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Old 07-06-2009, 11:03 PM
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It is very easy to judge righteously from the very words that were posted. Unless you worded it wrong and meant something other than what you stated which seemed very clear to us.

But anyone who is finds refreshment, edification, peace, joy and rejoicing over corrupt communication, clamour, evil-speaking, bitterness and malice all of which is posted in Post 54 and other posts show us well what type of spirit they may well be. For that you are happy? you find joy in another's hurt? you are edified by someones sinfulness? the fact that Parish butted into a post written to Tim was wrong on his part in the first place.

I will give you a chance to clarify yourself, if I and Peoples misunderstood your post. We will apologize directly if this was the case. But the simple take without adding to it our interpretation or feelings was you enjoyed every word that came out of Parish's post, and what he said was corrupt, malicious, slanderous and what is known Biblically as evil speaking. of which we are to do our best to avoid.

Now, if you are rejoicing at the fact, which seemed to us you were, that Parish called George on some of his remarks. please remember as I posted earlier you and Parish have ability to read into another's post their complete and whole emotional state without having eye contact, body language, intonation and immediate emotional state. And I guarantee neither of your are gifted with the ability to read another persons mind.

that is why we judge righteously and check our own heart to be sure we understood properly what was communicated in a post.

if we are wrong we will be the first to admit it. but if we are right?

I took a peek at your web page. nice family you got there. the all natural and down to earth things you are a blessing in deed. I have a good friend living in Virginia (that's where I call home when in the States. I carry my VA divers license and all my State taxes are paid there). anyway, he is in to the all natural way, and into preserving fruits and vegetables for winter, making butter, goats cheese and like you soap.

Last edited by chette777; 07-06-2009 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:41 AM
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Folks, I have been gone for a long week-end with some of my family, and away from the internet, phone, radio, and TV. The latter three don't matter much as far as my keeping up with them, but this forum does. I have a lot of backlog at work so I have not been able to read carefully the last four or five pages on the thread. I did skim enough to understand that I made a serious mistake in my early post. I should not have used George's name in that sentence. As I look back now, it was completely unnecessary, and I truly apologize to George, Brandon, and the members of this forum for that. This issue is very raw with me for reasons that I cannot go into, and George in another thread had recently been very specific about the exactness of God's words, what they SAY and not what one thinks they mean. I connected the two together and was very wrong in doing so. Again, George, I am very sorry, and ask your forgiveness. I will attempt to answer your question to me later as I make time to re-read all of the posts in detail.

Bro. Parrish, I appreciate that you attempted to "stick up" for me. I do not appreciate the way in which you did. I would have privately discussed this with you, but you publicly connected me with your disagreement with and dislike for George. I cannot therefore keep quiet.

Chette, we are not finished here. I still have a great deal of disagreement with your position, but I have not labeled you personally as a bigot or a racist. The ideas that you encourage by your misuse of Scripture are the same as those who are in fact racists. I believe that you are doing so out of ignorance of the facts, and not out of an unclean heart.

Other members, I need time to process the meat of the discussion, but cannot until this evening, the LORD willing.
Old 07-07-2009, 09:02 AM
custer custer is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well, isn't it obvious brother?
I think Bro. Tim "called you out" because you are obviously seen by some as a leader here. Not me, (I wrote you off as a leader a long time ago because of the way you always seem to end up yelling and screaming at people for no reason) but certainly you seem to have a "following" here, wouldn't you agree, hmmm?

Or maybe it would be better described as a "keyboard clique."

Personally, since you don't want to discuss the topic, I don't know why you don't just stop bellowing like a BULL FROG and buzz off. Unless maybe you are just protecting your little "buddy" Chette again. After all, we have seen you freak out and jabber on for hours about far more stupid things than this topic.
Chette, I wanted to quote BroParrish again, just so we know exactly what we're dealing with.

First, let me say that it is apparent from your post that your tone IS of a good are disagreeing with me and even reproving me (because you believe I am wrong) but I don't detect any malice. You are SO right about not being able to read a person's intent into their posts, so we should be even more careful about how we post! Thank you for that and for the kind comments about our family and lifestyle...the Lord has indeed blessed us beyond measure!

Now, as for BroParrish, I tried to make it clear that I don't know anything about what has transpired between him and any other members...for that reason, I cannot judge the spirit behind this post above. I am only going on the WORDS THEMSELVES just like we do when we read the Bible. (OK, I could have 'cross-referenced' all of BroParrish's posts, but who has the time?!) So, as for the exact words:

George IS "seen by some as a leader here." TRUTH

I am SURE that BroParrish and I are not the only ones who have noticed that George "always seem[s] to end up yelling and screaming at people for no reason." TRUTH (Like I said, I am just comparing this to MY experience with George, although I will admit that he had a sort of 'reason' in my case - I've already stated that his 'reason' for railing on ME was that he COULD NOT reconcile the scripture that I gave with his own position, nor could he refute that I proved his practical examples wrong...and he certainly wasn't about to admit that HE was wrong!) So, maybe BroParrish should have stipulated "no [GOOD/LEGITIMATE] reason!"

"certainly [George] seem[s] to have a 'following' here" TRUTH

"keyboard clique" Lighten up...that's FUNNY!!!

Was George "bellowing like a BULL FROG?" YES

Should he just "buzz off" if he doesn't want to "discuss the topic?" YES (The fact that he went off on BroParrish for answering his question is THE WHOLE REASON we are having THIS discourse!)

Like I"ve already said, I don't know anything about "protecting your little 'buddy' Chette again."

"we have seen [George] freak out and jabber on for hours about far more stupid things than this topic" TRUTH ( My case in point is that instead of discussing scripture with me [because he couldn't,] he DID rattle on about "far more stupid things than this topic - what kind of a woman HE THINKS I am and what "methodologies" HE THINKS I have been trained in! As an aside, he is WRONG on both counts which is why I have continued to assert that he has slandered me!)

So what part of the post was what you call "corrupt" and "slanderous?" What part do you classify as "evil speaking?" (I am NOT being sarcastic; those are sincere questions!) The only thing (besides possibly the mention of your name) that could be construed as a problem with the post is the fact that BroParrish was answering a question that was posed to Brother Tim; but, like I've pointed out, this is a forum discussion where everything is open to input from all the members...why the big deal about receiving someone else's insight into the situation? Since we have all had "run-ins" with George, our input is completely relevant and helps others to get a complete picture!

And you asked me if I "find joy in another's hurt," to which I respond - What part of that post was hurtful? I have shown that from my own experience with George, BroParrish's post was full of TRUTH...How could THAT be hurtful? ("Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16) George should be "hurt" by the bitter spewing that proceeds from his own keyboard!

I sincerely hope that this post gives you a better understanding of my previous ones; I have tried to provide plenty of clarification...let me know if I have failed!) Thank you again for your kind comments and for endeavoring to maintain civility in the discussion...with a little common courtesy, we may actually 'get somewhere!'

{I have used some weird punctuation, so if this post contains some strange smiley guys, they are unintentional...I have added NONE!}

Old 07-07-2009, 09:30 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Folks, I have been gone for a long week-end with some of my family, and away from the internet, phone, radio, and TV. The latter three don't matter much as far as my keeping up with them, but this forum does. I have a lot of backlog at work so I have not been able to read carefully the last four or five pages on the thread.....

Bro. Parrish, I appreciate that you attempted to "stick up" for me. I do not appreciate the way in which you did. I would have privately discussed this with you, but you publicly connected me with your disagreement with and dislike for George. I cannot therefore keep quiet.
Bro Tim, welcome back.
I don't recall saying I DISLIKE the man, but I do have a problem with his attacks on others. If you choose to ignore that habit, then that's your business. Nevertheless, since you haven't read the entire thread yet, let me direct you to post no. 57. Like I said before, I happen to think all of you bring something good to the forum, I love ALL OF YOU (yes including George) and I have defended ALL OF YOU at one time or another, but I cannot sit by and remain silent while we bash, scream and yell at each other in the name of Christ. 95% of the time it's an overreaction, and uncalled for. I retract nothing from my position on that, sorry but that goes for anyone. I suggest we all get back to topic and avoid the bickering... yeah, like that's gonna happen...
Old 07-07-2009, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: "Noah and Ham--Noah's Curse"

Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Folks, I have been gone for a long week-end with some of my family, and away from the internet, phone, radio, and TV. The latter three don't matter much as far as my keeping up with them, but this forum does. I have a lot of backlog at work so I have not been able to read carefully the last four or five pages on the thread. I did skim enough to understand that I made a serious mistake in my early post. I should not have used George's name in that sentence. As I look back now, it was completely unnecessary, and I truly apologize to George, Brandon, and the members of this forum for that. This issue is very raw with me for reasons that I cannot go into, and George in another thread had recently been very specific about the exactness of God's words, what they SAY and not what one thinks they mean. I connected the two together and was very wrong in doing so. Again, George, I am very sorry, and ask your forgiveness. I will attempt to answer your question to me later as I make time to re-read all of the posts in detail.

Bro. Parrish, I appreciate that you attempted to "stick up" for me. I do not appreciate the way in which you did. I would have privately discussed this with you, but you publicly connected me with your disagreement with and dislike for George. I cannot therefore keep quiet.

Chette, we are not finished here. I still have a great deal of disagreement with your position, but I have not labeled you personally as a bigot or a racist. The ideas that you encourage by your misuse of Scripture are the same as those who are in fact racists. I believe that you are doing so out of ignorance of the facts, and not out of an unclean heart.

Other members, I need time to process the meat of the discussion, but cannot until this evening, the LORD willing.

Aloha Brother Tim,

I accept your gracious apology. You and I have had a few "clashes" in the past (most of which weren't worth fighting over), but we have always managed to apologize to each other and continue our fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ and around His precious word.

I must admit that I was offended (perhaps I am too easily offended? ), but my "bark" is worse than my "bite", and I can truthfully say that I will not hold anything you said against you. I believe in "forgive and forget".

Even though you and I may disagree on certain spiritual issues, I have always counted you as a brother in Christ, and believe it or not, I have learned from your conduct on this Forum (although it may not always show ). I guess that it why I was disappointed when you singled me out.

Anyway - that's all in the past! Let's "shake" and see if we can continue being of some profit to the brethren, for I believe the time is short!

May God bless you brother, you have been I fine example of how we Christians should conduct ourselves in adversity.
Old 07-07-2009, 02:04 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha Brother Tim,

I accept your gracious apology. You and I have had a few "clashes" in the past (most of which weren't worth fighting over), but we have always managed to apologize to each other and continue our fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ and around His precious word.

I must admit that I was offended (perhaps I am too easily offended? ), but my "bark" is worse than my "bite", and I can truthfully say that I will not hold anything you said against you. I believe in "forgive and forget".

Even though you and I may disagree on certain spiritual issues, I have always counted you as a brother in Christ, and believe it or not, I have learned from your conduct on this Forum (although it may not always show ). I guess that it why I was disappointed when you singled me out.

Anyway - that's all in the past! Let's "shake" and see if we can continue being of some profit to the brethren, for I believe the time is short!

May God bless you brother, you have been I fine example of how we Christians should conduct ourselves in adversity.
I agree with all you have written above about Brother Tim, I too have some things that we have disagreed with, nothing major and I greatly admire his spirit of reconcilliation.
Old 07-07-2009, 06:03 PM
Winman Winman is offline
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Here is a fascinating article about Noah and his three sons. Not saying I agree or disagree with it, but it is very interesting indeed.
Old 07-07-2009, 06:15 PM
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Sorry if I misunderstood your original Post. I never seen George as a leader of the forum nor has he ever given me that impression. He seems only to respond if he sees some error or unnecessary remarks. especially from those who who change the KJV.

I see what you are referring to but still it is objective to our personality and how we accept what we READ.

for example Brandon made a remark something like, "it forces people to look at their Bigotry". Now I could have been offended and called him on it. seeing my belief is not bigoted as to any type of nation. Bigotry is a word we often feel refers to race. However Bigotry could also be used to mean view of scripture or shoe color.

So I was not quick to read into it but to think about what he says.

Anyway it is good to see everyone has cooled down a bit.

Listen can you forward to me a soap recipe I was thinking we could add that to our church livelihood program. they can make and sell their own soap.
Old 07-07-2009, 06:50 PM
custer custer is offline
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post

Sorry if I misunderstood your original Post. I never seen George as a leader of the forum nor has he ever given me that impression. He seems only to respond if he sees some error or unnecessary remarks. especially from those who who change the KJV.

Listen can you forward to me a soap recipe I was thinking we could add that to our church livelihood program. they can make and sell their own soap.
This is one of the things that griped me so bad about George...he did not respond to me because of error on my part. On the contrary, I proved scripturally and practically that HE was in error (on his Biblical Marriage thread) but all he did was to throw a tantrum. When that didn't make me and my verses go away, he took his ball and bat and went home!!!

And yes, I'll send you a soap recipe...water-based, milk-based, or both?

Old 07-07-2009, 06:56 PM
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Ok, I misjudged peoples thought action including yours. could you perhaps have done the same in understanding Bro George's statement? you will have to have more grace than normal in reading posts and just don't read to much into it. Just take the words consider if you disagree that is ok. I could not see that he threw a tantrum in his response to you.

both would be fine.

I think we can all safely move back to the original topic of the thread.

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