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Old 07-08-2009, 10:44 PM
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Thanks for your kind words Chette and Jassy. I didn't say the part about requesting to be unregistered to elicit support for staying. But who knows, the human heart is deceitful above all things...

I posted because I was frustrated I hadn't been able to make my most important argument for my interpretation and I saw my last chance.

I must be an old curmudgeon myself, though I'm not that old and I'm definitely not crusty. I believe I will name my next cat after George's nickname for himself. Not that I'm looking to take in a fifth cat any time soon. Then I would be considered a true "cat lady" by my mother. And my husband would be less than pleased.

How about this: I'll stay if Pam asks me to.

Pam, you have the POWER!!!

I have no expectations one way or the other. Let's see what happens.

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Old 07-09-2009, 12:20 AM
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I must be an old curmudgeon myself, though I'm not that old and I'm definitely not crusty.
I'm in no way implying that George is old and crusty, I was just going off Pam's word study of "curmudgeon".
Old 07-09-2009, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: " Biblical Marriage - "Joined Together" or "Yoked Together"? "

Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
"yes Pam it sounds as if you are trying to be a grace filled person in those posts. I am trying to be sincere and open as I too make mistakes and try to learn from them. Sometimes if the same mistakes happen again and again with certain people I make sure I don't answer until I am confident it is not my fault. If I am sure I try to avoid them.

George, Irene and Greenbear are all very lovely people. try again and take everything with that grain of salt. we are the salt of the earth.

I am a person who come from a know it all life style and I have had to learn to drop it. It is hard coming to the lord late in life I carried lots of baggage and garbage into my Christian life and I am learning to unload it and throw it off which ever it takes."

I suggest you go to George's web page and read through his studies on the heart and also his studies on humanism. that will give you a good idea where he is coming from.

After I visited you web page I knew that Custer was not so bad and is quiet down to earth. so are they by the way.

The humble one wears the crown. and I have done it and eaten crow at the same time.

God bless sister.

Aloha brother Chette,

I cannot believe what you have said about custer, but your response has led me to make a decsion I have been contemplating for sometime.

The AV1611 Forums is turning into a debating society - we are biting and devoring one another. There is so little edifying going on anymore that I am going to scale back my participation and watch as the chaos and anarchy continue! We are supposed to all be of the "same mind", but instead we are all doing, whatever we please - regardless of what the Scriptures say.

We have driven away a brother in Christ that may have been a real blessing to the brethren here; sister greenbear wants to quit; and you are wanting to embrace some woman who has caused more division than practically any other woman who has joined this Forum since its inception!

Lately, I see so little profit taking place here. Every where I look is naysaying, backbiting, and personal attacks; and then on top of all that you choose to ignore the Biblical admonition to AVOID those who cause divisions - but instead you want to dialogue with them! If the brethren on this Forum would follow Paul's admonition and avoid those who cause divisions most of them would go away. But instead they keep dialoguing with these troublemakers - which only encourages them to continue their pernicious ways!

If you truly believe that custer (Pam) is: "trying to be a grace filled person in those posts", then all that I have presented in my Posts concerning her must not be "grace filled". She is either out of order, or I am.

For you to choose to IGNORE the fact that this woman has posted 27 Posts (more than half of all her Posts) in criticism of me absolutely astounds me, and makes me realize that if even you cannot see how divisive and destructive this vicious person is, then maybe I am wasting much of my time here!

I'm not quiting the Forum, but I refuse to be insulted by some shrewest woman day after day, and then have my friends come to her defense.

Brother we are told not to judge by "appearance", but judge "righteous judgment". Good luck dialoguing with this woman, I wish you well.
Old 07-09-2009, 03:03 AM
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I was wondering why you were up so early or late.

I understand your concern I too am hurt that people are being driven away and not edified.

I am sending you an email directly
Old 07-09-2009, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by custer View Post
Chette, you have been of immeasurable help to me in the way of checking my attitude and reactions...I hope that will be noticable in this post! I sure do feel it, and I want to THANK YOU!

I hope you understand I took time with you to help as I could because we can control ourselves if we will yield to God and not our flesh and so much of our flesh will come through in post, and I like others, we tend to react quickly to what is said without any filtering and recognizing we don't have all the communication signs of others, and all knowledge.

Now having said that as you have read a very dear friend of mine is hurt by my even attempting to dialog with you. I can't judge his heart but I can feel it and that grieves me. He was just as hurt by you as you feel you were hurt by him and I am sure GreenBear fits into this square some where.

Now he is hurt by me because he may think I am defending you or siding with you on the issues you posted. of which I am not I tried to stay nuetral during all ofour dialoging. and without rebuking you for some of the overly ciritcal statement you made of him I came to you humbly and sincerely to help you to grow from all this. It is our duty to one another to be iron that sharpens iron, encouraging one another to good works.

So having said that. I want to encourage you to go back through and look only at what you said in reactions from the very first post where you began to become critical of others and see how you would of handled it as a woman of God should. and if as a woman seeking to be more like Christ would you say it differently or just not say it at all?

I in no way saying that some of the criticism you laid on George and Greenbrear was just. It maybe in your mind but as a third party from what I read it was not.

So I pray that you learn more and grow more in Christ, that you would have Christ's mind and heart for those who found themselves on the otherend of Custer's ire and do what is right.

We are God's husbandman and building and he is doing work in all of us. I am glad I could be of assistance.
Old 07-09-2009, 08:48 AM
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Hey all,

I know I am just a new guy here and no one really knows me. But I have been following this thread with some interest and trepidation. Now I feel I want to add my opinion here (which along with a dollar will get you a cup of coffee someplace).

Marriage is not a yoking together of two individuals, it is a joining of two folks into one flesh. How do I know this for certain? I was married to a wonderful woman for 24.5 years. She went to be with the LORD 6 years ago and it felt like someone tore my soul in half. We were one person in our hearts, minds, and everything else in life.

I am from a farm background, grew up around livestock and such. While I am no expert on anything I do know if you have a team of animals for plowing, puttin' up hay, or any other thing ya use a team for you have a producing entity. If one animal is replaced with another, there is a time of adjustment but soon that team will come back to working as one, whether it is horses or oxen.

You take any animal and tear it in half you won't never have a workable animal again.

Losing my wife was like that, I am functional but even if I were to remarry it will never be the same as with her, similar is NOT the same.

I think one of the reasons we have problems with the divorce rate among both saved and unsaved couples in the world is because too many think of it as a yoking together, which implies a burden to be borne.

Marriage is not picking up more baggage, it is gaining a helpmeet and expanding of your capacity to serve and love even more.

The original post which opened this thread was an excellent presentation of the verses and thoughts of our LORD in the matter of understanding the concept of yoked or joined. The subsequent posts had interesting points but soon degenerated into a sorry mess of name calling and thin skinned lashing back. Just my opinion.

Nuff said,
Old 07-09-2009, 09:40 AM
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Default Re: " Biblical Marriage - "Joined Together" or "Yoked Together"? "

Originally Posted by Ripdood View Post
Hey all,

I know I am just a new guy here and no one really knows me. But I have been following this thread with some interest and trepidation. Now I feel I want to add my opinion here (which along with a dollar will get you a cup of coffee someplace).

Marriage is not a yoking together of two individuals, it is a joining of two folks into one flesh. How do I know this for certain? I was married to a wonderful woman for 24.5 years. She went to be with the LORD 6 years ago and it felt like someone tore my soul in half. We were one person in our hearts, minds, and everything else in life.

I am from a farm background, grew up around livestock and such. While I am no expert on anything I do know if you have a team of animals for plowing, puttin' up hay, or any other thing ya use a team for you have a producing entity. If one animal is replaced with another, there is a time of adjustment but soon that team will come back to working as one, whether it is horses or oxen.

You take any animal and tear it in half you won't never have a workable animal again.

Losing my wife was like that, I am functional but even if I were to remarry it will never be the same as with her, similar is NOT the same.

I think one of the reasons we have problems with the divorce rate among both saved and unsaved couples in the world is because too many think of it as a yoking together, which implies a burden to be borne.

Marriage is not picking up more baggage, it is gaining a helpmeet and expanding of your capacity to serve and love even more.

The original post which opened this thread was an excellent presentation of the verses and thoughts of our LORD in the matter of understanding the concept of yoked or joined. The subsequent posts had interesting points but soon degenerated into a sorry mess of name calling and thin skinned lashing back. Just my opinion.

Nuff said,
Aloha brother,

I appreciate your comments, which are so true!

I am truly sorry for the loss of your wife. The Lord saw fit to take our oldest son (42 years old) home at about the same time you lost your wife, and as much as it was painful, I believe the loss of your wife was even more devastating for you brother.

My wife and I have been married for 48 years and I can not imagine my life here on earth without her. We also are not only one flesh, but we are also of one mind, one heart,and one spirit. She is not only my "helpmeet", she has also been my life's faithful companion; my very best friend (here on earth); and she "completes" me.

I have learned in this life that your children "leave", and your "friends" may desert you, but a faithful wife - outside of the Lord, there's nothing to compare with that!

I, like you, believe the Bible to be absolutely clear on this issue, and having been blessed with a Proverbs 31 wife for the past 48 years, I pity the man who hasn't known such a blessing.

God bless you brother - I believe that you will be a welcome addition to the AV1611 Bible Forums.
Old 07-09-2009, 01:43 PM
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First of all, I withdraw my post of allowing you to decide whether I stay or leave. Last night I ordered an apron from your website. It really is beautiful. I feel I was led to try to reach you for the Lord's sake.

You have gone to great lengths to get people's attention here. You have made many untrue and unkind, even cruel remarks about George. You have said things that I would personally fear for my own life if I was to say them or even think them. We are in the age of grace and the Father sees Christ's blood when He looks at us, that is true. But that doesn't mean He doesn't chastise His children in this life. That chastisement can be unto death. The Lord will do what it takes to get our attention if we are His. Are you His, Pam? You have shown no fruit in that regard. Can you come back and post in humility and love? We should all humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will lift us up.

Everything George has posted about you is absolutely correct. I will personally give you another chance. If you continue to argue and use sophist reasoning and maintain your mocking and scornful spirit I will stop communicating with you again. I pray that you will join us all in allowing Christ to conform us to His image. That's what this fellowship is all about. I've learned so much and I believe you can too.

Old 07-09-2009, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post

First of all, I withdraw my post of allowing you to decide whether I stay or leave. Last night I ordered an apron from your website. It really is beautiful. I feel I was led to try to reach you for the Lord's sake.

You have gone to great lengths to get people's attention here. You have made many untrue and unkind, even cruel remarks about George. You have said things that I would personally fear for my own life if I was to say them or even think them. We are in the age of grace and the Father sees Christ's blood when He looks at us, that is true. But that doesn't mean He doesn't chastise His children in this life. That chastisement can be unto death. The Lord will do what it takes to get our attention if we are His. Are you His, Pam? You have shown no fruit in that regard. Can you come back and post in humility and love? We should all humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will lift us up.

Everything George has posted about you is absolutely correct. I will personally give you another chance. If you continue to argue and use sophist reasoning and maintain your mocking and scornful spirit I will stop communicating with you again. I pray that you will join us all in allowing Christ to conform us to His image. That's what this fellowship is all about. I've learned so much and I believe you can too.

I want to add to and modify my post above. I know I don't see everything clearly. I know I am not the Judge, either. If you could see my heart you would know I am not trying to be hurtful or harsh though I can see I come off that way sometimes. The Lord is so patient with all of us and it is not fear that leads any of us to repentance but it is when we get a glimpse of His loving kindness and it breaks our hearts. I am not a mature christian and many times I can be deceived that my reactions are spiritual when really they are carnal. I apologize to you if I have hurt you. When I read your post last night I was shocked. You insinuated that George is a fool and equated him as a fool of the magnitude of Nabal, no less. I am not reaching out to you because I despise you or look down on you in any way. It is out of love. I hope that you can see that. If not, then I only pray that the Lord will work in your life and your heart in the same way He is working in mine. I know that He works in our lives according to His own timetable, not anybody elses. I for one hope you can come back to the board in a spirit of love and reconciliation.
Old 07-09-2009, 04:01 PM
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Brother George,

I want to apologize if I hurt you in any way by trying to reach Pam. I recognize the scriptural principle you are following and that you have decades of experience that I don't have the benefit of. But I have to go with what I feel the Lord wants me to do. Maybe I'm wrong. I also apologize if in my posts #61 and 62 it seemed I took lightly what Pam had written about you. That is absolutely not the case. I was delirious with exhaustion by that point and I saw the absurdity of what she had done and sometimes something can become so ridiculous that it strikes me as almost humorous. Sort of like the saying 'If you don't laugh you will cry." Or a release of tension. I am sorry if I added anything to the pain it must have caused you. I hope you know how much respect I have for you. You and Renee have been such a blessing to me and to my marriage.

I hope you don't quit posting or leave the board because in my opinion and I believe in many other member's opinions that would be a great loss.

In Christ's love,


Last edited by greenbear; 07-09-2009 at 04:10 PM.

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