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Old 03-31-2009, 07:58 PM
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BroParish, I am not bashing Kent Hovind. I have been simply stating the facts of a man in denial to this one charge he was found guilty of. Your insinuations, false accusations, and your verbal threats of Dart throwing show your sinfulness is full blown. and as far as my post in #49 I was not bashing Kent in saying, he is getting exactly what happens to a child of God who remains in sin for so long. He admits he hadn't collected Income Tax from his or his employees income, and that he did not file 1040 income reports for himself and his employees. All of which is required by law for many years.

I would make such remarks against any Christian's who would do the same as to what Kent Hovind has done not followed the law is collect income tax from employees or properly reporting their income for 17 years via 1040forms. And then still claim innocence and being persecuted for his faith.

BABB, you will have to forgive BroParish he has taken it upon himself to bash me, and be my judge, jury and executioner. of course he must be godlike to know my heart to judge me so righteously. when no one was speaking to him in the first place.

BroParish, Darts by the way are used of the Devil. And who are the WE'RE your speaking of? you and the chip on your shoulder.

You know go back and read my post I never accused you of man worship but that is where your chip began. I said beware, as all sin it is subtle. I never accused you or any of man worship I only warned about it you falsely accused me of such from the beginning.
my quote: So beware of worshiping men even if they may seem good and godly. He made a mistake he should admit it and do the time and move on.
My quote later: remember admiration can be man worship we need to make like the Lord and have no respect of person. I never accused you or anyone of man worship that was your interpretation.
But your response was that I had indeed accused you or Stephanos or others of man worship. I did no such thing, you were off base from the very start.
your quoted response: Come on, chill out brother, nobody is WORSHIPING Hovind. nobody ever said you were.
And later you said: I just think you really need to ease up on the man worship thing my brother

I told you to let it roll off your back, and I never asked forgiveness for my saying you were worshiping man because it NEVER TOOK PLACE. You got off in your own little mind that I had said you were man worshiping but it never took place. It came from your Imagination and misinterpretation of what I said.

I said good luck in your rebellion because it sound as if some of you were not going to file your tax returns. I did that for years and it caught up to me in 2006 and for two years I was in proceeding with the IRS and Virginia State Tax revenue Service. I had to have an Attorney and a CPA filing, and fighting payment collection charges which affect my credit status unlawfully (that is charges for not paying taxes on income that once calculated I didn't have to pay tax). The point is file your returns every year or you will end up in the mess I got into. and they can put you in jail for it.

Then you start questioning me about my tax status and if I pay Taxes and when I answered all you asked. You again made snide insinuations that I didn't know what I was talking about. and then hide you sarcasm in a supposed blessing

your quoted statement: Gotcha. So the reality is, you don't pay ANY taxes yourself. Well in that case I hope you make a lot of money with that business brother, perhaps one day you will end up having to pay 40 percent of your income to the government, like some of us in the U.S. Then, when you try to read the tax code regarding your business or employees and find that it's so complicated that an well-educated human can't even understand it, then you can come back and bash brother Hovind some more if it makes you feel good. This might prove to be a special blessing to you and strengthen your admiration for the whole process. When they take 40 percent of your income and use it for things like Planned Parenthood abortions and $650 million for digital-TV coupons, I want you to come back here and tell us how spiritual it makes you feel and what a blessing it is, okay? God bless you brother, best wishes for your success!

your only reason for blessing me was so I could feel the hurt of paying taxes. Not that I could help more people know Jesus Christ or to serve the Lord better. Not that I could provide for my family because giving is down since last year and I have to live on only $500 a month(and there is a good chance we can loose that). you were not blessing me so that God would be honored NO your blessing was a curse. James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. this is why I said you should be ashamed of yourself.

So I gave you the replies that I have indeed read Tax codes many hours online reading through thousands or pages of IRS documents. I also informed you that I had paid employees IRS withholding tax to the IRS via W2 forms and that tax was deposited quarterly ALL as required by the IRS from 1979-1993. I paid my Income tax of 33.9 to 40% until 1997. After that my income has been below poverty level, I also pay Property tax, Building Tax, Residential tax, Immigrant Tax, and Income tax if need be to date.

You are the one started accusing me of bashing Kent Hovind and of claiming you were man worshiping. But All I was doing was revealing that when he or anyone as a Christian violates the law they can expect to answer to that Law. and the whole point was from the beginning is Obey the law and you don't have anything to fear. the point is withholding tax for employees or properly reporting their income is a required and is not unlawful income tax reporting and collection procedure which has been in place for over 40 years.

So three times in this thread you have accused me of bashing Hovind, but as far as I can see the only one doing any real bashing here is you BroParish. you're bashing me by accusing me of bashing Kent every chance I get (not true). And then you are threatening to DART me. your darts have already been flung at me since post #14. so dart away be a son of Belial if you want.

Last edited by chette777; 03-31-2009 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 03-31-2009, 09:43 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Come on Chette, the dart thing was a joke...
again let me borrow your own words from post 26...
if I made you feel insulted then make like a duck in water, just let it roll off!
Old 03-31-2009, 10:03 PM
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your jokes are little less than tasteful as of late BroP.

It is one thing that some one would misunderstand what is said and that I do not hold against you

But it is entirely another to purposely use the post to not just offend me but you falsely accused me many times and you gave a cursing blessing you act as if it is all a joke. And I am your brother in the Lord?

your lack of conviction really stuns me. as a matter of fact it is that same lack of conviction of gainsaying and wrongdoing that is found in the character of your most admired man of the post.
Old 03-31-2009, 10:32 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Old 03-31-2009, 10:34 PM
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for the sake of our brethren this will be the last I speak of this with BroP until he is convicted and repents of his apparent misunderstanding and offenses towards me.

BroP I apologize for my part in your misunderstanding of my posts. I never intentionally accused you or anyone of man worship.

My rebukes, admonitions and corrections of your responses I don't think need to be apologized for. Because it is Biblical to do so.

I do apologize to those who have had to endure this prolonged postings as I tried to get BroP to see his error but he fails too at this time.
Old 04-01-2009, 04:43 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Gotcha. So the reality is, you don't pay ANY taxes yourself.
Well in that case I hope you make a lot of money with that business brother, perhaps one day you will end up having to pay 40 percent of your income to the government, like some of us in the U.S. Then, when you try to read the tax code regarding your business or employees and find that it's so complicated that an well-educated human can't even understand it, then you can come back and bash brother Hovind some more if it makes you feel good. This might prove to be a special blessing to you and strengthen your admiration for the whole process. When they take 40 percent of your income and use it for things like Planned Parenthood abortions and $650 million for digital-TV coupons, I want you to come back here and tell us how spiritual it makes you feel and what a blessing it is, okay? God bless you brother, best wishes for your success! Meanwhile here's an interesting article...
I have to post here and clarify this statement, for I know that Bro Chette will not puffeth himself up in regards to his "business" as Bro Parish called it.
Chette is a pastor of a Church in the Philippines, A Church built, established and supplied by faith , preaching the Glorious Gospel of Christ in one of the last regions where the Gospel has not been heard, I am quite certain they suffer hardships and trials that we in our own comfort DO NOT. Persecution from government, LACK of money, growth of insurgency in their area so I would say that not paying taxes does not tip the scales into balance there. I posted to clarify that Chette is in service for the Lord and NOT running a business.
I felt personally that there was no need to end a biting quote with "God bless you brother, best wishes for your success" it didn't read genuine to me.
Bro Chette has posted that he wish no further on this subject and offered apology where he felt convicted to do so.
Bro Parish I suggest you do the same and let the subject end.

Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
Old 04-01-2009, 07:30 AM
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Old 04-01-2009, 09:00 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
I have to post here and clarify this statement, for I know that Bro Chette will not puffeth himself up in regards to his "business" as Bro Parish called it.
Chette is a pastor of a Church in the Philippines, A Church built, established and supplied by faith , preaching the Glorious Gospel of Christ in one of the last regions where the Gospel has not been heard, I am quite certain they suffer hardships and trials that we in our own comfort DO NOT. Persecution from government, LACK of money, growth of insurgency in their area so I would say that not paying taxes does not tip the scales into balance there. I posted to clarify that Chette is in service for the Lord and NOT running a business.
I felt personally that there was no need to end a biting quote with "God bless you brother, best wishes for your success" it didn't read genuine to me.
Bro Chette has posted that he wish no further on this subject and offered apology where he felt convicted to do so.
Bro Parish I suggest you do the same and let the subject end.

Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
I would be happy to let the tax subject end, brother!
To be clear, this thread started as a simple link to an update on a Creationist, perhaps you should read all the posts before you type anything else here.

As for my comments,
I was simply responding to what Chette wrote in post no. 34, I think even you would have to agree this can be interpreted as "business oriented," especially to one who doesn't know Chette or his goals. (Please take a moment and see his quote below).

Now, let's all take a deep breath and sing "Kumbaya"...

Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
My income from the US is only taxable only in the US. I pay a community tax and property tax in the Philippines every years. if I make over $200 a month from Philippines sources then I need to pay tax on it at the end of each year. But I don't make any money here as of yet.

when and if we go into business I need to pay business taxes, plus employee tax deductible dividends that need to be done every quarter. Or I can report the employees full wages to the BIR and the employee is responsible to pay their own tax if over $200 per month. most only live on $40 a week and never make the taxable grade

but we are not doing any business yet we are planning to do some in the next year but we may not make any money.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 04-01-2009 at 09:09 AM.
Old 04-01-2009, 09:17 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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from that you quoted yes I can see that it may have appeared business orientated to you or anyone that dosent know Bro Chette. I apologise for that fact, however there was still a tinge of sarcasm wrapped in a blessing and we as Christians and Brothers shouldnt speak in such manner to each other especially when it comes to Blessing by our Lord and saviours name.

Lets take time out especially from this thread and find it in our hearts to forgive one another even as Christ forgave us.

Colossians 3:12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
Colossians 3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Old 04-01-2009, 09:33 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
from that you quoted yes I can see that it may have appeared business orientated to you or anyone that dosent know Bro Chette. I apologise for that fact, however there was still a tinge of sarcasm wrapped in a blessing and we as Christians and Brothers shouldnt speak in such manner to each other especially when it comes to Blessing by our Lord and saviours name.
No need to apologize brother!
I assure you any perceived sarcasm didn't start until Chette busted in the door at post no. 9 and started talking about "man worship." That was only the start of his insults. But I'm sure your reply won't go back that far into the post, and to be honest I really don't care. I'm not angry or upset in the least, after all, it is our brother Hovind and his wife who are in jail today, and I suggest we all pray for them and their family! That's called getting back to topic!

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