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Old 10-12-2008, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Gord View Post
As a 'conservative' Canadian on the outside looking in, I am not handcuffed by not being able to 'see the forest through the trees'.

In my humble opinion the US and eventually the spin off to the rest of the financially dependent western world is in BIG trouble if you all vote for McCain. Look at what financial problems Mr. Bush has currently caused as he knows not what he's doing, then sit back and ride that wave as it continues to crash to the shore for the next 4 years.

Please be WISE with your franchise.

Aloha brother Gord,

If you were to examine this issue in some depth, you would find that the U.S. Congress is the most responsible for this mess. They required - by "Law" (under "threats" and "intimidation") that Lenders issue loans to "minorities" and poor people, both of whom had little prospect of paying them back. (The big "Boogie Man" being = "DISCRIMINATION" if the Lenders didn't obey.); next in line are the people who got the loans (many with NO DOWN PAYMENT!) who saw a "free ride" and had no "equity" to lose; next are most of the greedy Lenders; and finally the Bush Administration.

To lay this mess solely at Bush's feet is not just - there is plenty of blame to go around and "COVETOUSNESS" on the part of almost all of the "players" is at the heart of the whole issue.

I am not enamored of George Bush for many reasons (Biblical). And I disagree with much of his policies concerning Israel, Islam, North Korea, China, Iraq, Iran, etc. But the facts are that he tried to do something about this mess 2 years ago and again last year (and so did McCain) and the Democratic Congress would have "none of it".

I am of the firm belief that God is just about "done" with America! A country cannot execute 50 million babies in 40 years; approve of Sodomy (homosexuals & lesbians); Allow NO BIBLE or Scripture in the classrooms; teach the pagan belief system of biological evolution and the spontaneous "Big Bang" theory for the existence of the Universe and all there is; and continually interfere in "family" affairs and the raising of children, without "reaping" at some point in time. [Galatians 6:7]

Our political system is so corrupt (like all of the rest of the world) that I see no way out (except the Lord and His Holy word). If, at some point in the near future, the "translating" of the church is to take place and the One World Government is going to form, and the Anti-Christ is going to take his place at its head - America will have to join with the rest of the world, and perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of "the end" for our country.
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Old 10-12-2008, 09:56 PM
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I found a group of folks that you may like to meet.

Liberal Outrage: A Pro-McCain March In Manhattan

Being a Bush McCain hater you'd fit right in with these guys.

Please take notice of all of the of tolerance and open-mindedness these folks showed to the pro McCain folks. I'm not joking, man you could feel the love!!!!

If this YouTube vedio is to rough, please take it down and do not ban me. I tried to IM the admin but could not do so. I have no idea why my IM ability has been taken away for some odd reason. I have no idea why, I have never sent a bad IM to anyone.


Last edited by atlas; 10-12-2008 at 10:20 PM.
Old 10-12-2008, 10:00 PM
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I am of the firm belief that God is just about "done" with America! A country cannot execute 50 million babies in 40 years; approve of Sodomy (homosexuals & lesbians); Allow NO BIBLE or Scripture in the classrooms; teach the pagan belief system of biological evolution and the spontaneous "Big Bang" theory for the existence of the Universe and all there is; and continually interfere in "family" affairs and the raising of children, without "reaping" at some point in time.
I sure wish I could tell you how wrong you were with your last post, sadly I can not be intellectually honest and disagree with your post.

Unless we as a nation have a revival we are finished.

Old 10-12-2008, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Gord View Post
As a 'conservative' Canadian on the outside looking in, I am not handcuffed by not being able to 'see the forest through the trees'.

In my humble opinion the US and eventually the spin off to the rest of the financially dependent western world is in BIG trouble if you all vote for McCain. Look at what financial problems Mr. Bush has currently caused as he knows not what he's doing, then sit back and ride that wave as it continues to crash to the shore for the next 4 years.

Please be WISE with your franchise.
You're reading some pretty biased news sources if you blame Bush for our current financial crisis. The problem here has its roots in the Community Reinvestment Act back from the Carter administration. And how does anything Bush did explain why all of Europe is just as bad off -- worse in fact!?

Bush has been a disappointing elected official, not doubt about it (to me), but this problem isn't one he caused. At its core, this is a problem of people wanting stuff they haven't earned.

The response to this is going to do more of what caused it in the first place -- socialization and nationalization. When the Antichrist finally arrives on the scene, he's going to have a global financial system well in place to rule.
Old 10-13-2008, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Gord,


To lay this mess solely at Bush's feet is not just - there is plenty of blame to go around and "COVETOUSNESS" on the part of almost all of the "players" is at the heart of the whole issue. ...
Aloha brother George, in the business world this is called accountability, he just happens to be the man 'at the top' and the accountability in the business world would likely have the shareholders voting his replacement a lot sooner then 4 years.

That aside, blame is not the solution.

We (Canada included) are at a point that only the grace of God can turn the hearts of our leaders to get back to the direction of basic foundations of Christian principal the specifically the hearts of the founders of the US that began as a fledgling nation.

Much prayer and petition is of more importance then just a vote, in my humble opinion.

Again, I thank you for your insight.
Old 10-13-2008, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Diligent View Post
... Community Reinvestment Act back from the Carter administration.
I did not know that. Thank you. I generally form a biased opinion based on what my gut feeling tells me. One of the reason's I needed that 4 x 4 smack upside the head to get me to understand the reason you established this forum, and for me to retire my bible collection in favor of my PCE.

Thank you also for the insight.
Old 10-13-2008, 03:16 AM
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yeah whether Obama wins or not the system is getting set up to change and it will change.

I am looking to the skys with my heart focused on his return to fetch me to the clouds to be with him never more to be apart form him.
Old 10-13-2008, 06:38 AM
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After revival last week, I was in a cocoon of joy and peace and didn't want to lose it, not too soon. So I've been trying to focus more on the Lord, and keep away from the news, especially the political stuff...but as I'm back at work this morning...I'm back in the world...(sigh)...and I might as well add my two cents' worth here:

There's virtually no difference between the candidates, except one leans more to socialism and the left than the other, but not by a lot. Oh, and one appears to be a bit more 'honest' than the other.

I'll probably vote, mainly as a 'lesser of two evils' sort of vote, plus I really do like Governor Palin, and I hate the smear campaign that has been waged against her, even by her brothers and sisters in Christ!

But I'm trying to let the Lord be in control and allow whom He will to be the next President here. If it is Senator Obama, well, I'll just be praying all the more for the Lord to return, soon.
"Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
Old 10-14-2008, 02:35 AM
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Default Re: "The Financial Mess"

Originally Posted by Gord View Post
Aloha brother George, in the business world this is called accountability, he just happens to be the man 'at the top' and the accountability in the business world would likely have the shareholders voting his replacement a lot sooner then 4 years.

That aside, blame is not the solution.

We (Canada included) are at a point that only the grace of God can turn the hearts of our leaders to get back to the direction of basic foundations of Christian principal the specifically the hearts of the founders of the US that began as a fledgling nation.

Much prayer and petition is of more importance then just a vote, in my humble opinion.

Again, I thank you for your insight.

Aloha brother Gord,

Agreed! I cannot think of a nation in the Western world that has not turned its back on God and the Christian principles and precepts that they once espoused (at least nominally) and which have now embraced atheistic Humanism, along with the philosophies of Psychiatry and Psychology.

Our Executive; Legislative; and Judicial Branches of Government are filled with Humanists. Nearly all of our Schools and Universities are both run by, and are staffed by an overwhelming majority of Humanists. The major Media outlets (Newspapers, Television, and Radio) are also controlled by Humanists. The saddest part of all is the fact that the "Christian" churches in the Western World have also turned their backs on God and have eagerly embraced the same godless "hogwash as the rest of the world!

The Humanist agenda is to squelch all opposing belief systems, but especially anything that might have even a "tinge" of Bible. I expect things to get worse - perhaps a lot worse.

But I do not despair, because I believe that God is allowing this to happen for a purpose, and that in the end He will triumph over all!
Old 10-14-2008, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Gord,

But I do not despair, because I believe that God is allowing this to happen for a purpose, and that in the end He will triumph over all!
Wise counsel again, and praise to our Lord, for his grace.

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