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Old 09-02-2008, 11:04 AM
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Default The Inconvenience of Reading God's Word

I pray you are encourage by this post. Be honest. Is reading the Holy Scriptures a duty? Maybe a burden or even a hassle? Perhaps something you need to “get out of the way” before you start your day?

I’ll be honest. Years ago I usually read Scripture because I had a Sunday school lesson or a sermon to deliver. In those days I taught Sunday school and preached two services. I did not want to be “totally” humiliated by looking like an idiot, so I studied the Word and then read some commentary, and put a nice little three or four point sermon together (with a poem). In truth, I needed the response from others so I could measure its success or failure. One time a dear, older Christian lady said, as she patted me on the hand, “You tried!” Knowing her, she really meant well, but God spoke to my heart. “You tried.” I thought, that’s the problem, “I tried.” My pattern of diligent preparation continued, and although God used His Word to bring people to Christ and encourage them in the faith, I was miserable. God seemed so distant and impersonal even in the midst of committed Bible study and sermon preparation.

How about it? Is the Bible a drudge? Do you read the Scriptures and gain some intellectual knowledge but fail to really sense the very presence of God? Do you have your daily quiet time, check the box, and feel spiritual for doing your duty? Or are you like so many today that never pick up their Bible until Sunday at church?

I want to share something with you that has changed my life. When Jesus Christ became my life focus, the Holy Scriptures became intimately personal and alive. No longer was it a duty to read the Word. No longer was it simply preparation for a lesson, sermon, or devotional. It was fellowship with the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. I noticed that each time I read the Scripture I saw Jesus. After all, He is the Word, isn’t He? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

I encourage you to do this one thing. Read the Scripture and ask God to reveal the Person of Jesus Christ. Know Him. Seek Him and you’ll find Him. See Him in the commandments, exhortations, principles, truths, and doctrines. After all, He is preeminent in all things ( Colossians 1:18). The Word will become life. It will be Christ in you, the hope of glory. Have you enjoyed Jesus Christ today?
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Old 09-02-2008, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: The Inconvenience of Reading God's Word

Aloha brother Forrest,

Amen brother - I've been there and done that! It seems as I get older the Lord and His Holy word have become more precious as the days go by.

Although I have been a Christian for 50 years, I believe the "turning point" for me was just four years ago when we lost our oldest son (God took him home). When I heard the words that "Duke" had died - instead of despairing and being overcome with grief a part of a Scripture came to my mind: ". . . . the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." [Job 1:21] and a few moments later another part of another Scripture came to my mind: ". . . . absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." [2 Corinthians 5:8]. I shudder to think what I would have done, had I not known those Scriptures which were "hidden in my heart".

God's word works - in that instant the Lord gave me "comfort", which no one can explain, and which no else could have supplied. I don't believe that most of us really appreciate our wonderful God and his love towards us until something (or someone) is taken from us (a loved one; our health; our wealth), and then we realize just how precious He really is, and learn to "lean" on Him more; trust Him more; and depend on Him more; for without Him we can do nothing.
Old 09-02-2008, 06:05 PM
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Thanks you gentlemen your words are comfort and encouragment to me.
Old 09-02-2008, 07:03 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Very encouraging words Brothers.
My Bible used to sit in a cupboard unopened and unread gathering dust while my spirituality gathered dust, but being drawn back to a believers walk, My Bible cried out to me to be read, to feed on the Words of comfort and strength within, My attitudes have changed through the power of the word, my outlook has changed through the power of the word, I am unemployed at the moment and my days have been filled with hours of glorious study, reading and writing, happy times, but recently I have somewhat eased of on the reading and I have been feeling that I have been neglecting the word of God in the respect of getting to Know my LORD Jesus, and focusing more on scripture against heretics etc and false teachings, this is where my error has been, I should be strong in the Faith that is in Christ and stick to that and not let any man sway me. Forrest brother your post is an answer to something I have been praying on, and thank you, our God is a wonderful God, and he works in the most wonderful ways. George, as always your posts make me smile as they are always filled with the grace of God.

God Bless you Both
Old 09-02-2008, 09:14 PM
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For years the Bible was (at my house) something that sat on the table and only got opened on Sundays, Wednesdays and Bible Studys. Which wasn't all that often at our house. Reading the Bible was a chore to me then.

A baptist man that I used to work for rekindeld an interest in getting right with God. So I started reading the Bible a lot more. I also collect Bibles now and look at the differences, not so much to debunk one of the other, but to see if I can understand what God is speaking to my heart. sometimes a different perspective of the verse helps me understand the meaning. Reading the Bible at this point was like studying for my MCSE. Dull but I needed to do it.

At any rate I back slid a lot and have not really been where I need to be in my life. My wife and her parents are pretty much KJVO people, which currently I do not subscribe to. I just have to many questions. But I still want to be right with God, and I DEFINATELY want my children to be right with God and grow up knowing his word. I have also found that if I just open the Bible to whatever page happens to come up, it usually ends up being relevant to what I am going through at the moment. The more I read, the more I enjoy it and my understanding is getting better.

So at this point I enjoy reading the Bible. But oftentimes, I need a Star Trek translator when I read the KJV. I find myself reading something 4 or 5 times and going "huh?" while scratching hair off the top of my head. And my wife and in-laws call me a heathen for reading a parallel Bible that is KJV/NIV. *shrug*
Old 09-02-2008, 10:22 PM
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When I first started to read what I thought was the Bible it was the NIV, but it wasn't until God gave me a Cambridge KJB (I found it discounted from $160 to $60 dollars years back and knew it was for me ) years back that I started to understand why that old travelling preacher told me the KJB was the ONLY Word of God for the English speaking nations. I fell in love with this great book. I mean that. I literally fell in love with the KJB. I would find myself at times (more often when I was at work and couldn't read it) wanting nothing more than to find a quiet place somewhere in my own garden of Gethsemane to spend time with the Holy Ghost in those life giving Words! For me, reading the KJB is like getting a chance to hear my beloved Master guide me and teach me like He did with His disciples. Those times I spend in the Word are more precious to me than any activity I get to do, and equaled only by my time in prayer. It's so clear to me now, in my riple old age of 27 lol, that my greatest duty in life is to glorify God by inspiring others to get into this great book. Truly, we are blessed to have these Words of Life.

John 17:17-20 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

Revelation 19:12-13 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Old 09-03-2008, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by rbratt View Post
So at this point I enjoy reading the Bible. But oftentimes, I need a Star Trek translator when I read the KJV. I find myself reading something 4 or 5 times and going "huh?" while scratching hair off the top of my head. And my wife and in-laws call me a heathen for reading a parallel Bible that is KJV/NIV. *shrug*
I've read from the KJB for over 25 years and still say "huh?" on certain passages. When that occurs, I just move on and rest in knowing that when God is ready to open my eyes of spiritual understanding regarding a specific verse, He will.

I have also discovered through the years as I've hid more of God's Word in my heart, He clarifies His Word by comparing Scripture with Scripture.

One night I was cuddling my youngest daughter before bedtime. I was going over a particular Scripture in my mind and unexpectedly spoke out loud to the Lord in prayer.

Sarah asked, “Daddy, who are you talking to?”
“I’m speaking with Jesus, sweetheart.”

Curiously she asked, “How do you hear His voice?” I paused for a moment to think about her profound question. After a moment of silence, Sarah quirked, “Hmmmm, gotcha thinking there didn’t I?”

After a good laugh, I returned to a more serious mood and prayed for the words to answer her probing question. I asked Sarah if she had ever started to do something that her mother or I had told her not to do. She thought for a second and then responded, “Yes, sir.” I then asked her if the specific verse of Scripture had ever come to her mind, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). She quickly answered, “Yes, sir.” I explained that when she recalls Scripture like that, the Lord is speaking directly to her heart. “Ohhhhh,” she said with excitement, “then the Lord speaks to me all the time!”

Brandon's site, av1611, is an outstanding resource with Historical fact and comparative analysis explaining why the KJB is the preserved, inspired, Word of God.

For me, through the years, the KJB is the only one which bears witness with my spirit--my inner man. That is not some lofty, prideful, or "I'm more spiritual than you are" statement. I'm simply sharing from my heart. I tried other "simpler" versions as a younger Christian but they lacked the power and persuasion of the KJB. Other versions came across as weak and shallow. Please know that my tone is gentle and humble, brother. I'm praying the Lord will settle this important issue in your life too.

A funny story. Several years ago I was traveling with a Christian brother from Dallas. We were discussing some Scripture and I kept quoting relatively familiar verses from the KJB. Confused, he would ask, "Where is that verse found in the Bible?" He used the NIV.
Old 09-03-2008, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
I've read from the KJB for over 25 years and still say "huh?" on certain passages. When that occurs, I just move on and rest in knowing that when God is ready to open my eyes of spiritual understanding regarding a specific verse, He will.

I have also discovered through the years as I've hid more of God's Word in my heart, He clarifies His Word by comparing Scripture with Scripture.

One night I was cuddling my youngest daughter before bedtime. I was going over a particular Scripture in my mind and unexpectedly spoke out loud to the Lord in prayer.

Sarah asked, “Daddy, who are you talking to?”
“I’m speaking with Jesus, sweetheart.”

Curiously she asked, “How do you hear His voice?” I paused for a moment to think about her profound question. After a moment of silence, Sarah quirked, “Hmmmm, gotcha thinking there didn’t I?”

After a good laugh, I returned to a more serious mood and prayed for the words to answer her probing question. I asked Sarah if she had ever started to do something that her mother or I had told her not to do. She thought for a second and then responded, “Yes, sir.” I then asked her if the specific verse of Scripture had ever come to her mind, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). She quickly answered, “Yes, sir.” I explained that when she recalls Scripture like that, the Lord is speaking directly to her heart. “Ohhhhh,” she said with excitement, “then the Lord speaks to me all the time!”

Brandon's site, av1611, is an outstanding resource with Historical fact and comparative analysis explaining why the KJB is the preserved, inspired, Word of God.

For me, through the years, the KJB is the only one which bears witness with my spirit--my inner man. That is not some lofty, prideful, or "I'm more spiritual than you are" statement. I'm simply sharing from my heart. I tried other "simpler" versions as a younger Christian but they lacked the power and persuasion of the KJB. Other versions came across as weak and shallow. Please know that my tone is gentle and humble, brother. I'm praying the Lord will settle this important issue in your life too.

A funny story. Several years ago I was traveling with a Christian brother from Dallas. We were discussing some Scripture and I kept quoting relatively familiar verses from the KJB. Confused, he would ask, "Where is that verse found in the Bible?" He used the NIV.
Yeah this is good stuff here brother. The Power of God's Word (AV 1611) was what attracted me to the KJB. I LOVE how you say that it is the only one that spoke to your spirit, cause that really hits the nail on the head if you ask me.

Your last quote is so familiar with me as well. I can remember back when I hadn't started attending a KJB believing church, and was attending a church (free methodist) that would have these so called "life groups" and I would always wonder to myself, so whose version is the "The Bible" cause the ones they're reading I'm unable to follow along with. I remember thinking how absurd it all was, and how I seemed to be the only one feeling that way. Oh the joy of being able to know that everyone in my church reads the same glorious Book!

Peace and Love,
Old 09-03-2008, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by rbratt View Post
For years the Bible was (at my house) something that sat on the table and only got opened on Sundays, Wednesdays and Bible Studys. Which wasn't all that often at our house. Reading the Bible was a chore to me then.

A baptist man that I used to work for rekindeld an interest in getting right with God. So I started reading the Bible a lot more. I also collect Bibles now and look at the differences, not so much to debunk one of the other, but to see if I can understand what God is speaking to my heart. sometimes a different perspective of the verse helps me understand the meaning. Reading the Bible at this point was like studying for my MCSE. Dull but I needed to do it.

At any rate I back slid a lot and have not really been where I need to be in my life. My wife and her parents are pretty much KJVO people, which currently I do not subscribe to. I just have to many questions. But I still want to be right with God, and I DEFINATELY want my children to be right with God and grow up knowing his word. I have also found that if I just open the Bible to whatever page happens to come up, it usually ends up being relevant to what I am going through at the moment. The more I read, the more I enjoy it and my understanding is getting better.

So at this point I enjoy reading the Bible. But oftentimes, I need a Star Trek translator when I read the KJV. I find myself reading something 4 or 5 times and going "huh?" while scratching hair off the top of my head. And my wife and in-laws call me a heathen for reading a parallel Bible that is KJV/NIV. *shrug*
I would like to recommend the books "In Awe of Thy Word" and "The Language of the King James Bible" both by Gail Riplinger. They will show you how to use the Bibles built in lexicon to define words. I believe these books will bless you greatly, as they have with me.

And I also would like to suggest that you put away the NIV. I don't think it is safe to use that book for any purpose other than to show how perverted it is to those that don't know otherwise in light of God's preserved Words, the King James Bible.

Much Love in Christ Jesus,

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