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Old 08-27-2008, 01:38 AM
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Peopleoftheway:--- Very good Post and good scripture references! {Per #28} The Matt. 12:34 passage is a good reminder that The Lord Jesus had many "heated" words with the various groups that hounded Him. There is that excellent passage we find in John chapter 8 where the Pharisees say that he is a Samaritan and has a devil...Our Lord said that they were children of the Devil and that He was "I am!"

Yaa wanna bet that neither The Lord Jesus Christ nor the Apostle Paul would ever get offered to Pastor or even do "pulpit supply" at one of todays "seeker-sensitive" groups...?

Last edited by PB1789; 08-27-2008 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 08:14 AM
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Peter Ruckman says if you don't offend someone with your preaching you didn't do a good job!
HEE HEE HEE! I wouldn't make that a criteria but in some case it should be true.
Old 08-27-2008, 08:18 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Amen Brother, The LORD Jesus Christ is perfect, he did however get angry on occasion, righteous anger, as im sure the apostles did on many occasions. I agree that this world needs more preaching delivered this way, offense needs to be given to shake people up, to be perfectly honest if harsh preaching offends, it could be the fact the The Holy Spirit of God is trying to let you in on something your pride and the devil wont let you see past. I take immense comfort in the fact that although no man can tell how my heart is when I speak, or post or think, Jesus Christ does, and he knows my intentions are always out of Love for Him and the body of Christ.
Preach with conviction! dont let it be preaching merged with social gospel merged with philosophy. Love is not all perfume and flowers, its harsh at times for a reason, correction and truth.

God Bless
Old 08-27-2008, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: toiwnz reply to Post

Originally Posted by toiwnz View Post
I know I said in another thread (Obama the antichrist) that I would take a break for a from the site but I just couldn't help reading what other said on different subjects. We all know that God is not the author of confusion. The above dialogue is evidence that the divider is amongst the group. I'm sure that dilligent the administrator didn't have this in mind when he created the forum. There's christians talking about other christians wives. We have christians not turning the other cheek. We have christians arguing back. We have christians fighting with each other and questioning each other's salvation. Is this really what things have come to? What would Jesus think of us after reading all of this? There is obviously division in this forum and we all know who causes division.

In my opinion there needs to be some serious change that needs to take place before we serious injure a brother or sister's faith. We must remember that our brothers and sisters are God's children too and when we hurt them we're hurting His children. Some on the outside would say to get rid of the forum all together but I think it can serve some good. We must realize that when you have people of different denominations, and ideas, and doctrines you'll run into the problem that's happening now. I know dilligent said he only wants to lightly monitor the threads but it seems that some heavy moderating is needed.

The main point is where is the Love that our entire faith is based on? No matter if you believe in dispensationalism, pre trib, post-trib, mid-trib, lost of salvation, no lost of salvation, the antichrist being Obama, McCain, or some other leader that pops up every ten years. It doesn't matter if you believe we can drink wine moderatly or not at all. Or if you believe KJVO or the other versions are ok. NONE of those things really matter if you don't have love.

If we say we love the Lord but hate our brother what good are we? If all of the law hangs on Love but we don't have it what good are we? If salavation is the best picture of Love and we don't have Love what good are we? Where is the unity people? Where is the unity that we are all sinners no matter our spiritual education or spiritual IQ and that we need a savior? Simplicity. Often we get so high minded when learn a new doctrine or think we know something more than others. But we need to look back every once in a while to the simple things and reflect and rejoice on those II Corinthians 11:3

Come on christian (CHRIST LIKE) brothers and sisters. Let's do better. The name christian has been drugged threw the mud by the world. Let's live up to our name and be CHRIST LIKE in all points of our lives including these forums

Aloha toiwnz,

Could you be more specific - you said: "The above dialogue is evidence that the divider is amongst the group." In your criticism (or condemnation) of the "dialogue" you are referring to? WHO is the "divider" that is amongst the group? Why don't you name him?

Do you think (or believe) that "UNITY" is God's final goal for everyone that names the name of Christ (lost or saved?). Do you believe that God values "UNITY" above His TRUTH? Our God values NOTHING in the entire Universe above (or before) His Holy Name - not even our souls! And He has magnified His word even above His name:"I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. " [Psalms 138:2]

"UNITY" is the cry of the Ecumenists and compromisers of God's Holy words! "Can't we all just get along"? is the plea of someone who doesn't understand what it means to "contend" for God's word.

Do you not understand that not everyone that joins this Forum is a true brother in Christ (or a child of God)? How can I tell the "false brethren" from the true brethren? I cannot observe their lives, or fellowship with them in a local church - the only thing that I can go by is their "attitude" towards God's word and the brethren. I am not going to "assume" that everyone that joins this Forum is saved (born again) just because they like to talk about the Bible; the Lord; or doctrine.

I don't hate false brethren, false teachers or heretics, but I am certainly not going to treat them like a brother! [2Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 2:4; 2Peter 2:1; Romans 16:17; Titus 3:10] Once a person is identified as a false teacher or a heretic we must obey the Scriptures and either avoid them or reject them. "UNITY " of the brethren has nothing to do with the issue - we are obligated to obey the Scriptures, not seek "peace" with those who would divide us and lead those babes in Christ, who are not familiar with Scripture astray.

Why do you think that Diligent (Brandon) should heavily monitor this site more stringently and prevent these discussions, debates, and arguments over doctrine? Are you not aware that God uses these things to demonstrate to the brethren who is a false brother, false teacher, or heretic? [1Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.] Are you trying to "muzzle" those of us who are attempting to defend the word of God and His doctrine (for the sake of "peace" and "UNITY"), or are you trying to prevent these false brethren, false teachers, and heretics from bringing in their "damnable heresies"? [2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.]

If you will carefully notice I don't call people "stupid", "idiots", "jerks", etc. I do however call them Humanists, Sophists, false teachers, and heretics - if the shoe fits, they should wear it! I have never met a Christian who has read the Humanist Manifestos I, II, & III. Most Christians are totally unaware of the Humanist agenda or what a "Sophist" is - and yet they will criticize me for naming someone if they are Humanists and/or Sophists {Please see my "Threads" and Posts: "Humanists – Sophists – Fools – Gnat Strainers – Heretics" (Under the General Chit-Chat Section) and "HUMANISM - Pernicious Satanic Influence In The World Today - PARTS I, II, & III" (Under the Section > Doctrine) on this Forum}

The main "problem" with Christianity in America today is that practically everyone who gets saved or gets "religion" has been raised up in an Humanist environment (family, schools, colleges, the media, government, the churches, etc.). Most Christians are unaware that the Official (but Undeclared) Religion of the U.S.A. is godless Humanism. (Try to post the 10 Commandments in Court or in the government schools if you don't believe me. Try to be a teacher in the government schools and bring your Bible and witness and see what happens. Try to teach Creation in the government schools and see what happens. Try to get "tenure' in a major College or University and profess to be a Bible believer and see what happens. Try to get, or hold, a job in many of the major "sciences" and profess to be a Bible believer and see what happens). Do you get the message?

People who are getting saved today in the U.S.A. are so "shot through" with Humanism that they can not discern between good and evil on even the simplest level. Most of them were Humanists for far longer than they have been saved (those who are genuinely saved - that is); and when they get saved they have a whole lot of "baggage" that they bring along, and which they no longer want or desire to get rid of.

The main point is where is the Love that our entire faith is based on? No matter if you believe in dispensationalism, pre trib, post-trib, mid-trib, lost of salvation, no lost of salvation, the antichrist being Obama, McCain, or some other leader that pops up every ten years. It doesn't matter if you believe we can drink wine moderatly or not at all. Or if you believe KJVO or the other versions are ok. NONE of those things really matter if you don't have love.
The "main point" is not your concept or opinion as to what "UNITY" or "love" is; the whole point is we must BELIEVE God for what He says in the Scripture of truth. The main point is: "But he answered and said, It iswritten, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. " [Matthew 4:4] Please notice that "UNITY" and "love" are NOT mentioned - because, while people can easily misconstrue true Biblical Unity and Love, it is much more difficult to misconstrue God's words (but not impossible).

Your dismissal of the important doctrines that are discussed here on this Forum as being not that important (they don't matter), because, in your "opinion" "UNITY" is all important, is unscriptural; because, ultimately it's the kind of doctrine you choose to believe that will save you and guide you into all truth, or if you choose to believe a false doctrine it will either damn you (if you are lost) or if you are a Christian, false doctrine will consign you to living a lie your entire Christian life. [1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.] You cannot "dismiss" the extreme importance of sound doctrine, just because you "think" that "UNITY" is more important - it isn't!

If we say we love the Lord but hate our brother what good are we? If all of the law hangs on Love but we don't have it what good are we? If salavation is the best picture of Love and we don't have Love what good are we? Where is the unity people? Where is the unity that we are all sinners no matter our spiritual education or spiritual IQ and that we need a savior? Simplicity. Often we get so high minded when learn a new doctrine or think we know something more than others. But we need to look back every once in a while to the simple things and reflect and rejoice on those II Corinthians 11:3
You haven't seen or heard any "hate" on this Forum - not from those of us who are contending for the truth. Sharp debate and contention took place in the early church (check out the Book of Acts, and most of the Letters of the Apostles - Read it); the brethren got "angry" with each other, but they didn't "hate" each other.

I am not dismissing the importance of true Biblical unity and love; I have several lessons on my web site dealing with the issue and the lack of it among today's Christians. What I haven't done is make these issues paramount to the exclusion of God's word and doctrines. You cannot have true Biblical unity and love without God's Holy word. If you don't have God's Holy word, and if it is not paramount in a Christian's life - who and what are be UNIFIED around (each other?) Who do we love if God's word is not paramount in our lives - false brethren, false teachers, and heretics? I trow not!

Come on christian (CHRIST LIKE) brothers and sisters. Let's do better. The name christian has been drugged threw the mud by the world. Let's live up to our name and be CHRIST LIKE in all points of our lives including these forums
Not everyone who joins this Forum is a blood bought child of God - and to "assume" so is an error in judgment and discernment. If someone comes on to this Forum and starts "spouting off" about his (or her) "favorite" doctrine, if that doctrine is found to be false or misleading, we have an obligation and a duty to "contend for the faith". I don't especially "enjoy" contending, and I try real hard not to be"contentious", but there is such a thing as righteous anger; there is such a thing as being grieved at people that are so blind that they are intent on blinding others and pull them into the same ditch that they reside in; there is such a thing as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And if God's truth is not paramount in our lives, I can assure you that we will be led astray.

The following verses clearly demonstrate what God's will for all mankind is (especially for those of us who believe). Please notice that "UNITY" and "love" are not mentioned - these come AFTER the spirit and the TRUTH!

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Old 08-28-2008, 02:30 AM
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Default Re: In reply to Stephanos (Stephen's) Personal "Testimony"

Re: In reply to Stephanos (Stephen's) Personal "Testimony"

Aloha all,

I dislike being “the old Curmudgeon” or the “fly in the ointment” [Ecclesiastes 10:1], but I must comment on “Stephanos” (Stephen’s) “personal testimony”. I believe a “comparison” is in order, and since I am more familiar with my salvation (re-birth) than any one else’s, I think it only proper that I compare how I got saved as compared to Stephen’s "experience".

In the summer of 1958 (I was 18 years old) I was stationed on the U.S.S. Vance out of Pearl Harbor and I bought a Bible from a Bible “salesman” who came on board ship peddling his wares (A big, fancy, King James Family Bible with all of the trimmings). I purchased The Book more out of “curiosity” than for any other reason, although I was an avid reader, I had never read the Bible before in my entire life up until that time.

I started in Genesis (since that’s how you start most books) and somewhere along the way I got “bogged down” (what with all the “begats” and “begets”, etc.) and so I moved on to the Psalms (almost everyone has at least “heard” of the Psalms!)

When I started to read the Bible I was what you would describe as “agnostic” (ignorant of God & His word – not sure if He even existed), however, after reading Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes I was sure of three things:

1.That there was a God!
2.That the God of the Bible was the One True God!
3.That the words that I had read in the Bible were God’s words!

Now mind you – had I died at that moment, I would have split Hell wide open. (after all I really didn’t believe anything more than the devil and his legions do.) But, I had finally found the truth, and I would never be the same for that. A short time later God brought a group of young (saved) servicemen (known as the “Navigators”) into contact with me and they showed me the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in October of 1958 I believed the Gospel and received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.

I had no idea about all the many things that God had done for me and to me in that day, other than that Christ had taken my sins upon Himself, and had given me the “gift” of Eternal life for believing in Him. It would be many years later before I began to realize the “Operation” of God that takes place in a believer when they believe and receive the Lord as their Saviour – but I “knew” I was saved!

Please notice: I saw no visions; the heavens didn’t open up; I didn’t “speak in tongues”; I didn’t pass-out, twitch, scream, or jerk around like a wounded chicken; and I saw no “miracles”. The second thing is that: I didn’t GIVE God ANYTHING! I didn’t give God my heart (What would He want with the evil and deceitful thing?); I didn’t give my life to Him (He didn’t require it!); I didn’t commit my life to Him; I didn’t promise Him ANYTHING! I just BELIEVED the Gospel and RECEIVED the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I came to Him with nothing in my hand; I didn’t offer Him ANYTHING in return for my salvation – He GAVE me His Salvation as a “free gift” – NO STRINGS ATTACHED!

And now we move on to Stephen’s “testimony” as he has recently testified to: {all underlines, bold print, and CAPITALS are mine. G.A.}

“My name is Stephen, I live in Wenatchee Washington. My family comes from South Africa after my Grandfather was threatened to leave or face imprisonment for preaching (he's a Presbyterian minister) that blacks and whites are equal in God's eyes. My early years are pretty straight forward. I grew up in as you can guess, a Christian home, but I didn't want anything to do with Christ up until about 10 years ago. At that time I was heavily involved with drugs and alcohol, and was an adamant believer in science and evolution.”

“However one night I was watching a film that had some pseudo-Christian content (basically it was a movie I wouldn't recommend to others) and as I sat there I had an experience that is a bit hard to describe. I felt like the light switch of my soul had been turned on, and in that moment I knew that God was real and that Christ Jesus was indeed His resurrected Son. I GAVE my life to Christ that night. This however was more of a head commitment and I hadn't at that time truly understood what it meant to live for Christ.”

PLEASE NOTICE: Stephen was watching a film with pseudo-Christian content” (“a movie I wouldn't recommend to others”) {NO SCRIPTURE!}; He had: an experience that is a bit hard to describe{Even the youngest “babe in Christ” can tell how he was saved!}; he: felt like the light switch of my soul had been turned on,” {I wonder where we can find that in the Bible? Watch out for “feelings”!}; he: knew that God was real and that Christ Jesus was indeed His resurrected Son.” {So does Satan and every devil and evil spirit that exists!}; he said: I GAVE my life to Christ that night.” {God doesn’t ask or want our life (in exchange for eternal life?) – He wants us to BELIEVE ON his Son - He wants us to BELIEVE in His FINISHED WORK on Calvary – He wants us to RECEIVE Christ as our Saviour – He wants us to RECEIVE His “Gift” of Eternal Life}; he said: This however was more of a head commitment and I hadn't at that time truly understood what it meant to live for Christ.” {Stephen is "putting the cart before the horse" - you get saved FIRST, and then you SERVE!}

Please notice something about Stephen's "testimony": There is no mention of the Bible, the Scriptures, or God’s word; there is no mention hearing (or reading) the Gospel; there is no mention of receiving Christ as his personal Saviour; and there is no mention of receiving God’s gift of Eternal life! – What kind of “gospel” is this, if not “another gospel”?

Secondly: The Holy Scriptures are absolutely clear that we do NOT “believe” with our “mind”! I have spent at least 2,000 hours studying the heart, the mind, the conscience, the soul, and the spirit in the Holy Bible {See my study on my web site – “The Heart of the Matter”}, and NOWHERE in the entire Bible does it indicate in any way, that we “believe” with ANYTHING, other than the HEART!

How about some Scripture?

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Mark 16:14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

Luke 8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
{If you can LOSE salvation – what’s the worry?}

Luke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with ALL THINE HEART, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

{Man believes with his heart - NOT with his "mind" - could it be any more clear?}

By Stephen’s own testimony (his own words – NOT mine): He never heard (or read) any Scriptures; He never heard (or read) the Gospel; He never truly believed (with his heart); and he never received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. It’s no wonder that he doesn’t believe in Eternal Life!

Now don’t go getting mad at me. I’m not judging whether Stephen is lost or saved (only God knows his heart – I know that I don’t). But if you take his “testimony” at face value – you have to admit that you couldn’t find the “Gospel” of the Grace of God in his “testimony” if you looked for it with the “Hubble Telescope”!

In my study on the attributes of man I found out that:



The heart is that faculty within a man or woman which is the center or seat of our 1 thoughts,2 meditations, 3 considerations,
perceptions, 5 concepts, 6 reasoning, 7understanding,8 beliefs, 9 imaginations
, 10 fears, 11 doubts, 12 counsels, 13 intents, 14 desires (affections - emotions), and 15 pride. The heart is where the 16 will resides and operates.

(1. Job 17:11; 2. Psalms 19:14; 3. Deuteronomy 8:5; 4. Deuteronomy 29:4; 5. Acts 5:4; 6. Mark 2:8; 7. Proverbs 8:5; 8. Romans 10:9-10; 9. Genesis 6:5; 10. Isaiah 35:4, Luke 21:26; 11. Mark 11:23; 12. Jeremiah 7:24; 13. Hebrews 4:12; 14. Psalms 37:4, Colossians 3:2; 15. 2 Chronicles 32:26; 16. Psalms 101:2, Psalms 119:69, Psalms 119:145, Isaiah 32:6, 1 Corinthians 7:37, Ephesians 6:6.)

According to the Scriptures the mind is that faculty within a man or woman wherein our intellect or intelligence resides.In the Bible the mind is separate and distinct from the heart in purpose, though similar in function and operation.

According to the Scriptures the conscience is that faculty within a man or woman wherein resides the awareness of right and wrong (good and evil),and which influences the heart and mind as to the lawfulness or unlawfulness of our own affections & actions. According to the Scriptures the human heart and conscience are separate and distinct from each other in purpose and in operation.

According to the Scriptures the spirit (pertaining only to mankind) is that substance [which is given by God] within a man or woman wherein our very life resides i.e. the spirit is life itself. In the Bible the spirit is separate and distinct from the heart and the soul in purpose, though it may have some similar characteristics.

According to the Scriptures the soul is that substance within a man or a woman, which is created at the moment of birth, (when the body receives the spirit)and which is the very essence of their being. The soul within a man or woman is that substance that distinguishes mankind from all of the other living creatures in God’s creation. The soul is that substance which separates an individual from every other individual and makes them unique.

NOTICE: 5 of the 6 attributes of man are spiritual – you can not see them; hear them; taste them; smell them; or touch them, and yet these attributes are as real as our physical bodies.

The following is the balance of Stephen’s “testimony”:

Fast forward through some difficult years (never stopped believing once throughout this difficult time, thank the Lord for His promises to preserve His own!). About 5 years ago I met a man that gave up his worldly life to literally hitch-hike from town to town preaching the gospel. His name was Dante and he shook my world. To this day I have yet to meet a man who embodies what it means to live for Christ in such a way as did Dante. He told me I should give up the NIV and read the KJB, praise Jesus! I didn't agree with him at that time, but he gave me some tracts from Tabernacle Baptist Church on the subject that eventually helped me to see that I should put away the perversions and read the Bible God uses [IMG]file:///G:/DOCUME%7E1/GEORGE%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] As I started to read the KJB God began to bless me in ways I could never have imagined. I tell people that I began to truly see the truth and never got over it. I was so hungry for the Word that I would read entire books each day, and to this day I still like to do it that way, read entire books instead of short passages that is. Anywho, another fast forward. I started to notice discrepancies within the church I was attending at that time. I really struggled, to be honest. I tried to voice my concerns about the way things were done in those churches, and how they were not very biblical. I rubbed a lot of people the wrong way at that time (mostly because of my firm stance for the KJB).”
Eventually I got to a place where I was just fed up and wanted to know if there was a truly biblical church somewhere. I knew there had to be, since it would not be within God's character to not leave a remnant. It was at this time I heard about the Anabaptists of the 16th century, and their descendants the Hutterite and Mennonite. I was so amazed with these people, and their dedication to living a biblical life that I saught them out, and found an extremely conservative Mennonite church out in Deer Park, Washington. They were quite open to me, and let me come live with them for a week of revival meetings. I love these brethren as my own family. I wish to learn everything I can from these dedicated Christians as I can. However, it is expensive to bus to Deer Park all the time, so I finally found a good Bible Believing Baptist church here in town recently and I attend there now. I love these folks as well. I'm still quite new there so I don't have much to say yet, but I forsee a beautiful relationship in the future, and am so blessed to finally have transportation (I just finally bought my motorcycle) and can now attend church on a regular basis again.

So that's a basic (very) rundown of my spiritual roots. By day (lol) I'm a carpenter and excavator operator. Me and my boss are building a small shop/house out in an organic orchard for some folks at the moment, which is pretty cool. Before this I was a computer technician by day, and open source software developer by night ( was the last project I wrote). I however, realized that writting code was quite literally consuming my life, and I decided it was better if I found something different to do for the rest of my life. I would like to go to school someday, since my goal in life is to be a champion of God's word like some of the guys I've met here are. I want to be able to defend the KJB in a constructive way, and see as many Christians getting back into their Bibles as I can. Nothing excites me more than when I hear about a Christian that is getting into the Word of God.

The rest of Stephen’s “testimony” shows that he is really impressed by men’s “works” (the outward appearance) and admires men who have “dedication” and are willing to “give up worldly things” to work for Christ and spread the “gospel”.

He talks about church; wanting to serve Jesus; wanting to go to school to better serve Him; etc. But no where’s does he give a clear, concise “testimony” to having BELIEVED the true Gospel or having RECEIVED the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour or having RECEIVED God’s GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Maybe he has, but if he has, he doesn’t say so in his “testimony”.

There are many people that are in the various cults that are as dedicated (sometimes more so) than those of us who are saved. “Dedication” to a cause and a willingness to "give up worldly goods" is NOT a sure indication that someone has been born again. I would advise Stephen to:

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” [2 Corinthians 13:5]

Last edited by George; 08-28-2008 at 02:49 AM.
Old 08-28-2008, 04:07 AM
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After I read Stephens testimony I wanted to comment. But I pomised to leave him alone.

But I offered a prayer, "please Lord give the burden to someone else from the forum to show that his salvation experience was not Biblical."

I praise my Lord for that answered prayer. I saw all that George saw.
Old 08-28-2008, 08:36 AM
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Man I knew you all would nit pick on the details. The bible was involved in my "recieving" Christ that night. My mother had spent the week prior teaching me about Christ Jesus, and what it meant to recieve salvation. I didn't believe at that time, but at the end of that week it just came together as I had time to reflect on things. I told you I didn't know how to explain how I knew Christ Jesus was the risen Son of God. I said it seemed like an epiphany, that is, the truth just WAS all of a sudden and I had a choice to make at that time (believe and recieve, or continue on in ignorance). I chose that night to tell Christ Jesus that I was sorry for fighting Him and His followers and that I was going to spend the rest of my life living in faith and serving Him to His glory. I REALLY hope this is clear enough now. You two are the only people out of the hundreds, if not thousands of fundamentalist Christians I've met that have doubted my salvation. I assure you, I know whose I am. I don't doubt my salvation. The Holy Bible has been a part of my every day life now for nearly 10 years guys. The King James Bible is my foundation. My hope is Christ Jesus, and my aim is His glory.

You guys really know how to beat a brother down, thanks.

Old 08-28-2008, 02:51 PM
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Re: Stephanos - Stephen's "testimony"

{Note: underlines and bold are mine. G.A.}

Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Man I knew you all would nit pick on the details. The bible was involved in my "recieving" Christ that night. My mother had spent the week prior teaching me about Christ Jesus, and what it meant to recieve salvation. I didn't believe at that time, but at the end of that week it just came together as I had time to reflect on things. I told you I didn't know how to explain how I knew Christ Jesus was the risen Son of God. I said it seemed like an epiphany, that is, the truth just WAS all of a sudden and I had a choice to make at that time (believe and recieve, or continue on in ignorance). I chose that night to tell Christ Jesus that I was sorry for fighting Him and His followers and that I was going to spend the rest of my life living in faith and serving Him to His glory. I REALLY hope this is clear enough now. You two are the only people out of the hundreds, if not thousands of fundamentalist Christians I've met that have doubted my salvation. I assure you, I know whose I am. I don't doubt my salvation. The Holy Bible has been a part of my every day life now for nearly 10 years guys. The King James Bible is my foundation. My hope is Christ Jesus, and my aim is His glory.

You guys really know how to beat a brother down, thanks.

"Nit picking"? The "DETAILS" make all the "DIFFERENCE" in the World! The "Details" make the Difference between being LOST or SAVED! You gave your "testimony" - I commented on it.

I never once said that you were lost! Read my Post -
"I’m not judging whether Stephen is lost or saved (only God knows his heart – I know that I don’t)"
Do you have any discernment (or even reading comprehension) at all?

Now that you have "added" to your "testimony" - you still haven't made any thing "clear enough now".

Where is the GOSPEL (Christ died for my SINS; He was buried; He rose again) in all of this? You talk about: "believe and receive" - BELIEVE and RECEIVE - WHAT? or WHO? (You don't "clearly" identify). You talk about an "Epiphany" - What does that mean to us? Why do you have such a hard time with such a simple thing? Don't you remember castigating my wife with: "Perhaps you should have let those who are stronger in the Scriptures" - Are you "stronger in the Scriptures", when you still can't give a clear, unequivocal answer regarding the SIMPLICITY that is in Christ and His Gospel? I guarantee you that her "testimony" is crystal clear!

It's all very simple: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. " [Romans 10:17] It's got nothing to do with "Epiphanies"; "Movies"; "Feelings"; Personal "Experiences"; etc. It's got everything to do with HEARING the word of God and RECEIVING Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour - and I have yet to read those words in your "testimony".

Perhaps by now you will understand why I have avoided commenting on your Posts and Threads since you joined the Forum in May. I could see early on, from your Posts & Threads, that you had some "knowledge" (limited); but very little "discernment" and "understanding". Not only that, but when gophgetter joined the Forum you showed very little "wisdom" when you supported a man who was obviously an out-and-out heretic.

And of course the "kicker" for me was when you made the mistake of picking on my wife with your arrogant and condescending attitude. I'm no longer angry with you, but you can be sure that I will be carefully watching your every Post from here on out.

Proverbs 19:27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.

Proverbs 6:2
Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

Your words have betrayed you - If I were to review your Posts & Threads on this Forum I could fill a book with the errors that you have espoused and promoted. I would advise you to consider these words from the Holy Scriptures:

Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

You want to go out and do a work for God? You had better know what you are talking about first, before you go out and only confuse and mislead people.

Oh, and by the way, if you think that I am "too tough", "narrow minded", "mean", "unloving", "uncharitable", and "judgmental" - wait until you get before a Holy and Righteous God at His Judgment - I'm a "pussy cat" compared to my God!

"For our God is a consuming fire."
[Hebrews 12:29]
Old 08-28-2008, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Man I knew you all would nit pick on the details. The bible was involved in my "recieving" Christ that night. My mother had spent the week prior teaching me about Christ Jesus, and what it meant to recieve salvation. I didn't believe at that time, but at the end of that week it just came together as I had time to reflect on things. I told you I didn't know how to explain how I knew Christ Jesus was the risen Son of God. I said it seemed like an epiphany, that is, the truth just WAS all of a sudden and I had a choice to make at that time (believe and recieve, or continue on in ignorance). I chose that night to tell Christ Jesus that I was sorry for fighting Him and His followers and that I was going to spend the rest of my life living in faith and serving Him to His glory. I REALLY hope this is clear enough now. You two are the only people out of the hundreds, if not thousands of fundamentalist Christians I've met that have doubted my salvation. I assure you, I know whose I am. I don't doubt my salvation. The Holy Bible has been a part of my every day life now for nearly 10 years guys. The King James Bible is my foundation. My hope is Christ Jesus, and my aim is His glory.

You guys really know how to beat a brother down, thanks.

I would look on this as an opprtunity and welcome challenge to examine and express my faith with boldness. Only you and God know if you are saved. Our witness requires a scriptural examination and understanding to express a valid testimony. Personally, I love it when folks ask about or doubt my faith. That is me though.

Acts 26:6 And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers:

Acts 26:2 I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews:

Last edited by Debau; 08-28-2008 at 03:21 PM.
Old 08-28-2008, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: Debau's Comments

I would look on this as an opprtunity and welcome challenge to examine and express my faith with boldness. Only you and God know if you are saved. Our witness requires a scriptural examination and understanding to express a valid testimony. Personally, I love it when folks ask about or doubt my faith. That is me though.

Acts 26:6 And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers:

Acts 26:2 I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews:
Aloha brother,

Excellent! Excellent answer. I sometimes wish I had the kind of "wisdom" you have demonstrated here. More often than not - I just come at things "Head-On", which isn't always the "wisest" coarse.

One thing is for certain though - If any one asks me how I got saved; or where; or when; or if someone doubts my salvation (actually God's salvation - given to me. Psalms 51:12) I'm more than happy to give my "testimony" without hesitation, and without confusion, perplexity, or doubt.

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