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Old 06-19-2009, 01:39 PM
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Prepare to be "shocked" once again after seeing "RONALD REAGAN – RENDEZVOUS WITH DESTINY" in the latest RECENT EVENTS - THE LUCIFER PROJECT section.

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Old 06-20-2009, 01:10 AM
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Gary are you promoting Watchman33 or are you watchmen 33?
Old 06-20-2009, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
Gary are you promoting Watchman33 or are you watchmen 33?

I'm not promoting anything! As I recall, the link provided, does not sell "products" or solicit "funds", or even provide credit to the individual who did the blog. So what, in your mind, is being "promoted" at this site? Is everyone who provides a "link" in their posts on this forum accused of "promoting" something?

As for me being the watchman, even if I where, I would not disclose it; as that has been the apparent wish of the author, who would have done so on the blog if he wished his identity associated with blog.

Old 06-20-2009, 02:01 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Maybe this should be over in the current events or general chit chat section...
Old 06-21-2009, 12:07 AM
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I figured it was posted in doctrine section on purpose because it is clearly mid or post-trib mind set.
Old 06-21-2009, 02:14 AM
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Well GaryB,

You are promoting your blog thank you for admitting that. After visiting your blog, I visited some of your other posts on another web sites and it seems the same Day you joined here you joined on another site with the same posts you have posted here. so it would seem your only reason for joining this forum is to promote Watchman33. on June 8th you also joined three other sites all with the same posts as you have listed here. And seeing that GaryB never makes any comments on the Watchman33 blogs (I went through and read them and the comments and GaryB isn't even in there) it is easy to see you and Watchman33 are the same person.

Why not buy a domain and start a web page and pay for some search engine promotion? you will catch more fish and you will be doing so at your expense and not that of others who have put a lot of time trying to keep crack pots out of the forum especially those with personal agendas. As a Christian (if you are) do you feel what you done is right? I am sure if you would have approached the Administration and ask if they could propmote your web Blog they may have considered it.

Now to your only Post outside of promoting Watchman33

you comments from post #6
The Lord was "preaching" a gospel (good news) in Matthew 24 which is different that what you are stating since He said this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached. That is, the one He just finished preaching! We are not talking about Acts or Mark, or any other book of the Bible. The Lord preached many "gospels" during his 3 1/2 year ministry on earth, and Matthew 24 is one of them. Gospel simply means "good news" as stated above, it is not a doctrine or a sermon.

Certainly your blog is not a sermon it is a hodgepodge of news links and conspiracy theorists and extremist web sites links and articles. barely any Bible what so ever. Some weaker brethren might be swayed into the fear mongering you promote but most of us know it as the WILL OF GOD. and don't worry about being cought in the Tribulation as we believe we will be raptured out of here before any of the Antichrist prophecies of Ezekiel, Zakariah, Daniel and Revelation even happen.

Now in Post#6 You do lead to a doctrinal conclusion (even though you try to deny it in post6)that Matthew 24:4-14 is a gospel. The Gospel of the Kingdom is clearly laid out in Matthew, Mark, Luke and Acts 1-7, and there is no good news found in 24:4-14 (unless of course you consider the love of many to grow cold to be good news. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the Only Gospel Jesus taught for Israel, it is that Gospel he was speaking of not the words of Matthew 24:4-14. Though some of his words could be looked upon in general as good news for Israel it was not for the Gentiles. GaryB (watchman33) are you a Jew or a Gentile?

You give no indication of having a web page in your profile. you post no testimony, no introduction as to who you are. and then you teach in post#6 that Jesus taught many gospels and specifically Matt24:4-14 as a gospel.

we are a group of Bible believing men and women. it is ok if you want to put some links in your post once and a while. but almost all your post are links to your watchman33 blog to promote yourself.

We would hope you would have more in mind than promoting your blog. like doing some edifying of the body that are here in this site.

the theology you hold in watchman33 is not held by all at this site. We are not mid-trib and some of the links you post in your blog teach that. We are not Religious Rebels who are members of Militias and some of the links you have go there.

So please if you want to edify do so. we are here to share with each other our love for the KJV BIBLE We are here to edify and to aks questions of Doctrine. you are welcome but don't expect us to go following off after your blog and the links you propmote from it.

Let us all be of likemindedness in edifying others and preferring others better that ourselves
Old 06-21-2009, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post
I figured it was posted in doctrine section on purpose because it is clearly mid or post-trib mind set.

For the record, what is your analysis of when the "rapture" occurs, Pre-trib or Pre-Wrath?

Old 06-21-2009, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
Well GaryB,

You are promoting your blog thank you for admitting that. After visiting your blog, I visited some of your other posts on another web sites and it seems the same Day you joined here you joined on another site with the same posts you have posted here. so it would seem your only reason for joining this forum is to promote Watchman33. on June 8th you also joined three other sites all with the same posts as you have listed here. And seeing that GaryB never makes any comments on the Watchman33 blogs (I went through and read them and the comments and GaryB isn't even in there) it is easy to see you and Watchman33 are the same person.

Why not buy a domain and start a web page and pay for some search engine promotion? you will catch more fish and you will be doing so at your expense and not that of others who have put a lot of time trying to keep crack pots out of the forum especially those with personal agendas. As a Christian (if you are) do you feel what you done is right? I am sure if you would have approached the Administration and ask if they could propmote your web Blog they may have considered it.

Now to your only Post outside of promoting Watchman33

you comments from post #6
The Lord was "preaching" a gospel (good news) in Matthew 24 which is different that what you are stating since He said this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached. That is, the one He just finished preaching! We are not talking about Acts or Mark, or any other book of the Bible. The Lord preached many "gospels" during his 3 1/2 year ministry on earth, and Matthew 24 is one of them. Gospel simply means "good news" as stated above, it is not a doctrine or a sermon.

Certainly your blog is not a sermon it is a hodgepodge of news links and conspiracy theorists and extremist web sites links and articles. barely any Bible what so ever. Some weaker brethren might be swayed into the fear mongering you promote but most of us know it as the WILL OF GOD. and don't worry about being cought in the Tribulation as we believe we will be raptured out of here before any of the Antichrist prophecies of Ezekiel, Zakariah, Daniel and Revelation even happen.

Now in Post#6 You do lead to a doctrinal conclusion (even though you try to deny it in post6)that Matthew 24:4-14 is a gospel. The Gospel of the Kingdom is clearly laid out in Matthew, Mark, Luke and Acts 1-7, and there is no good news found in 24:4-14 (unless of course you consider the love of many to grow cold to be good news. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the Only Gospel Jesus taught for Israel, it is that Gospel he was speaking of not the words of Matthew 24:4-14. Though some of his words could be looked upon in general as good news for Israel it was not for the Gentiles. GaryB (watchman33) are you a Jew or a Gentile?

You give no indication of having a web page in your profile. you post no testimony, no introduction as to who you are. and then you teach in post#6 that Jesus taught many gospels and specifically Matt24:4-14 as a gospel.

we are a group of Bible believing men and women. it is ok if you want to put some links in your post once and a while. but almost all your post are links to your watchman33 blog to promote yourself.

We would hope you would have more in mind than promoting your blog. like doing some edifying of the body that are here in this site.

the theology you hold in watchman33 is not held by all at this site. We are not mid-trib and some of the links you post in your blog teach that. We are not Religious Rebels who are members of Militias and some of the links you have go there.

So please if you want to edify do so. we are here to share with each other our love for the KJV BIBLE We are here to edify and to aks questions of Doctrine. you are welcome but don't expect us to go following off after your blog and the links you propmote from it.

Let us all be of likemindedness in edifying others and preferring others better that ourselves


For your information, I was "born again" at the age of 12, baptized in a river, and raised as a Baptist. Today, I'm not a Baptist, but merely a true believer and a member of the "Body of Christ" who believes that the King James Bible is the only complete, inerrant, and infallible WORD OF GOD! In fact, I've read it through more than once! Apparently you have no idea of the calling associated with being a "Watchman", or you would not have "degraded" the position in the manner that you did in your post! See (Ezekiel 33).

Luke 6

37Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Matthew 7

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Kind of looks like Scripture has been fulfilled right on this forum!

Old 06-21-2009, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by GaryB View Post

For the record, what is your analysis of when the "rapture" occurs, Pre-trib or Pre-Wrath?


For the record, I hold to Pre-trib. Not that you are headed there, but I am not interested in engaging in debate over this. I think you are as (or more) familiar with all the arguments as I am and for some reason you have rejected the correct interpretation. I believe Kingdom Now or Dominionist teaching that the church replaces Israel and inherits her promises and curses is behind this blindness on many peoples part. Of course, you are free to respond and I apologize in advance if I have misrepresented your views. This is just IMHO.
Old 06-21-2009, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by GaryB View Post

For your information, I was "born again" at the age of 12, baptized in a river, and raised as a Baptist. Today, I'm not a Baptist, but merely a true believer and a member of the "Body of Christ" who believes that the King James Bible is the only complete, inerrant, and infallible WORD OF GOD! In fact, I've read it through more than once! Apparently you have no idea of the calling associated with being a "Watchman", or you would not have "degraded" the position in the manner that you did in your post! See (Ezekiel 33).

Luke 6

37Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Matthew 7

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Kind of looks like Scripture has been fulfilled right on this forum!

As far as I know the Watchman call of Ezekiel 33 it is TO the Jews BY the Jews FOR the Jews. Sorry No degradation was intended. but a Gentile cannot be a watchman of Ezekiel 33 Only Israelite's. And not only that there is no gift of the Holy Ghost or a position in the NT Bible called a Watchman.

We are encouraged to watch
1Co 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
Col 4:2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
1Th 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.
2Ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

And we are never told to form a watchman society that would exalt itself above the rest of the Body of Christ. there is no Watchman class of Christians. and who as a watchman are you to warn? Born Again Christians? the Lost? the Jews?

It is funny how we are told to discern things in the body of Christ and yet people who are offended when we do often quote the scriptures you quoted to condemn those who do what is Biblically required. discernment is a judgement and your statement along with your scripture post are also a judgement so what makes you better than me? your position as a watchman?

Thank you for filling us in a little as to your testimony. If you don't mind can I ask, why did you leave the Baptist church?

anyway good to see you can get a little more involved in the forum for more than just promoting your blog.

I have read my Bible through 42 times in the last 14 years. not including all the other 300 plus per year daily readings and study of the Bible I do.

Welcome to the Forum

Last edited by chette777; 06-21-2009 at 07:28 PM.

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