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Old 01-09-2009, 09:01 PM
kittn1 kittn1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Diligent View Post

And, I may be the only one in the world, but I think Windows Vista is an excellent operating system.

I like Vista, far the only problem I've had with it is that my Internet Explorer keeps freezing up on it.

So.....I switched browsers and so far, so good.
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Old 01-09-2009, 09:06 PM
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Well, a whole lot of people liked "Mojave," and that just turned out to be Vista...

I used it for a while via Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro; it worked well enough I suppose, but certain apps kept freezing up or had issues with Vista (read: Vista dropped support for them) so I scrubbed it and installed XP instead.
Old 01-09-2009, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
Well, a whole lot of people liked "Mojave," and that just turned out to be Vista...

I used it for a while via Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro; it worked well enough I suppose, but certain apps kept freezing up or had issues with Vista (read: Vista dropped support for them) so I scrubbed it and installed XP instead.
I like that "Mojave" commercial, lol!

I like XP too....I have it on the desktop and Vista on my laptop.
Old 01-09-2009, 09:25 PM
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What's funny is that they had to lie to people to make them like Vista.
Old 01-09-2009, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
What's funny is that they had to lie to people to make them like Vista.
The Mojave experiment actually shows that the "anti-Vista hype" is more responsible for anti-Vista perceptions than Vista is. Sure, it's an obvious marketing ploy by Microsoft, but still quite telling.

I thought you might get a kick out of this:
Old 01-10-2009, 01:39 AM
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If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then ridicule is the most telling form of jealousy.

My wife is running Leopard, an arguably more advanced OS, on a PowerBook G4 with a 1.22 GhZ PPC processor, and it's almost flawless (usually; I need to clean it up a tad). Most comparably older PCs couldn't look at Vista without pooping a brick.

*loves his Mac and isn't one bit ashamed of it*
Old 01-10-2009, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Gord View Post
Thank you Stephen for the tips on wine. I have an old box in the office I have Ubuntu on and wine runs SwordSearcher on that just great, considering that it's only a 950celeron chip with only 512 ram. The hard drive on that old beaut is probably razor thin from all the installs of linux that have been on it since RH5, I think in the mid to late 90's. Back then I thought it was cute to crash all the little bomb icons, and it only took me 4 days to get the printer to work. The closest I came to getting Gentoo installed was it's derivative Sabyan. I'm from the old school technology wise, so if I can't point and click, I don't use it. (Terminal Windows for geeks is not my forte).

My reference to BEOS should have been FreeBSD, as I was too impatient to type rather the look up what I was talking about.

With your advance knowledge and understanding of Linux, it's no wonder you don't like OSX, but for an old curmudgeon like me that only knows the 3 buttons of a mouse, OSX fits right into my comfort zone, and desire to not have to learn new geeky stuff, or EVER open a terminal window.

If I find a good STEP reader that will work on my Mac, I'll blow windows off my old laptop and give whatever linux flavor I feel drawn to at that time.

For now, on my laptop, I have and extensive book library that I use with BibleExplorer4 and the STEP reader, (that I don't have SS modules for) and only when I study to I fire it up for that reason only.

It is refreshing to yak linux, I gave up on the testing, installing, and forum chat as I found it was cutting in to way to much of my family time, and time for the Lord.
Yeah, same. I couldn't maintain the level of obsessive programming I was doing and maintain my relationship with the Lord. I'm an all or nothing kinda guy. So I don't do much coding anymore, but I do get an itch that needs to be tickled every so often, and it usually is something involving Common Lisp

Oh, and I understand why a lot of old timers use OSX. As a matter of fact, a lot of old time UNIX lovers went for OSX to simplify development (I'm talking about non IDE style developers, who use a terminal for editing code in vim or emacs, and another terminal to run their compiler etc.). OSX has allowed a lot of developers to focus on their code and not on maintaining their system. Fortunately, linux has come a long way and with Ubuntu (I've never used it myself) one doesn't have to tinker to much with a command line if one has an aversion for it. I personally still do 90% of my computing with a terminal, but that's because I learned linux on Slackware and dove head first without a windows box to rely on when things didn't work. It was a very exciting time of my life, and a period where I pulled out much of my hair (or is that male pattern baldness?).

Oh and I get a kick out of you thinking old school is point and click Old school for me is pluging in the code to get jingle bells to work with qbasic. Although not to shortly after that I was tinkering with Windows 3.1 Boy those were good times, and I have very fond memories of playing Betrayal at Krondor until my face was red (yes, some old monitors would sunburn ones face ) on that old 486 that would run 3.1.

So is STEP pretty standard? I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it. Does SS accept STEP books?

Peace and Love,

Last edited by stephanos; 01-10-2009 at 04:59 AM.
Old 01-10-2009, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then ridicule is the most telling form of jealousy.

My wife is running Leopard, an arguably more advanced OS, on a PowerBook G4 with a 1.22 GhZ PPC processor, and it's almost flawless (usually; I need to clean it up a tad). Most comparably older PCs couldn't look at Vista without pooping a brick.

*loves his Mac and isn't one bit ashamed of it*
You know, I was so close to buying a Mac, but they blew it when they went to intel. Writing assembler code for the G5 (it was so much like IBM's Power4 core, and the hope that Apple would someday use something inspired by Power5 or 6 just had me dreaming big time) was just to enticing, but when they bought into the CISC hype (well really I think they went intel for thermal reasons) I gave up on owning a Mac.

Peace and Love,
Old 01-10-2009, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
So is STEP pretty standard? I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it. Does SS accept STEP books?
No. STEP is essentially an abandoned standard. There are still some books for it, but it's not actively supported any more, AFAIK.
Old 01-10-2009, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then ridicule is the most telling form of jealousy.
That explains all those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials!

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