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Old 10-28-2008, 10:02 PM
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Wow. Actually, I knew BroMatt was reading this forum. He told me that when he banned me today.

So have you made any posts there?
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
I am just amazed at the support and defense of Peter Ruckman amongst you folks. At first I honestly thought you were joking! I have never met Ruckman but I have read much of what he has written and I have listened to his sermons and teaching. He is so silly, bombastic and caustic in much of what he says and writes that I have always thought he must be a nut. I am not kidding. He often rants like a lunatic and he sometimes borders on being outright vulgar. Are you aware of his multiple marriages & divorces? Are you aware of his attempts to justify his multiple marriages & divorces?

Much of what he says is correct. He's obviously an intelligent man but some of what he says is just plain stange and makes me wonder about his mental state. I have read things that he has written in response to rational (though often horribly misguided re: Bible translations) people that sound like the rantings of a ill mannered two year old. Do you really believe that someone who behaves themself like Peter Ruckman and shows such an obviously flippant attitude toward the marriage covenant (between himself and God) is the best person to use as a source for any argument, particularly in the defense of God's Word? I do not understand.

I have always believed that Peter Ruckman and Gail Riplinger have done so much more harm than good to the arguments in defense of the KJV. They have always seemed to me like the drunk uncle at the family Thanksgiving dinner that will not allow you to ignore them.

Could someone please explain to me what it is that prompts such a loyalty among so many of you guys to Peter Ruckman?

Those of us who stand up for Doc do so because he is a great man of God who has devoted his entire life to defend and promote the Truth of the King James Bible, and in turn has been viciously attacked by the very people that should thank him for his lifetime of sacrifice. When a man like that is attacked, those of us who appreciate him tend to refute lies and unfounded slander. Shoot, I'd defend anyone that was lied about.

As far as his marriages go: prove from Scripture that a divorcee cannot be a pastor. Modern Funnymentalism has blown certain verses out of context and completely ignored others in order to elevate certain sins or issues above others, and so make themselves feel superior. Moreover, Doc was the victim of two divorces, not the instigator. When a man is called to be a pastor, and a woman leaves him because he chooses to follow Christ, the issue lies with the unfaithful woman who will not submit to the callings of God, not the preacher.

Basically you're going to have to do some extensive study to defend any accusation you bring against Doc; I've defended him on two continents and over a dozen boards against people on all sides of the spectrum, and the Bible still stands true, and in the end Dr. Ruckman is repeatedly vindicated.

Anyhow, it'd be nice to see you (and other "lurkers") get more active in the forum. (I know I'm new here, but this is familiar territory for me )
Old 10-28-2008, 10:09 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by KJBPrincess View Post
Wow. Actually, I knew BroMatt was reading this forum. He told me that when he banned me today.

So have you made any posts there?
I wrote one, and it was very nice and polite and gracious; but, when I saw my "welcome," I decided against posting it. No big deal; it's probably for the best.

I've been hurt before. I'm not bitter, oh no, not me.....

Old 10-28-2008, 10:14 PM
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Yeah, it's alright. They seem to think you have bad intentions.
Old 10-28-2008, 10:15 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
I have only posted here a couple of times but I have enjoyed reading the various threads for several months now. Everyone here adds an interesting perspective to the discussions and I have learned much from your posts. Please be assured that I am 100% KJV only. I do not even allow any of the modern versions in my home. I have no ulterior motive, I am simply sharing my opinion and asking a question.

I realize that I am taking my life in my hands saying this but I am going to post this anyway. I promise you that my intention is not to upset or antagonize anyone. Please forgive me if I do.

I am just amazed at the support and defense of Peter Ruckman amongst you folks. At first I honestly thought you were joking! I have never met Ruckman but I have read much of what he has written and I have listened to his sermons and teaching. He is so silly, bombastic and caustic in much of what he says and writes that I have always thought he must be a nut. I am not kidding. He often rants like a lunatic and he sometimes borders on being outright vulgar. Are you aware of his multiple marriages & divorces? Are you aware of his attempts to justify his multiple marriages & divorces?

Much of what he says is correct. He's obviously an intelligent man but some of what he says is just plain stange and makes me wonder about his mental state. I have read things that he has written in response to rational (though often horribly misguided re: Bible translations) people that sound like the rantings of a ill mannered two year old. Do you really believe that someone who behaves themself like Peter Ruckman and shows such an obviously flippant attitude toward the marriage covenant (between himself and God) is the best person to use as a source for any argument, particularly in the defense of God's Word? I do not understand.

I have always believed that Peter Ruckman and Gail Riplinger have done so much more harm than good to the arguments in defense of the KJV. They have always seemed to me like the drunk uncle at the family Thanksgiving dinner that will not allow you to ignore them.

Could someone please explain to me what it is that prompts such a loyalty among so many of you guys to Peter Ruckman?
I have known him for 25 years, and he is one of the kindest men I have ever met. He was always willing to forgive my foolishness, overlook my inconsistencies, and, on more than one occasion, provided practical help to my family out of his own pocket.

And he taught me the Bible.

His marital relations are none of your business or mine.

If you're looking for another Ruckman-basher, you'll have to look past me.
Old 10-28-2008, 10:39 PM
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So sorry to jump in the middle like this without reading the entire list of posts. With that said let me say that if this has been covered, then please disregard it.

A poster intimated that every form of contraceptive that in some way or other causes the fertilized cell-pair, or blastula if it has proceeded that far in its cell division, is abortion and therefore murder. These forms of contrceptives include the IUD (intra-uterine device), the "pill", the diaphragm, etc. These forms are murder because they are forcing a living human soul to be discarded and flushed out. Kudos to this poster. I totally and 100% agree.

Here's the kicker::::::

EVERY (!!!!!!!!!!!) form of contraceptive that precludes the implantation of fertilized cell-pair or blastula can and will cause harm to the mother::::::::

***The "pill" has caused more than one potential mother to develop complications and die.

***Both the IUD and the diapraghm have caused perforations in the uterus of some women that caused their death.

Please do not chalk it up to coincidence that these and only these methods have caused complications in women. There have never been side effects from the condom or the rhythm method. Very clearly these adverse occurrences are the judgements of God. God hates it when little babies are murdered.
Old 10-28-2008, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
I have only posted here a couple of times but I have enjoyed reading the various threads for several months now. Everyone here adds an interesting perspective to the discussions and I have learned much from your posts. Please be assured that I am 100% KJV only. I do not even allow any of the modern versions in my home. I have no ulterior motive, I am simply sharing my opinion and asking a question.

I realize that I am taking my life in my hands saying this but I am going to post this anyway. I promise you that my intention is not to upset or antagonize anyone. Please forgive me if I do.

I am just amazed at the support and defense of Peter Ruckman amongst you folks. At first I honestly thought you were joking! I have never met Ruckman but I have read much of what he has written and I have listened to his sermons and teaching. He is so silly, bombastic and caustic in much of what he says and writes that I have always thought he must be a nut. I am not kidding. He often rants like a lunatic and he sometimes borders on being outright vulgar. Are you aware of his multiple marriages & divorces? Are you aware of his attempts to justify his multiple marriages & divorces?

Much of what he says is correct. He's obviously an intelligent man but some of what he says is just plain stange and makes me wonder about his mental state. I have read things that he has written in response to rational (though often horribly misguided re: Bible translations) people that sound like the rantings of a ill mannered two year old. Do you really believe that someone who behaves themself like Peter Ruckman and shows such an obviously flippant attitude toward the marriage covenant (between himself and God) is the best person to use as a source for any argument, particularly in the defense of God's Word? I do not understand.

I have always believed that Peter Ruckman and Gail Riplinger have done so much more harm than good to the arguments in defense of the KJV. They have always seemed to me like the drunk uncle at the family Thanksgiving dinner that will not allow you to ignore them.

Could someone please explain to me what it is that prompts such a loyalty among so many of you guys to Peter Ruckman?
I won't deal with your silly attack on Peter Ruckman because others that know him personally will. I however will defend Gail Riplinger. What on earth could Gail Riplinger have possibly done to warrant an attack against her? I've actually read her books, and I know that the garbage and guile people speak against her is without base. She has challenged people to prove her facts wrong, and I haven't yet seen someone do so (yeah there were a few printing errors in the first edition of New Age Bible Versions, which were quickly fixed). If it wasn't for this woman of God, I would likely be still reading that FILTHY New International PerVersion.

You know, I just don't get it. Why do people like you come into a forum like this, and on your second post attack a tried and true soldier of the Word of God, and a woman who has written some of the most amazing books I've had the chance to read? Personally, I think people like you feel quilty when you see a brother or sister in Christ stand up against the reprobate Bible correctors when you are to afraid to do so yourself. You have some sick belief that if you beat these folks down, you won't look so low. You are in error.


I guess the thing that helps me sleep at night is that JESUS us coming again to set the record straight!

For Jesus' sake,
Old 10-28-2008, 10:43 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by KJBPrincess View Post
Yeah, it's alright. They seem to think you have bad intentions.
Yes, I fear they do. I should have used the nickname I use at Pravda; then they'd be none the wiser.

And, just for anyone who missed it the first time, may I say that it's sad when Pravda, a site full of Communists and Muslims, is more tolerant of Bible believers than "Online So-Called Baptist?"

Old 10-28-2008, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by KJBPrincess View Post
If you joined, I'd go back there just to see how long it takes for you to get banned! All you'd have to say is that you're from PBI... and maybe a few other would be very entertaining to watch.
Before you do this, you might want to think it through a bit more thoroughly. Whilst you're thinking ask yourself one underlying question:::::::

Does this action I promote exemplify the Spirit of Jesus Christ??? We know that God's perfect will for us is Christlikeness. I do not see Him promoting antagonism amongst the brethern and the sister'n.
Old 10-28-2008, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
Yes, I fear they do. I should have used the nickname I use at Pravda; then they'd be none the wiser.

And, just for anyone who missed it the first time, may I say that it's sad when Pravda, a site full of Communists and Muslims, is more tolerant of Bible believers than "Online So-Called Baptist?"

Yeah, but if you did that, you would have to be careful not to mention your username on the public forum here, or you'd get caught. This isn't the first time I've seen this happen on a "Baptist" forum. It was much, much worse on

Oh, and I've heard stories about non-Christian forums being more tolerant. It's no surprise to me. (but remember, "tolerance" is a bad word among Fundamentalists)

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