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Old 10-25-2008, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post

However this thread exists as a place where to ask -- reconsider, try a private chat, go round 2, close the thread, allow for a cooling-off suspension rather than a ban in special cases. Find another way.
I can't tell who you are talking about (you could email me and we'll see). But one recent example comes to mind -- I told a poster that he would need to ease up, and until he did, his posts would go through moderation, but that it was a temporary situation. All that means is that the posts would be reviewed before going "live" to make sure they didn't include the offending content. His response was to accuse me of doing him "evil" and cursing me and wishing my family harm. Needless to say, the temporary moderation became a permanent ban. This is just one example. There are many other examples of temporary bans or moderation that ended in permanent bans.

Anyway, if you have a specific instance in mind and would like to appeal a moderation decision, please send me an email and I'll consider it.
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Old 10-25-2008, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Perhaps a shark tank would be something worth having, where we could limit some folks to? Perhaps it wouldn't work, I'm no expert on running forums by any means.
People are already welcome to ask sincere questions here. Nobody is banned just for being inquisitive.

But I am not interested in being a caretaker of a shark tank. The reason is that this forum is not just accessible by -- Google sends people in here at any point in any thread based on search terms. I don't want a section of the site where people have free reign to mock and criticize the KJV and KJV believers where they are essentially ignored. That's not what the website is for. And people only have so much energy to battle a critic. After a while it is simply time to move on, and I don't see any edification even in "quarantining" critics.
Old 10-25-2008, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Diligent View Post
People are already welcome to ask sincere questions here. Nobody is banned just for being inquisitive.

But I am not interested in being a caretaker of a shark tank. The reason is that this forum is not just accessible by -- Google sends people in here at any point in any thread based on search terms. I don't want a section of the site where people have free reign to mock and criticize the KJV and KJV believers where they are essentially ignored. That's not what the website is for. And people only have so much energy to battle a critic. After a while it is simply time to move on, and I don't see any edification even in "quarantining" critics.
Yeah, I think you're right.

Peace and Love,
Old 10-25-2008, 05:39 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Originally Posted by Diligent
(you could email me and we'll see) ...Anyway, if you have a specific instance in mind and would like to appeal a moderation decision, please send me an email and I'll consider it.
Will do. May be a day or three. I want to check something and I'm out-of-town at the moment.

Old 10-26-2008, 08:42 AM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
Hi Folks,

Generally I feel this is one of the best-moderated forums on the Net. I especially like how the wily coyote types are given enough grace and space to show their colors, and then, if they show themselves uninterested in real dialog and are only pushing weird agendas, are offered the left boot of un-forum-membership. Very solid, kewl.

However there are times (anyway, at least one) where a good back-door discussion might have helped keep a solid pro-KJB poster on this forum. A discussion on what I would consider a secondary issue (one I have never taken a stance on and I barely noticed at the time) degenerated into a personal bric-brac and then a boot, with a 'we won't discuss it' addendum. (The poster could have done better, for sure, in his approach.)

Ok, mods are mods, and that is fine. It's a hard job, with few accolades and perks, so the mod gets respect and really has to make the tuff decision.

However this thread exists as a place where to ask -- reconsider, try a private chat, go round 2, close the thread, allow for a cooling-off suspension rather than a ban in special cases. Find another way.

If somehow that dissonance could have been ironed out, very likely the forum would be that much stronger. And since this is the only generally solid pro-KJB and wide-ranging and well-moderated web forum (email forums are different) it would be nice if there was not unnecessary fracturing.

So my request is to consider whether, in special cases with pro-KJB posters, additional options and venues can be implemented, in order to avoid the absolute ban. And to consider one retroactive application.

Steven Avery
This may be an answer, but would require those of suppose respected (either deservingly or not) to support the discussion as to regenerate the consideration of a purported topic instead of the suppose elders supported by there yes men to lord over all those who question the dogma of there madness.
Rather I have found that the numbness of understanding so entrenched that the to undo it is not available on this site, I wish I was wrong, but anyone who pushes the envelope is subject to fear being banned if they really care about remaining on this site. Prefect love may remedy the fear, but it does not help you from getting banned.
It neither that one supports the King James Bible reading but rather their politics and or their suppose doctrines they have so rightly divided, the mod is a fine man, but still is delusional on important subjects that would open the site to the truth to the conclusions.
I have more to say but little time to expand due I have a sermon to preach, love thy neighbor…..
God’s word is found in the King James Bible and that alone.
God Bless
Old 10-26-2008, 12:20 PM
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Brandon has my complete confidence as to how he runs this site. He is more than fair, and is patient far beyond most Christians. He and this site are in my prayers regularly.
Old 10-26-2008, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Brandon has my complete confidence as to how he runs this site. He is more than fair, and is patient far beyond most Christians. He and this site are in my prayers regularly.
I completely agree. I'm still here, and that's evidence enough! ^_^

Much Love in Christ Jesus,
Old 10-28-2008, 06:20 AM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
I completely agree. I'm still here, and that's evidence enough! ^_^

Much Love in Christ Jesus,

Yes the mod needs our prayer, as anyone who is taking on such a huge task and he should be commended on the effort. The pit falls always lies in that we all only know in part

Seeing that the truth surrounding us is clouded by our own pre-conceived conclusions and our ideas are often wrong and the reality that is hidden from our understanding retreats to the defensives position that does not allow the truth to be spoken, ( a big problem for any MOD).
Eventually all you will have available will be those who have similar pre-conceived conclusions, and all the parts will be the same, and your understanding will stagnate is to a cesspool of regurgitated dogma. This is where you all are near now, in my humble opinion.
When ever the truth raises its head, it can be cut off, it can be banned and the merry-go-round just keeps on going.

If truth understanding is rooted in reasoning and the reasoning does not project in the agenda of the program it can simply be ignored, or if the envelope is push, shut it down, that is how this site is being run and all you yes men are so busy saying yes yes yes you will never get understanding, and the mod will never have it either, unless you all get out of the box you have built for your selves, for really the box was built for you and you simply are trapped in it.

This is the main web site for those who have been graced with the understanding that the AV, the King James is the Bible and God’s final infallible word.
So that established and we are saved that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, why can’t we stop talking falsely.
Jokermen you all think you are getting rapture from the tribulation that is coming, you better get your boots on.
You better get oil in your vessel.

And you who judge Godly men will be judged also, you better watch your tongue.
Old 10-28-2008, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott Simons View Post
Yes the mod needs our prayer, as anyone who is taking on such a huge task and he should be commended on the effort. The pit falls always lies in that we all only know in part

Seeing that the truth surrounding us is clouded by our own pre-conceived conclusions and our ideas are often wrong and the reality that is hidden from our understanding retreats to the defensives position that does not allow the truth to be spoken, ( a big problem for any MOD).
Eventually all you will have available will be those who have similar pre-conceived conclusions, and all the parts will be the same, and your understanding will stagnate is to a cesspool of regurgitated dogma. This is where you all are near now, in my humble opinion.
When ever the truth raises its head, it can be cut off, it can be banned and the merry-go-round just keeps on going.

If truth understanding is rooted in reasoning and the reasoning does not project in the agenda of the program it can simply be ignored, or if the envelope is push, shut it down, that is how this site is being run and all you yes men are so busy saying yes yes yes you will never get understanding, and the mod will never have it either, unless you all get out of the box you have built for your selves, for really the box was built for you and you simply are trapped in it.

This is the main web site for those who have been graced with the understanding that the AV, the King James is the Bible and God’s final infallible word.
So that established and we are saved that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, why can’t we stop talking falsely.
Jokermen you all think you are getting rapture from the tribulation that is coming, you better get your boots on.
You better get oil in your vessel.

And you who judge Godly men will be judged also, you better watch your tongue.
You are a fearmonger. You will not see me buy into this delusion. I fear only God, and believe it or not, HE IS FOR ME!

Peace and Love,
Old 10-28-2008, 08:01 PM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
You are a fearmonger. You will not see me buy into this delusion. I fear only God, and believe it or not, HE IS FOR ME!

Peace and Love,

Go ahead join the crowd bury your head in the sand, it won't change nothing.

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