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Old 03-21-2009, 09:59 AM
Winman Winman is offline
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It is really not surprising that anyone who performs abortions could commit other crimes.

What is amazing is the penalties. In your original post, the lady performing illegal abortions can only get 9 years, compared to Kent Hovind's 10-year sentence for a supposed tax bill of only $3500. Unbelieveable.
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Old 03-31-2009, 04:20 PM
Bro. Parrish
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1 Million Red Envelopes Deluge White House
'This is a message to a man
that God hears the cry of innocent blood'

"We are trying to change the president's heart," Otto writes on a website explaining the project. "This is a message to a man that God hears the cry of innocent blood. It is not a political stunt, although I hope it changes policy in Washington. If the capital is flooded with so many letters that no one can deny it, I am hoping the image will be burned into Barack Obama's mind that this is about human blood, and that he lies awake at night until he cannot resist doing something about it." more here:
Old 04-11-2009, 02:51 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Notre Dame to honor Pro-Death President
The Cock Crows at Notre Dame
"Betrayal is not too strong a word to describe the actions of Notre Dame in inviting President Barack Obama to speak and receive an honorary doctor of laws degree from the university. This betrayal explains why normally docile Catholics have been stirred to unprecedented protest and anger... Rev. John Jenkins, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame who offered the invitation, has felt the wrath of thousands of Roman Catholics who see him as a Judas Iscariot."

"Is Jenkins inviting Obama to address a seminar on life issues? Will there be a rebuttal of the president's pro-abortion policies after his address? Will they "roundtable" and "brainstorm" and "dialogue" about abortion, stem cell funding, euthanasia, and infanticide? Sadly, what the awakened and disgusted American Catholics see happening is lost on, or of no interest to, Father Jenkins and his supporters. The university officials are obviously much more interested in securing the good graces of the ninth president to address the school than in supporting Church teaching"....
Old 05-18-2009, 05:49 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Obama Heckled During Speech at Notre Dame...

Obama said "fair-minded words" were missing from the abortion debate and that while he "didn't change my position" on abortion after hearing from the physician, he rededicated himself to finding "common ground" on abortion.

"So let’s work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions," Obama said, saying he wants to promote adoption, help for pregnant women and reducing unintended pregnancies.

But Benjamin Clapper, the director of Louisiana Right to Life, told after the speech that Obama has not been dedicating to finding common ground or using "fair-minded words" since becoming president.

He said, "President Obama is saying one thing and doing another. By requiring the taxpayer funding of abortion overseas and embryonic stem cell research, President Obama's actions are anything but 'fair-minded'."

"In addition, it is expected that President Obama will include taxpayer funded abortions in his upcoming health care reform legislation. By forcing every American to fund abortion in health care, President Obama undermines any attempt to find common ground on the issue of abortion," Clapper added.

Clapper also pointed out that President Obama's new federal budget calls for forcing Americans to pay for abortions using taxpayer dollars.

"We implore President Obama to find some common ground by not expanding abortion through our tax dollars," he said. more here with video:
Old 06-03-2009, 06:34 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Obama’s Own Words Indicate
Sotomayor Is Radically Pro-abortion

Written by Operation Rescue Posted May 29, 2009

Washington, DC – Many questions have been swirling since the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court about her views on abortion.

“Those questions can be easily answered by looking at Mr. Obama’s own words. He is unequivocal in his vows to appoint a radical abortion supporter to the bench,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Don’t be fooled by a few of Sotomayor’s decisions that seemed favorable to the pro-life cause. Those decisions were based on rules of law unrelated to the issues of personhood for the pre-born or if Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided.”

Operation Rescue has released a video that shows Obama’s determination to appoint an abortion extremist to the nation’s highest court.

Obama is seen stating in reference to a potential Supreme Court nomination...

“There will always be people, many of good will, who do not share my view on the issue of ‘choice.’ On this fundamental issue, I will not yield and Planned Parenthood will not yield.”

“There’s no doubt that Sotomayor has been hand-picked by President Obama to rubberstamp his abortion policies that are way out of step with the American people’s position on abortion,” said Newman. “If she did not share his radical abortion views, you can bet she would not have been nominated.”

Recent polls show that only 7% of the American people agree with Obama’s support for late-term, third trimester abortions.

“Americans must begin to contact their senators now and oppose Sotomayor and her far left legal agenda,” said Newman.
Old 06-06-2009, 10:03 PM
Bro. Parrish
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‘One of the strongest’ in the nation; Governor will sign

May 29, 2009
WASHINGTON – In an overwhelming 40-5 vote (and 3 not voting), the Nebraska legislature today passed one of the nation’s strongest bills requiring that an abortionist display a real-time ultrasound of a mother’s unborn child prior to performing an abortion. Governor Dave Heineman has pledged to sign the bill into law.

“Ultrasound technology has made tremendous advancements and provides a window to the womb that allows mothers to see their unborn children in real time,” said Mary Spaulding Balch, J.D., National Right to Life State Legislative Director. “It is absolutely vital that a woman, at this most crucial life-and-death juncture be provided, all the information possible about the abortion procedure and the development of her unborn child. Simply put, the abortion decision cannot be undone. Women deserve all the facts.”

What makes the Nebraska legislation stronger than that of other states is the requirement that the abortionist display the ultrasound image thus enabling the mother to easily look at the screen, if she so chooses, rather than having to request that the image be displayed.

The legislation is based on model legislation drafted by National Right to Life’s State Legislation Department. Both National Right to Life State Legislation Director Mary Spaulding Balch, J.D. and Nebraska Right to Life Executive Director Julie Schmit-Albin worked closely with senators throughout the spring legislative session to ensure that the final bill would provide valuable information to women about the development of their unborn children.

“Our thanks go to Sen. Tony Fulton (R-Lincoln) for his efforts in shepherding this bill through the Nebraska legislature,” Balch added. “His hard work and dedication to mothers and their unborn children, as well as the tremendous efforts and leadership of Nebraska Right to Life, are to be commended.”

The full text of the Nebraska legislation is available at:
Old 06-07-2009, 06:32 PM
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greenbear greenbear is offline
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I pray that God will bless Sen. Tony Fulton for his efforts in passing this legislation. If mothers are able to see the life inside of them they have a chance of seeing past the lie that their baby is just a fetus, a mass of flesh, and turn away from their decision to allow their own baby to be murdered.
Old 06-07-2009, 09:39 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post
I pray that God will bless Sen. Tony Fulton for his efforts in passing this legislation. If mothers are able to see the life inside of them they have a chance of seeing past the lie that their baby is just a fetus, a mass of flesh, and turn away from their decision to allow their own baby to be murdered.
That would be really great, sis. Yet I can't help but think that even this would not make a dent on the thinking of many atheists who are firstly antagonistic towards God; who think that they own their body and that it is up to them to decide whether or not they will let this fetus be existing off of their body (as if it were some alien parasite!). That's the attitude that we are seeing today.

Read these Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 2:14 - "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of god: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Romans 8:7 - "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

Contrast that with what God's Word tells us about WHO owns ALL things, including each person's body:

Psalm 24:1 - "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

Acts 17:24 - "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"

So, until they realize that they are owned by God... that God owns the world and everything within in it, they'll be resistant. Their entire view is corrupt, because their natural mind is carnal and not subject to God. So, all the legislation in the world cannot give them a Christlike mind.

Old 06-07-2009, 10:11 PM
Bro. Parrish
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In the last year, the new amazing 3D and 4D Ultrasound technology has been making an impact on the political arena...

States consider ultrasound abortion bills
By The Associated Press
February 08, 2009
LINCOLN, Neb. - Lawmakers in 12 states are considering bills that would offer or require ultrasounds before a woman gets an abortion:

– Connecticut: A physician or counselor would be required to provide a woman with an ultrasound photograph of the fetus.

– Indiana: A woman would be required to view an ultrasound at least 18 hours before an abortion, hear the fetal heartbeat and receive a copy of the ultrasound image.

– Kansas: A doctor would have to tell a woman at least 30 minutes before performing an abortion that she has the right to view an ultrasound image and listen to the heartbeat.

– Maryland: A clinic providing abortions would have to be equipped with an ultrasound machine and offer a woman a chance to see it and listen to the heartbeat. The bill is currently restricted to one county.

– Missouri: A doctor or other “qualified professional” would have to offer the woman the chance to see an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. They’d also have to provide a list of services that perform ultrasounds free.

– Nebraska: At least 24 hours before performing an abortion, a doctor would be required to perform an ultrasound and display them “so that the woman may choose to view the ultrasound images or not.” A woman could also request a medical description of the image. An alternative bill would require a doctor to tell a woman 24 hours before an abortion that an ultrasound is available.

– New York: A woman must be offered an ultrasound.

– North Dakota: An abortion couldn’t be performed before a doctor offered a woman the chance to see an ultrasound.

– South Carolina: Already has a law requiring that women be given the option of viewing an ultrasound at least one hour before getting an abortion. This year, there’s a bill to make the waiting period 24 hours.

– Texas: At least two hours before performing an abortion, a doctor would be required to perform an ultrasound and display the images “in a manner that the pregnant woman may view them,” as well as describing the images and letting her hear the heartbeat.

– Virginia: An ultrasound would be required, and the woman would be offered the chance to view the image.

– Wyoming: Before performing an abortion, a doctor would be required to show a woman the ultrasound images “in a way the pregnant woman may view them,” and provide a medical description of the images. The proposal was defeated by a committee last week.
Old 06-07-2009, 10:36 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Jassy View Post
So, until they realize that they are owned by God... that God owns the world and everything within in it, they'll be resistant. Their entire view is corrupt, because their natural mind is carnal and not subject to God. So, all the legislation in the world cannot give them a Christlike mind.

You certainly are correct about the natural mind, that is a great point Jassy. On the other hand I can tell you from personal experience witnessing to women who go to these clinics that many of them have very mixed emotions on their abortion, right up to the very hour it is performed.

The mother's instinct to preserve the life of her child is very strong, and it often takes a lot of convincing by the abortionist to sway this. Sometimes even a simple tract, a soft word of concern at the back entrance to the clinic, or a photo (yes a photo) is all it takes to get them to change their mind. It is in these cases that I think the ultrasound can save lives of the children and also spare the mother years of horrible pain and depression caused by abortion. Let's all pray that these laws are passed and have a positive impact...

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