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Old 02-08-2009, 12:27 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
So all they did was cause more time and work for the Govt.
Unfortunately, they also helped to embolden the activists and opened the flood gates for more lawsuits demanding state approvals for homosexual couples. We have seen the results already as the battle continues in California... (see posts 1, 2 and 4 in this thread, re: Proposition 8).
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Old 02-12-2009, 06:40 PM
Bill Bill is offline
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Regarding the sin of homosexuality: This sin is labeled as an "Abomination" in various places in the Bible, such as Lev. a8:22 and 1Kings 14:28. It is my understanding that an abomination is a sin which provokes God's anger and is in a different category from sins which do not automatically provoke God's anger. This understanding is different from many Christians, such as Billy Graham, who say that since all sin separates people from God there is no difference between an abomination and stealing a candy bar. It also seems to me that anything that is an "abomintaion" to God will be extremely repulsive to a believer, not an understandable sin such as when a person in need steals just barely what is needed.

Last edited by Bill; 02-12-2009 at 06:41 PM. Reason: punctuation.
Old 02-12-2009, 09:13 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

I don't know Bill, but it's an interesting point.
I think homosexuality is nothing new, it's been around a long time and there are sins which are worse in my opinion. From what I have seen over the years, homosexuals are very unhappy (un-gay) and confused people. I think as brother Chambers from Exodus International has proven, they just need to see the love of Christ, and they can repent just like anyone else. The good news is—God's love can overpower and bring freedom from this sin and other sins which are even worse. Sin is simply no match for the power of God!

The purpose of this thread is a little different, it's not to bash sinners, but to expose and educate regarding the AGENDA which is largely being driven by activists, politicians and the media. Some of these activists are homosexual and some are not, but the AGENDA is going to touch all of us in one way or another and faster than we think. This was also the purpose of my Obama thread as well, I had hours of research on there but unfortunately that was deleted with no warning and my efforts are gone. The American people need to be aware of the coordinated effort to radically change our nation by an active and imbedded group of liberal socialists, marxists and anti-God activists, including redefining the family and even re-writing the U.S. Constitution. As my previous posts here show, we have already seen the California Attorney General attacking his own state constitution (see post 4). Religious organizations and churches are quickly being re-branded as "hate groups" (see post 2). We have already seen how the new Administration believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (post 5). These are highly destructive morality plans being carefully crafted and promoted by a group of government employees (public servants) being paid by our tax dollars. That is what this thread is about.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 02-12-2009 at 09:21 PM.
Old 02-12-2009, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Regarding the sin of homosexuality: This sin is labeled as an "Abomination" in various places in the Bible, such as Lev. a8:22 and 1Kings 14:28. It is my understanding that an abomination is a sin which provokes God's anger and is in a different category from sins which do not automatically provoke God's anger. This understanding is different from many Christians, such as Billy Graham, who say that since all sin separates people from God there is no difference between an abomination and stealing a candy bar. It also seems to me that anything that is an "abomintaion" to God will be extremely repulsive to a believer, not an understandable sin such as when a person in need steals just barely what is needed.
I'll refrain from commenting on Billy, but I will say he's wrong. First of all, it is true that sin seperates us from God:

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. (Isaiah 59:2 KJV)

But some Christians falsely claim that one sin is the same as the other, but they say this because they don't read the Bible and believe what is said therein.

For example, consider the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and try and tell me that one sin is the same as another:

Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. (John 19:11 KJV)

The difficulty in dealing with queers is that they're reprobates.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (Romans 1:28 KJV)

Now Noah Webster defines reprobate as:
REPROBATE, a. L. reprobatus, reprobo, to disallow; re and probo, to prove.

1. Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected.

Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them. Jer. 6.

2. Abandoned in sin; lost to virtue or grace.

They profess that they know God, but in works deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate. Titus 1.

3. Abandoned to error, or in apostasy. 2Tim. 3.
Which to anyone who has witnessed to a faggot knows, these folks will deny God till they're blue in the face. Personally, I think that the average homo thinks that he can get away with their filthiness by burying their head in the sand to the truth of God's Words; as if not knowing what God has said will keep them from being accountable. This is also the reason why they get so violent when they are forced to hear the Word of God. You mark my words, these sodomites will get VERY nasty when they're confronted by God's Word. I've tried every tactic in dealing with them. I've tried to be super humble and meek as I present the truth to them, and I've tried the Edwards approach by preaching them as sinners in the hands of an angry God. Jude 1:23-24 just doesn't apply to these folks:

And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. (Jude 1:22-23 KJV)

I truly haven't a clue how to witness to a sodomite. I guess that's why in Israel they:

And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. (1 Kings 15:12 KJV)

To me it seems like the only way to reach a sodomite is through prayer. God is the one that must work in their hearts. But I'll tell you one thing I'm conviced about, that is that straight talk is and should be the way we deal with these folks. I've read lots of internet testimonies of ex-homos that got saved because one brave soul told him/her the truth about their standing with God. I, personally, will not allow myself to be accused before God as one who didn't tell people the truth. I know what awaits these folks at the great white throne judgement. I would spare them. Truly, I would. *sigh*

Peace and Love,
Old 02-12-2009, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
I don't know Bill, but it's an interesting point.
I think homosexuality is nothing new, it's been around a long time and there are sins which are worse in my opinion. From what I have seen over the years, homosexuals are very unhappy (un-gay) and confused people. I think as brother Chambers from Exodus International has proven, they just need to see the love of Christ, and they can repent just like anyone else. The good news is—God's love can overpower and bring freedom from this sin and other sins which are even worse. Sin is simply no match for the power of God!

The purpose of this thread is a little different, it's not to bash sinners, but to expose and educate regarding the AGENDA which is largely being driven by activists, politicians and the media. Some of these activists are homosexual and some are not, but the AGENDA is going to touch all of us in one way or another and faster than we think. This was also the purpose of my Obama thread as well, I had hours of research on there but unfortunately that was deleted with no warning and my efforts are gone. The American people need to be aware of the coordinated effort to radically change our nation by an active and imbedded group of liberal socialists, marxists and anti-God activists, including redefining the family and even re-writing the U.S. Constitution. As my previous posts here show, we have already seen the California Attorney General attacking his own state constitution (see post 4). Religious organizations and churches are quickly being re-branded as "hate groups" (see post 2). We have already seen how the new Administration believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (post 5). These are highly destructive morality plans being carefully crafted and promoted by a group of government employees (public servants) being paid by our tax dollars. That is what this thread is about.
Oh come on now, your efforts aren't gone. Here, I'll post the links to all the information you shared and then some:
(use discernment on the next two, they're both Lordship Salvation / Calvinist ministries)

There, now anyone who wants to feel depressed about the state of affairs in the United States, as well as the Church, can have at it.

For Jesus' sake,
Old 02-12-2009, 10:50 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Oh come on now, your efforts aren't gone. Here, I'll post the links to all the information you shared and then some...
Hmm, well other than the top two I have never even been on ANY of those sites. I won't go as far as calling you a jackanapes, (I like you too much) but clearly you don't know what you're talking about. However if you want to take your efforts to the top two and gather up all my posts I won't hold it against you, and it would be helpful, as I can add them to my archives easier. Let me know when you have them ready.

There, now anyone who wants to feel depressed about the state of affairs in the United States, as well as the Church, can have at it.
If it depresses you don't read it brother, but it's not about depression. It's about current events and how they will impact all of us, even pastors and churches. The average American has no idea what the liberal agenda means for them, and I'm sad to say many wonderful Christians are just as dumb. Many young people don't know the difference between the UAW and the ACLU, and they don't know how they were started either. Why? Because the colleges are full of socialist professors. Look brother, you and I have a history. I respect your views, but we have had our arguments, and I'm tired of it. I know what you are trying to do here. Please back off my posts, don't be a troll and if you don't like my threads just don't click and we can all remain friends defending the KJV right up to and beyond the point when the "P.C." police ban it as hate speech. I trust you can take the mature path with your next reply. If not, kindly PM me and we can discuss it there.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 02-12-2009 at 11:12 PM.
Old 02-12-2009, 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Hmm, well other than the top two I have never even been on ANY of those sites. I won't go as far as calling you a jackanapes, but clearly you don't know what you're talking about. However if you want to take your efforts to the top two and gather up all my posts I won't hold it against you, and it would be helpful, as I can add them to my archives easier. Let me know when you have them ready.

If it depresses you don't read it brother, but it's not about depression. The average American has no idea what the liberal agenda means for them, and I'm sad to say many wonderful Christians are just as dumb. Many young people don't know the difference between the UAW and the ACLU, and they don't know how they were started either. Look brother, you and I have a history. I respect your views, but we have had our discussions, and I'm tired of it. I know what you are trying to do here. Please back off my posts, stop being a troll and if you don't like my threads just don't click and we can all remain friends. I trust you can take the mature path with your next reply.
*sigh* Ok, I'm not going to take offense to anything you've written, but I would like to say that you still haven't figured me out. I'm not trying to prevent people from hearing the things you're posting. Every single one of those links I posted I check every single day. The news is very important to me. I'm not trying to bury my head in the sand, and I'm certainly not trying to encourage others to do so. I just think that this forum is for a certain type of content, which can be easily deduced by looking at the url. This thread is similar to your Obama thread, but the reason I haven't considered it inappropriate is because I think it has a redeeming quality in that we should know how to witness to sodomites, and know what to expect from them. But the whole using these forums to link to countless news articles that don't deal with the Holy Bible just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I understand your passion completely. You have to realize that I'm very much so burdened by the state of the union as well as the state of the Christian Church. But I think we need to keep them seperate, as in we should be able to freely discuss the Bible and topics pertenant to it on one forum, and on another forum discuss politics from a Christian perspective. Perhaps this doesn't make sense to you. Perhaps I am in error, I admit that I could very well be. So don't, PLEASE, don't take my write-ups as me trying to fan the flames between you and I. Personally, I hold no ill feelings towards you. I've enjoyed the discussions we've had when they've related to the Word of God. I hope we can continue to have even more such discussions. Also, I know I'm a bit abrasive at times, which is one of my numerous character defects. So please forgive me for this.

For Jesus' sake,
Old 02-12-2009, 11:37 PM
Bro. Parrish
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I just think that this forum is for a certain type of content, which can be easily deduced by looking at the url. This thread is similar to your Obama thread, but the reason I haven't considered it inappropriate is because I think it has a redeeming quality in that we should know how to witness to sodomites, and know what to expect from them. But the whole using these forums to link to countless news articles that don't deal with the Holy Bible just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Stephen, the articles are posted to educate and encourage discussion. I realize that bothers you but your concern is unfounded and kinda silly. I'm not sure why you seem to have problems with my threads but I think it's because you seem to think this entire forum is "reserved" for topics you like! This forum is in no way "LIMITED" to the discussion of Greek and Hebrew texts, or the evils of the NIV, or the latest exegesis on Revelation! If we were not "allowed" to link articles on other issues, then I'm sure the admin would tell me. If people don't want to read them, no one is forcing them to.

Before you type anything else, look up at the top of this thread and read the admin's description of this forum:

"Current events,
including politics and culture."

Again, if you don't like my threads just don't click and we can all remain friends defending the KJV, right up to and beyond the point when the "P.C." police ban it as hate speech.

Now please, if you have a problem in the future with my posts or my threads, kindly take it to PM mode and we can discuss it there, thanks my brother and God bless.
Old 02-13-2009, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Stephen, the articles are posted to educate and encourage discussion. I realize that bothers you but your concern is unfounded and kinda silly. I'm not sure why you seem to have problems with my threads but I think it's because you seem to think this entire forum is "reserved" for topics you like! This forum is in no way "LIMITED" to the discussion of Greek and Hebrew texts, or the evils of the NIV, or the latest exegesis on Revelation! If we were not "allowed" to link articles on other issues, then I'm sure the admin would tell me. If people don't want to read them, no one is forcing them to.

Before you type anything else, look up at the top of this thread and read the admin's description of this forum:

"Current events,
including politics and culture."

Again, if you don't like my threads just don't click and we can all remain friends defending the KJV, right up to and beyond the point when the "P.C." police ban it as hate speech.

Now please, if you have a problem in the future with my posts or my threads, kindly take it to PM mode and we can discuss it there, thanks my brother and God bless.
You're right brother. I am in error on this. I'd always noticed a Current Events section but never noticed that it was for politics and culture. I apologize for speaking out of place on this. You will not get any more objections from me on your posts of this nature.

Just so you know, I felt a great conviction for my immature post tonight (post number 15). Truth be told I felt good and bad about Brandon removing the Obama thread. I felt good because some of the comments which others made (I'm not referring to your article posts/links here) were of a spirit which I don't agree with, and believe is contrary to what we're taught in the Scriptures. I felt bad because I understand what you're trying to do with your posts, and I'm not in disagreement on what I believe is your heart on this matter. So that being said, know that after spending time in prayer just now and in the Scriptures I feel I do owe you an apology. I hope you will forgive me, and understand that I still have a youthful tenacity to speak before I think. I am truly sorry.

Peace and Love,
Old 02-13-2009, 11:15 AM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Very much appreciated, and thanks for your mature words.
I know you have a heart for God, let's work together, win others to Christ and keep God's people informed, educated on the issues that impact our lives and nation...
may the Lord bless you my brother!

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