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Old 09-19-2008, 08:30 AM
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Ray Comfort has appeared on Joyce Meyer's TV show. He has also appeared at a conference with other Word Faith heretics, such as Jesse Duplantis. As far as I know, he did not openly rebuke them, but taught his method to them. Ray is dangerous ground, and I think this is one of Satan's most subtle attacks against the gospel of the GRACE of God, but the devil leaves signs because he is imperfect, and we can see his handiwork if we look.
I have met Ray (and Kirk) through the Way of the Master Ambassador Academy. They are men like the rest of us. They do good and bad. I think the basic system of using the Law in evangelism is good. Ray's mission is to preach the gospel and encourage others to do so. He goes to work on a bicycle and his personal office is very plain. He is not one of those rich fat cats. Remember, the lost people who attend Joyce's conferences need the gospel. When he goes to speak to them, he is giving them the gospel. Sure he is polite and respectful of them because he is allowing the Word of God to have its perfect work in them.

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