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Old 07-04-2009, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
The curse placed by Noah was that the Canaanites would serve the the children of Israel(servants to the Egyptians), not white American Gentiles. We appear nowhere in Scripture as prophecy, neither does the Body of Christ.

Grace and peace sister.


Where did I ever say that Canaanites would serve white American gentiles or that America appears anywhere in prophecy?
I think I'll lay low for a while.

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Old 07-05-2009, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
The curse placed by Noah was that the Canaanites would serve the the children of Israel(servants to the Egyptians), not white American Gentiles.
1) Israel is no where in the picture either at the point of Noah's cursing Canaan. you would really need to stretch that to make it fit Israel. Everyone living at that time would be considered Gentiles

2)No one said anything about White American Gentiles. for your info there were black slave owners as well in the south. few granted but they did exist. we mentioned Jhephite nations and Hamite nations. and if the curse went to his sons as you indicate by using the descendant name "Canaanites". Then you agree the curse covered more than just one man but to a whole Nation of people.

this next statement is not a Racist thing or a bigoted view in anyway nor is it being dogmatic but believing the word of God for what it says.

3) Ge 9:25-27 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant(referring to Shem's line). God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant(referring to Japheth's line). this says he sill serve his Brethren which would be Japheth and Shem, not just Shem. And Shem is not Israel. Japheth did live in the Tenting grounds of the American line of Shem's descendants.

Now if in fact Ham is the father of the black Nation's as it has been taught since before the birth of Christ (this is not a white supremest teaching by any means. this was a Hebrew teaching). This would put Hamite descendants as slaves to Japheth when they had lived in the tents of Shem. the only Historical record(not Biblical history I agree but where world history lines up with Bible I will take it) we have of Japheth's descendants living in the tents of Shem is the Japhethite Nations (England, France and Germany) conquering of What is called North America. There is another name a native one for North America I just don't remember it off hand. I will look and see if I can find that info.

you will notice Noah blessed Shem and Japheth for what they did. he blessed Shem with the Priesthood. and from him came the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These were all started by Shemite descendants.

And he blessed Japheth with enlarged lands. it was the Japheth Nations that traveled the world and colonized and brought it to where it was today. there is Archeological evidence of White nations from Northern to Southern China and Mongolia, white races found buried in tombs of South America 1,000 years before the Spanish, they are believed to be Roman descendants. There have even been findings of them in North America before Leif Erickson ventured down into the area of Maine.

Last edited by chette777; 07-05-2009 at 02:09 AM.
Old 07-05-2009, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: "Noah and Ham--Noah's Curse"

Brother Tim said:
Where are the posters, George and others, that examine the exactness of God's words, and yet are silent with this absolute distortion of Scripture?”
Brother Tim,

In accordance with what I said in my Post #40 this Thread:
Brother Tim,

WHY have you singled me out (out of ALL the "active" members)? Am I obligated (in any way) to comment on every single issue that crops up on this Forum?

I do not have time today, but I will answer your question - and then I will have a "question" for you!
I now have the time to answer your biased question:

I don’t know what prompted you to “single me out” of ALL of those who Post on the AV1611 Bible Forums, but I am highly disappointed that you have! Is this HOW Christian brethren are to “frame” questions – with sly “insinuations” and “inferences”, rather than PLAIN SPEECH? Is this the result of a “Formal Education” (i.e. SCHOOLING), that instead of coming out and voicing your “displeasure” or “disapproval” of someone (or something they may have said), that you instead, take an “offhand” swipe at them in forming your question? Hmmm?

Now I will tell you WHY I don’t get involved in over 90% of the Threads and Posts on this Forum.

If you will notice, I hardly ever get involved in frivolous issues; childish or idiotic questions; or (in the present case) matters having to do with Biblical issues for which there are so few Scriptures to support my conviction or personal opinion. In other words I try to avoid “speculation” when it comes to spiritual issues.

There are many Threads on this Forum that have generated great controversy which I have either avoided totally, or have had very little to say about.

I avoided the issue of the “Creation debate” (“Gap” or no “Gap”) totally. I try to avoid the “unanswerable”, i.e. WHO was Noah’s wife (from WHAT “bloodline” did she come)? WHO were Shem’s, Ham’s, and Japheth’s wives (from WHAT “bloodline” did they come from)? WHO KNOWS? The Bible doesn’t tell us – so WHY SPECULATE?

You will notice that I avoided the “Sons of God” controversy also. WHY? Because there is NOT enough Scripture to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt WHAT I personally believe, so I AVOID the issue! That is WHY I almost always AVOID “prophetic” controversies also. If a Scriptural issue involves “SPECULATION on my part I try (real hard) to avoid “discussing” it. WHAT for? WHERE is the EDIFICATION? Hmmm? WHERE is the PROFIT? I may have a “personal opinion” on a matter, but WHAT is that worth?

If I claim that I want to know what God has to “SAY” about a matter and NOT what some other man “thinks” what God may “MEAN” – WHY would I offer my personal OPINION or worse yet SPECULATE about spiritual issues? I would be a HYPOCRITE if I operated in that manner!

I may hold a “personal conviction” about a Biblical issue such as the “Rapture”, but there are so few Scriptures regarding the “translation” of the body of Christ (it’s a MYSTERY!), that I am NOT going to “bicker” and “argue” about it – not for very long! Many of the things that the brethren choose to “fight” over just aren’t worth “fighting over” (i.e. length of hair, head covering, men’s apparel/women’s apparel, diet, etc., etc.), and so I CHOOSE NOT to engage in many of those “debates”. When I comment on this Forum I try to CHOOSE those issues that I believe to be the “WEIGHTIER MATTERS” [Mathew 23:23], and when I do comment I try real hard to present what God has to “SAY” about an issue, and NOT what I “think” He “MEANS”!

The purpose of the Bible is for us to know WHO GOD IS and for us to know WHAT HIS WILL is for us. WHY should I try to INSERT my “private opinions” or “personal speculations” alongside of His Holy words? This is one of the things that “gets me” about modern day Christians! Look at all of the people on this Forum who are constantly “recommending” this man or that man; or some man’s books, or videos, or audio tapes and CD’s, or periodicals, papers, and essays! And look how they always WARN people to be “careful”, because the man that they are personallyrecommending” MAY NOT be doctrinally sound on some spiritual issues, or he may CORRECT the Holy Bible here and there in his writings, but other than that he’s OK!

WHY? WHY is it necessary to study some man’s writings, if he is known to CORRECT (CHANGE) the Holy words of God? WHY not just study the Holy Scriptures? The emphasis on men today goes along with our cultural emphasis on CELEBRITY! WHAT is it that these men know about the “Which Bible Issue”, that Will Kinney, Bible Protector, Steven Avery, and others here on the Forum don’t know? Hmmm? What’s the difference? CELEBRITY! It’s NOT that the Bible says there is no need for teachers of the Holy word of God, it’s that modern day Christians have ELEVATED these men to the point where they “think” that these Bible teachers have REPLACED the Holy Spirit when it comes to true spiritual “discernment”, “understanding” and “wisdom”!

I can teach facts about the Bible. I can teach “doctrine”. But, what I CAN NOT DO is teach true spiritual DISCERNMENT, UNDERSTANDING, and WISDOM! Only God (the Holy Spirit) can teach these things [1Corinthians 2:1-16]. This is WHY the modern day “Christian” Bible School model is FAILING! “Facts” about the Bible and denominational “doctrine” is being taught to a bunch of young men who think that “knowledge” about Biblical issues is a “SUBSTITUTE” for genuine spiritual discernment, understanding, and wisdom!

Modern day Christian churches and institutions have EMULATED the “world’s educational institutions” (accreditation, degrees, and certification), with the attendant result that the “ministry” has turned into a PROFESSION”, just like any other “Profession” (doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.).

My “ministry” has centered on three things: trying to edify the brethren (wherever they may be, and whoever they may be); honoring the Holy words of God; and Glorifying my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I try to keep “focused” on the two main things that I believe the apostle Paul emphasized all during his ministry: SOUND DOCTRINE (the “whole counsel of God” – NOT just one or two particular issues) and a BELIEVER’S CONDUCT! “Hamites”, “Canaanites”, “Race”, and just WHO were the wives of Noah’s sons do NOT fall under the category of what I believe to be “the weightier matters”, and so I AVOID commenting.

A while back you posted a Thread on water baptism - Thread: AV1611 Bible Forums > Doctrine > Is water baptism for today?) After brother Tony’s short reply you, inquired of brother tonybones about his belief concerning water baptism:

Brother Tim's Post #14:
I would hope that any (one at this moment-Tony) would expound on the reason why we today should not be baptized.”
Do you remember my comment after your Post?

George’s Post #16:
“I personally don't want to see a "debate" over water baptism; we all know what he believes - what will such a debate accomplish? Who will be "edified"? Is the purpose going to be to "isolate" a fellow brother in Christ and possibly drive him away? I want no part in this.”
I already knew that a “discussion” on the issue of water baptism would not “edify” anyone and would be of NOprofit” to the brethren, but you proceeded any way! I tried to stay out of the debate, but your comments (and other people’s) about Dispensationalism required a reply in defense of “moderate” Dispensationalism from me.

You see, I have been fairly “consistent” in trying to AVOID getting involved in controversial issues that are of little or no benefit to the brethren – UNLESS it involves ADDING, SUBTRACTING, CHANGING or DENIGRATING the King James Bible; or out and out clear and unequivocal HERESY; or a "stranger's" MISCONDUCT (disrespect, name calling, etc.) on the Forum, I generally stay out of most of the "controversies" that arise on the Forum.

Have I answered your “question” to your "satisfaction"? If I haven't, I will be happy to "expound" some more.

And now I have a QUESTION for you:

Can you explain to me WHY - “Christians”, who have received a “formal education (“Christian”College, University, Seminary, or “Bible” School), are much more willing to TOLERATE LEAVEN”, than those of us who have NOT received a “formal education”?
Old 07-05-2009, 12:58 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by George View Post
[FONT=Verdana]I don’t know what prompted you to “single me out” of ALL of those who Post on the AV1611 Bible Forums, but I am highly disappointed that you have! Is this HOW Christian brethren are to “frame” questions – with sly “insinuations” and “inferences”, rather than PLAIN SPEECH? Is this the result of a “Formal Education” (i.e. SCHOOLING), that instead of coming out and voicing your “displeasure” or “disapproval” of someone (or something they may have said), that you instead, take an “offhand” swipe at them in forming your question? Hmmm?
Well, isn't it obvious brother?
I think Bro. Tim "called you out" because you are obviously seen by some as a leader here. Not me, (I wrote you off as a leader a long time ago because of the way you always seem to end up yelling and screaming at people for no reason) but certainly you seem to have a "following" here, wouldn't you agree, hmmm?

Or maybe it would be better described as a "keyboard clique."

Personally, since you don't want to discuss the topic, I don't know why you don't just stop bellowing like a BULL FROG and buzz off. Unless maybe you are just protecting your little "buddy" Chette again. After all, we have seen you freak out and jabber on for hours about far more stupid things than this topic.
Old 07-05-2009, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: "Noah and Ham--Noah's Curse"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well, isn't it obvious brother?
I think Bro. Tim "called you out" because you are obviously seen by some as a leader here. Not me, (I wrote you off as a leader a long time ago because of the way you always seem to end up yelling and screaming at people for no reason) but certainly you seem to have a "following" here, wouldn't you agree, hmmm?

Or maybe it would be better described as a "keyboard clique."

Personally, since you don't want to discuss the topic, I don't know why you don't just stop bellowing like a BULL FROG and buzz off. Unless maybe you are just protecting your little "buddy" Chette again. After all, we have seen you freak out and jabber on for hours about far more stupid things than this topic.

Thanks so much for the refreshing and most edifying response! However, since I wasn't addressing you - WHY have you chosen to BUTT in on something that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! As they would say in Hawaii "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM BRO"?

I can "feel" the "love" and the "goodwill" oozing out from every pour of your body brother. Do keep it up, and soon every one will know just what kind of a "Christian" you really are!

Proverbs 15:12 A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.
Old 07-05-2009, 03:59 PM
custer custer is offline
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I thought Bro. Parrish's last post was SERIOUSLY "refreshing" and "edifying!" (I laughed for the better part of an hour after reading it!)

Really, George, I feel very sorry for are the only one who can't see that it's YOU that has the "problem." And, why do you always say that things on here are none of other people's business??? This is an open forum; threads that are open for all members to read ARE NOT private exchanges between just two people!

Like I said, everybody (except YOU) can "feel" all the "love" and "goodwill" from every one of your caustic responses!

And besides, Tim said that you "examine the exactness of God's words..." THAT is a great compliment!

Old 07-05-2009, 04:31 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by George View Post
As they would say in Hawaii "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM BRO"?
Well I don't know, let me aim that back at you...


George, I'm not angry at you brother, but I have already warned you about your overreactions and incessant hacking of Christians on this forum, it is nauseating and I'm sorry but it is what it is. I have seen you do this to Winman and many others simply because they got on your "bad side," and you can howl at the moon and eat green cheese, but somebody has to tell you brother. If you can't take it, THEN DON'T DISH IT OUT.

Now you can puff up like a blowfish and blast Bro. Tim if you want, but I happen to like the guy, I think he is one of the nicest people on this forum, far nicer than your little buddy Chette who is CONSTANTLY making cheap shots at others here, and DON'T TELL ME he doesn't because I have seen it going on for months. Like I said before, I happen to think all of you bring something good to the forum, I love ALL OF YOU (yes including you Chette) and I have defended ALL OF YOU at one time or another, but I cannot sit by and remain silent while we bash, scream and yell at each other in the name of Christ, IT SICKENS ME, and who knows how unbelievers feel when they visit here and see it?

Again, I'm not angry at you brother, and you can scream at me and post up all the Bible verses you want until you are blue in the face, but I WILL stand up to you or anyone else who makes a habit out of this, because people like you don't intimidate me George, and they never have.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 07-05-2009 at 04:48 PM.
Old 07-05-2009, 04:37 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by custer View Post
I thought Bro. Parrish's last post was SERIOUSLY "refreshing" and "edifying!" (I laughed for the better part of an hour after reading it!)

Really, George, I feel very sorry for are the only one who can't see that it's YOU that has the "problem." And, why do you always say that things on here are none of other people's business??? This is an open forum; threads that are open for all members to read ARE NOT private exchanges between just two people!

Like I said, everybody (except YOU) can "feel" all the "love" and "goodwill" from every one of your caustic responses!

And besides, Tim said that you "examine the exactness of God's words..." THAT is a great compliment!


How on earth can you find a post like that "refreshing" or "edifying" and then openly laugh for an hour over it?
Because you have had run ins with George?
Your a Hypocrite, you both are, complaining about what Brother George has said or done or as it was put his "caustic" responses, then on the other face turn right round and scorn the man in a worse manner.
As for the keyboard cliche Brother Parrish in this war that we as Christians are in the midst of against the enemy the devil himself, I count George as a Brother I would stand beside and He and his family have blessed me in so many ways I cant even begin to explain. So if in turn that makes me part of the "Clique" so be it.
It really is disgraceful how you can both complain about Georges behaviour, his words or his posts and then behave in a worse manner than your complaining about.

Proverbs 15:18 A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.
Old 07-05-2009, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: " Noah and Ham--Noah's Curse"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well I don't know, let me aim that back at you...


George, I'm not angry at you brother, but I have already warned you about your overreactions and incessant hacking of Christians on this forum, it is nauseating and I'm sorry but it is what it is. I have seen you do this to Winman and many others simply because they got on your "bad side," and you can howl at the moon and eat green cheese, but somebody has to tell you brother. If you can't take it, THEN DON'T DISH IT OUT.

Now you can puff up like a blowfish and blast Bro. Tim if you want, but I happen to like the guy, I think he is one of the nicest people on this forum, far nicer than your little buddy Chette who is CONSTANTLY making cheap shots at others here, and DON'T TELL ME he doesn't because I have seen it going on for months. Like I said before, I happen to think all of you bring something good to the forum, I love ALL OF YOU (yes including you Chette) and I have defended ALL OF YOU at one time or another, but I cannot sit by and remain silent while we bash, scream and yell at each other in the name of Christ, IT SICKENS ME, and who knows how unbelievers feel when they visit here and see it?

Again, I'm not angry at you brother, and you can scream at me and post up all the Bible verses you want until you are blue in the face, but I WILL stand up to you or anyone else who makes a habit out of this, because people like you don't intimidate me George, and they never have.


You are the one that engages in PERSONAL ATTACKS. I deal in facts and issues, and when you have NO Scriptural answers, or are unable to "judge" a matter according to the truth, you retreat into your PERSONAL ATTACK MODE, since you can not deal with issues.

If you don't like my "TONE", that's TOUGH! I grow weary of these sly, effeminate, slights. I'd much rather have someone say something straight up and to my face - but it would be nice if they could deal with the "ISSUES", instead of calling me names (like you do) or "insinuate" like brother Tim does.

There was NO "CALL" for Tim to "single me out" for criticism for NOT commenting on a Thread, just like there was NO "CALL" for you to "single me out" when I didn't want to comment on the "water baptism" Thread!

I'll comment on what I want to comment on, and no amount of "pushing" or "shoving", or "goading" from you or Tim is going to change that! It's my business as to what I comment on, and NOBODY ELSE'S!

Your conduct here almost convinces me that there might actually be something to "Psychiatry" (paranoia?), but NOT QUITE! NO, your not "paranoid" - your just a simple "scorner", who hasn't learned to mind his own business, or keep his mouth shut!

Proverbs 15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.
Old 07-05-2009, 06:04 PM
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I'll be honest with you good people; I think I may have made an incorrect assumption about this forum. I thought surely, absent the attacks and criticism of the anti-KJV crowd, we could have some wonderful fellowship and edifying discussions. I see that you are busy here attacking one another and not the issues at all. If I wanted to fight, I could have that on the other forums.

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