Bible Versions Questions and discussion about the Bible version issue.

View Poll Results: What Bible(s) Do You agree With (Approve Of)?
All versions 0 0%
All versions
0 0%
All versions no matter what text they use as long as they translate it as best as possible 2 10.53%
All versions no matter what text they use as long as they translate it as best as possible
2 10.53%
All versions that come from the TR 1 5.26%
All versions that come from the TR
1 5.26%
Only the KJV1611 4 21.05%
Only the KJV1611
4 21.05%
All KJV editions 10 52.63%
All KJV editions
10 52.63%
Only the Pure Cambridge Edition 1 5.26%
Only the Pure Cambridge Edition
1 5.26%
None of the above (please explain) 1 5.26%
None of the above (please explain)
1 5.26%
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Old 10-31-2008, 11:05 PM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Just_A_Thought, I'd like to send you a pdf copy of Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones' "Which Version is the Bible?" which I think will help you understand why we don't agree with you. You don't have to agree with us, but this book will help you to first understand what we believe. I also think it will show you some interesting things about all the various texts and where they came from. It really is a good book.

You don't share you email on your profile (which is odd to say the least) so if you would let me know how I can email it to you I will send it your way as soon as you do.

In the mean time you can browse through:

Peace and Love,
Much appreciated!
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Old 11-01-2008, 01:38 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
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WHY IS: "THE MESSAGE" not a choice..... THAT would be my vote......... KIDDING!
Old 11-01-2008, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Traditional Anglican View Post
WHY IS: "THE MESSAGE" not a choice..... THAT would be my vote......... KIDDING!
I was going to add the "International Standard Version (ISV)" for you too...
Old 11-01-2008, 02:48 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
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Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought View Post
I was going to add the "International Standard Version (ISV)" for you too...
No I want the good Catholic "New Jerusalem Bible".......people is it JUST me or does the VERY TITLE of this RCC Endorsed version show a rather "high" opinion of themselves. I have been in Vatcan was a cesspool when Erasmus made his visit, and it was not much better in the mid-80's! It was no New Jerusulem.....
Old 11-02-2008, 07:24 PM
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Hello "Just-a-thought". Your poll and Thread title reminded me of some issues which came up frequently when I was the Asst. Manager and Used Book Buyer at 2 Christian Book stores in So. Cal... Both of those stores carried all the big sellers, and I often tried to guide people into buying a solid Bible, but many times they would purchase the NIV and the NLT... Hope you will not mind if I post some thoughts.

There are many translations and variations out there of the Bible in English, mostly from the U.S.A. and some from the U.K. . Don't know if they have done any from the other Commonwealth Nations (English speaking) such as Canada- -- which is almost American except they can't properly pronounce "out"..., New Zealand, Australia, R.S.A. (former) Rhodesia, India, etc..

Some are garbage deluxe paraphrases such as The Living Bible" (which sold bunches!), "The Message", ugh!. And one many of you have probably seen called "Good News for Modern Man" (Todays English Version), it was paperback and had newspaper headlines printed on the cover... but inside was an easy read paraphrase with---do ya remember them?--Stick figure drawings of people throughout the text. It was aimed at getting the hippies/yippies/druggies/college-types (who would not pick-up a regular Bible) to read the Gospel message. It's nickname bacame: "The bloodless Bible", because wherever the word "blood" should have been used--the TEV changed it to "death"/"dead"... You can still see these at thrift stores and used book shops... about .50 cents each.

There are the many "Easy-to-read" ones with several different names on them. The Word/God's Word/New Century Version/Int. Childrens Bible/NIrV/NKJV. There are specialty versions such as one developed for Deaf people. Another one with Navajo on one page and english on the other.

There are One man translations (N.T. and Whole Bibles) such as Williams , Weymouth, Moffatt, and Green's "Literal", and Beck's "An American Translation", Goodspeed, Phillips, Lamsa-(Aramaic/Syriac).

I'm sure these men meant well... (Folks who have known Jay Green say is is a solid Christian) --- but I would not trust myself to translate God's Word myself. The A.V./K.J. gents used several men to translate, and then cross-checked and double checked. Every man/woman has some biases, and it would be very easy to change a word here or there to fit our opinion. It's always a good idea to get some input from other folks.

The Berkely Version-New Berkely-Modern Language/ New American Standard/E.S.V./Holman Christian Standard Version were done by multiple translators/linguists, and not "sloppy" or "anything goes" translations, BUT... They all use the Alexandrian text family for the N.T., and the not so good Hebrew versions for the O.T.. They seemed to be trying to do right-( using good solid English instead of street slang, gender neutral speak, and 2nd grade vocabularly), but they let the Romish/Alexandrian texts be their main guide. The NASB says they consulted and compared with the A.V.-K.J., but often times they put certain verses in [Brackets] casting some doubt upon it.

There are some versions that I think (can't swear to it in a court-of-law- ) which are/were hatched by the Temptor/Deceiver/Father-of-Lies. Stuff like the NIV/TNIV/RSV/NRSV/--- plus the "Green Phantom" from the J.W.'s.

When someone at a publishing house/ecumenical group intentionally changes words/descriptions/attributes pertaining to The Almighty God-Creator/King Eternal, Who is called Holy,Holy,Holy by the cherubim around The Throne....

...and deletes the words such as Him/His/He/Father/Son in order to make the Word of God "gender neutral"... I think there is going to be a reserved space in a very hot and dark place for those who have altered (monkeyed around with) God's Written Word!
Old 11-02-2008, 08:54 PM
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Only the text of the 1611. Changing the font does not change the context.
Old 11-02-2008, 08:59 PM
Vendetta Ride
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I chose "all KJV editions," because I'm aware that I do not own a copy of the AV1611, but rather several copies of the standardized text of 1769. That's the "edition" commonly used. But it's not a "revision" of the 1611; just an edition that made orthographical and spelling changes. I most assuredly do not include the "New KJV" as a King James version, because it's not.

As far as I'm concerned, any KJB published by Oxford or Cambridge is acceptable; but I don't trust Thomas Nelson or Zondervan. Of course, even a paperback copy published by an off-brand publisher is preferable to any of the new versions.
Old 11-02-2008, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
Hello "Just-a-thought". Your poll and Thread title reminded me of some issues which came up frequently when I was the Asst. Manager and Used Book Buyer at 2 Christian Book stores in So. Cal... Both of those stores carried all the big sellers, and I often tried to guide people into buying a solid Bible, but many times they would purchase the NIV and the NLT... Hope you will not mind if I post some thoughts.

There are many translations and variations out there of the Bible in English, mostly from the U.S.A. and some from the U.K. . Don't know if they have done any from the other Commonwealth Nations (English speaking) such as Canada- -- which is almost American except they can't properly pronounce "out"..., New Zealand, Australia, R.S.A. (former) Rhodesia, India, etc..

Some are garbage deluxe paraphrases such as The Living Bible" (which sold bunches!), "The Message", ugh!. And one many of you have probably seen called "Good News for Modern Man" (Todays English Version), it was paperback and had newspaper headlines printed on the cover... but inside was an easy read paraphrase with---do ya remember them?--Stick figure drawings of people throughout the text. It was aimed at getting the hippies/yippies/druggies/college-types (who would not pick-up a regular Bible) to read the Gospel message. It's nickname bacame: "The bloodless Bible", because wherever the word "blood" should have been used--the TEV changed it to "death"/"dead"... You can still see these at thrift stores and used book shops... about .50 cents each.

There are the many "Easy-to-read" ones with several different names on them. The Word/God's Word/New Century Version/Int. Childrens Bible/NIrV/NKJV. There are specialty versions such as one developed for Deaf people. Another one with Navajo on one page and english on the other.

There are One man translations (N.T. and Whole Bibles) such as Williams , Weymouth, Moffatt, and Green's "Literal", and Beck's "An American Translation", Goodspeed, Phillips, Lamsa-(Aramaic/Syriac).

I'm sure these men meant well... (Folks who have known Jay Green say is is a solid Christian) --- but I would not trust myself to translate God's Word myself. The A.V./K.J. gents used several men to translate, and then cross-checked and double checked. Every man/woman has some biases, and it would be very easy to change a word here or there to fit our opinion. It's always a good idea to get some input from other folks.

The Berkely Version-New Berkely-Modern Language/ New American Standard/E.S.V./Holman Christian Standard Version were done by multiple translators/linguists, and not "sloppy" or "anything goes" translations, BUT... They all use the Alexandrian text family for the N.T., and the not so good Hebrew versions for the O.T.. They seemed to be trying to do right-( using good solid English instead of street slang, gender neutral speak, and 2nd grade vocabularly), but they let the Romish/Alexandrian texts be their main guide. The NASB says they consulted and compared with the A.V.-K.J., but often times they put certain verses in [Brackets] casting some doubt upon it.

There are some versions that I think (can't swear to it in a court-of-law- ) which are/were hatched by the Temptor/Deceiver/Father-of-Lies. Stuff like the NIV/TNIV/RSV/NRSV/--- plus the "Green Phantom" from the J.W.'s.

When someone at a publishing house/ecumenical group intentionally changes words/descriptions/attributes pertaining to The Almighty God-Creator/King Eternal, Who is called Holy,Holy,Holy by the cherubim around The Throne....

...and deletes the words such as Him/His/He/Father/Son in order to make the Word of God "gender neutral"... I think there is going to be a reserved space in a very hot and dark place for those who have altered (monkeyed around with) God's Written Word!
Hope I don't mind if you post you thoughts? I am glad you do! I enjoy seeing not only how people think but what their conclusion is and why. I think you post was outstanding! We may not agree 100% but I agree with you for the most part. I am against "gender free" Bibles and things changed due to personal beliefs or deleting to not offend someone so some publisher can make a buck. I am not against someone who tries to do it right though. I am also not against the Alexandrian Text. I think you and I think along the same guidelines on this but have come up with a slightly different conclusion. I am not for or against the NIV and other since I have not read them all but I am certainly not for the ISV! I have seen that it is a piece of garbage. So I do not support all of them and don't know which all are good or bad. I just feel that every Bible is a translation and it can be used of God if the translate knows the language and truly tries to do right by it.
Old 11-02-2008, 11:08 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought View Post
I am against "gender free" Bibles and things changed due to personal beliefs or deleting to not offend someone so some publisher can make a buck.
That would include 100% of the publishers of the modern versions, so I'm surprised to hear that you're not against them. Every version published in America since 1901 is (a) a Satanic deception, (b) a money-making gimmick, like the latest diet book or sex manual, or (c) both. Were some good Christian men involved in these translations? Yes, there were. All flesh is grass.

I am not against someone who tries to do it right though.
Tries to do what right, my friend? "Improve" on perfection? Why try to fix what isn't broken? The King James translators, by the grace of God, did "do it right."

I am also not against the Alexandrian Text.
God bless you. You sound like a very agreeable person, and would undoubtedly be a good friend to have. But you have a lot to learn. The Alexandrian texts are abominations.

I just feel that every Bible is a translation and it can be used of God if the translate knows the language and truly tries to do right by it.
I'm glad you're here. Please do not take my comments about the new versions personally. There are many men (and women) here who will be of great assistance to you as you discover God's word.

Old 11-02-2008, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
That would include 100% of the publishers of the modern versions, so I'm surprised to hear that you're not against them. Every version published in America since 1901 is (a) a Satanic deception, (b) a money-making gimmick, like the latest diet book or sex manual, or (c) both. Were some good Christian men involved in these translations? Yes, there were. All flesh is grass.

I do not feel this is the case with all. For instance I like the Webster's Bible. Grant it, it was a little before 1901 though. Plus the 21centuryKJV seems OK. I can not be 100% sure on this since I have not read it all, however I have read some. The ASV and ESV seem pretty OK. Again, I have not read it all but I use them my E-Sword program. I do not use them for my everyday Bible reading. The Modern King James Version seems fine as well.

Tries to do what right, my friend? "Improve" on perfection? Why try to fix what isn't broken? The King James translators, by the grace of God, did "do it right."

I do not think the KJV is perfect but instead very accurate. If I did feel it was then I would have to wonder which KJV revision was the perfect one. I know people claim only the spelling has changed but that is not the case. Spelling has changed but so have word (in some places not small words but phrases as well) and italicized words.

God bless you. You sound like a very agreeable person, and would undoubtedly be a good friend to have. But you have a lot to learn. The Alexandrian texts are abominations.

I am not sure I am the most agreeable person but I do try to respect other peoples opinions. I like to debate a little but not fight over something unless it is that important. I believe peoples opinions here may be wrong on this but I do not feel they are bad people do to it. I am certainly not against the KJV so I would not fight someone for reading it.

I have studied rather deep on the Alexandrian Text and draw a different conclusion than you. I am not saying that I am all-knowing but I have done some studying on it.

I'm glad you're here. Please do not take my comments about the new versions personally. There are many men (and women) here who will be of great assistance to you as you discover God's word.

I do not take it personally. I came here to read others opinions and am not to bothered by others attitudes. Your attitude has been very kind so I can not think of one reason to take your post offensively.
Take Care and God Bless!

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