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Old 09-17-2008, 07:08 AM
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Chette, in reference to verse 31 and the "missing" phrase from the second day:

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."

We cannot, with the statement of the above verse, then go backward and say that God did not speak of the firmament as being good for it is His creation.

Darkness is simply the absence of light. It is not created.

We need to be extremely careful not to base an interpretation on what God did not say.

Last edited by Brother Tim; 09-17-2008 at 07:10 AM. Reason: added thought
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Old 09-17-2008, 06:00 PM
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you need to learn about the specifics and the general statements.

you did go backwards in applying vs 31. but verses concerning the second day are specific and it does not say it was good. I did say it had its purpose which is good. you need only find what the purpose of a firmament is.

The sun which is for light for us today was created, but the light God calls for was not created. I stated that and pointed you to whom that light was.

I do not believe and so do others that God creates anything in an imperfect state of emptiness or darkness it would be against his nature. remember God did not make the earth void and dark he comes upon it in that state and it is not the God the Father who finds it that way but the Holy Spirit. Verse one does not say he created the heaven and the earth in an imperfect incomplete state. Follow your advice on being careful not to interpret what God did not say.

I am not making doctrine here. only asking you to answer questions about Genesis Chapter one via ALL of the word of God.

you do not know how close you are to agreeing with Evolutionist when you make God creating imperfect earth without any Biblical proof God in deed create it in that state originally, and then progressed to 6 days of creation. you would have God creating the earth in the past then some time in the future finalizing his creation in 6 days. this is why the questions are possed concering the second day.

Try answering the questions why did God place the SUn moon and stars inside the firmament? what does that mean?

Fllowing your logic that God did create an imperfect earth can you find any scripture in the rest of the Bible that God did anything imperfect or incomplete?

Last edited by chette777; 09-17-2008 at 06:21 PM.
Old 09-17-2008, 07:07 PM
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Chette, I am afraid to either you have totally misunderstood me, or I am completely confused by what your point is.

1 ) Nowhere did I say that God created something imperfect.

2 ) In verse 31, the Scripture clearly says that EVERY THING that God made during the Creation Week was very good. He made the firmament on the second day. Therefore, the firmament was good.

3 ) You are using the term "incomplete" as though it implies an incapability on the part of God during creation. God chose to use a six-day process to complete the creation. The reasons why may not be fully understood, but it is still a fact. It should be noted that each part that was created on each day was complete in itself on that day.

4 ) In absolutely no consideration do I accept a gap of time between verse 1 and verse 2. The creation of the earth itself initiates the literal week of creation.
Old 09-18-2008, 03:55 AM
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God is light in him is no darkenss at all. this is both a moral and physical discription. you by implication of the absence of light is to have something in an imperfect state. so how long was the heaven and the earth in darkness? Or was it just the Earth in Darkness? from verse 2 on, the only creation being done is with the earth not the heaven. only after the firmament do we see God create a sun moon and stars and he calls the place he places them heaven. but this cannot be the heaven of verse one. becuase the heaven of verse one is already created and the other heaven is not created until after the firmament. if we follow what your are saying the heaven was also in darkness and void not just the earth, and it was in darkness before it was even created. ans seeing vs ones order it would imply the Heaven was created before the Earth.

Look closely, God has entered into a place which has been darkened made empty(void)from another source. Vs 2 does not imply that the earth in anyway was created in darkness. to have darkenss and a void is a creation that at that time was imperfect. we see progressive creation in the six days but this in no way means God created the earth void and in darkness.

Vs 31 is a general statement concerning all he made within the firmament. the firmament was not said to be good only those things he place and created in it are what is spoken of as everything is made was good. the first day is said to be good because the light he calls forth is Jesus. that light is the light of the world. and apart fromhim nothing was made.

it is ok if you don't believe in a gap theory. I haven't mentioned the gap theory at all in any of my text except to get those who do and don't to answer some questions of which you only talk about vs 31. read closely again and answer the questions.

I am not promoting a gap theory I am only trying to get people to answer some questions posed by the second day not being said good while ALL other days are said to be good.and plus we are looking at the other creations found throughout the scriptures that don't fit in the six day senario of Genesis Chapter One or Two.

It seems you wont answer the questions because you have made up your mind not too.

please only post if you will be reasonable to answer the questions. in my first two posts. remember and consider this God can see in the darkness as if it is day according to the Psalmist. So why does God need to call forth light?

Last edited by chette777; 09-18-2008 at 04:13 AM.
Old 09-18-2008, 07:52 AM
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It seems you wont answer the questions because you have made up your mind not too.
Brother, this statement does not encourage me to participate in discussion with you in this matter. Your questions are either confusing or appear to be rhetorical. I have no idea what you expect as an answer. You are acting as if I were being stubborn, which I am not. Your original question asks why the second day wording is different. I answered in two ways. First, that God does call the firmament good in verse 31 by inclusion, and second, that trying to answer the "why" part is difficult, because one must depend on a reason for an omission, which can open the door for much confusion.

Can someone else here help me out? Am I mixed up, or being recalcitrant?
Old 09-18-2008, 08:14 AM
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I must call attention to the Job 15:15 quote used by EasyE and supported by Chette. Please notice from whom the quote is given.
Job 15:1 Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said,
Remember at the end of the book, God Himself discredits the words of the men who spoke against Job, including Eliphaz. Therefore, the words of Eliphaz are not to be considered as fact, especially when not supported elsewhere in the Scriptures by a more reliable source.
Old 09-19-2008, 05:04 AM
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Don't dismiss it because of who God used to inspire his word through. Remember God used men to pen His Word who were not always right with HIm and Eliphaz is one of them. If you dismiss Job 15:15 because of who he is you have just divided wrongly.

just answer some of the questions please.
Old 09-19-2008, 08:11 AM
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When one considers Eliphaz a reliable source of doctrine and even a writer of Scripture, I give up.
Old 09-19-2008, 01:39 PM
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Be careful, Tim, you're heading for a mudhole that you'll get stuck in.

You may want to read Job 4 and see who spoke to Eliphaz.
Old 09-19-2008, 01:49 PM
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In Job 4, the "spirit" is not identified. However, in Job 42, the LORD plainly shows His thoughts about Eliphaz:
7 And it was so, that after the LORD had spoken these words unto Job, the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends: for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath.

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