I have difficulty with (and there are lots more of them today than 30, or 40, or 50 years ago), and that is the Christian who is neither a Pharisee or an "elitist" (scholar/scribe), but who looks up to Christian "Celebrities" and relies upon them for knowledge, discernment, and understanding of Scriptural issues and matters, rather than looking to the Bible itself and relying on the Holy Spirit to teach them.

We are told to: [2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.] NOT study the commentators; NOT study some Christian "celebrities" books; NOT study some preachers "sermons"; NOT study "Christian" Radio or "Christian" TV! We are instructed (NAY COMMANDED) to STUDY THE WORD OF TRUTH!

And when I see someone on the Forum constantly recommending "men" (Christian "celebrities") or men's books, tapes, dvd's, etc. instead of the words of God (i.e. the Bible), and especially when one of those men recommended is a "False Teacher", it really gets to me.

And when someone starts asking cleverly "loaded questions", which when examined are non sequiturs, asinine, or just plain silly or stupid; or if they start making statements that are untrue and that cannot be backed up with either FACTS or SCRIPTURE (depending on the issue) - I become "suspicious" that someone has shown up who just possibly may have a "personal agenda" and who may not be sincerely interested in edifying or being edified, I take the Sword of The Lord (NOT the "Fundamentalist Newspaper"!) and parry with them with the Scriptures. And if they are NOT sincere, they soon start "squealing" and "crying" like little babies when lightly cut with the word.

Coddling crybaby Christians is as bad as coddling a spoiled child - it does absolutely no good, and there is no "profit", in trying mollify a "extra-sensitive" Christian, anymore than there is anything to be gained in trying to "mollify" a spoiled brat! And since I cannot (and would not) "spank" them physically (their NOT my children), I joust with them with words (this is NOT A GAME with me) mostly God's words.

Those Christians who are mature and sincere, can discuss and possibly even debate spiritual issues, without getting their "feelings" hurt. Those who are immature and childish always cry "foul". They either cannot or will not discuss spiritual issues reasonably, and when presented with some error in their thinking, they always continue to disregard the Scriptures, justify their continued disobedience, and then accuse me of being "hard", or "rude", or "hostile", or "arrogant" , etc., etc.

If you will notice - there are many subjects on the Forum that I will not engage in, but when it comes to an attack on The Book; recommending false teachers or their works; or newcomers spouting off about things that they know little or nothing about, that is another matter.

There are many "guests" here that never Post; I wouldn't want them to think that we tolerate Bible correctors; hereticks (or their works); or people who make statements that are not true, or who ask ridiculous or clever questions that stir up trouble (i.e. troublemakers). If we don't "contend" with these people it will soon be chaos and anarchy on the Forum!
Old 04-12-2009, 11:45 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by George View Post
There are many "guests" here that never Post; I wouldn't want them to think that we tolerate Bible correctors; hereticks (or their works); or people who make statements that are not true...
Rest assured my brother, anytime we get any slimy Bible correctors on this forum I will always put the gloves on and join you in the ring (we will tag team them together)... Brother Chette can be the referee...
Old 04-12-2009, 01:50 PM
Mind and Body Mind and Body is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Brethren, this is getting ugly. Would it be out of line for me to suggest we cease with the personal attacks on each other... clubbing each other with hurtful comments is not going to solve anything.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. -- Ephesians 4:32
Amen, Brother. George, because I would rather stay on this Forum for learning and researching purposes, I ask you to forgive me for my stupid questions and tone and I will forgive you for coming off a bit hostile, deal? You are very Biblically literate and I know that you can be a source of great Christian insight, so I ask that you forgive me.

*extends hand...* Friends? Want to shake on it?
Old 04-12-2009, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: "Do Roman Catholics Go To Hell?"

Originally Posted by Mind and Body View Post
Amen, Brother. George, because I would rather stay on this Forum for learning and researching purposes, I ask you to forgive me for my stupid questions and tone and I will forgive you for coming off a bit hostile, deal? You are very Biblically literate and I know that you can be a source of great Christian insight, so I ask that you forgive me.

*extends hand...* Friends? Want to shake on it?
Aloha mind and Body,

That's a deal! Brother Stephen and I had a far worst "start" than you and I. I accept your apology, and if I have offended you, I also apologize. I did not purposely set out to offend you or to be offensive. We all can learn from each other - if we seek the mind of Christ (through His Holy word) on spiritual issues.

I'm willing to put these disagreements behind us and make a fresh start.
Old 04-12-2009, 06:55 PM
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