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Old 05-30-2008, 05:12 PM
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Thumbs down Heard of him?

Bob L Ross

Have you ever heard of this man?

He does a real good job of attacking the KJ Only position.

He can quack all he wants because I stand on the AV KJ Bible.

In Christ.

Brother Miller.

Here is his garbage bet he is a southern baptist.
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Old 05-30-2008, 08:52 PM
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One of the major problems with these anti-KJB folks is that they have grossly misinterpreted "The Translators to the Reader".
Old 05-31-2008, 05:17 AM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Hi Folks,

One thing I always find curious about Ross, Joyner, Hudson, Kutilek, Norris, Tegart and company. (Thanks, Will, for emphasizing this foundational point.)

How difficult it is to find out what they actually accept and defend, if anything, as the pure and pure perfect word of God. I am amazed that anybody can write a dozen or more articles about why they cannot accept the King James Bible as pure and perfect -- and they nowhere give a simple statement of what Bible version they do accept as pure and perfect, or even "almost pure and perfect". Some, like Rick Norris, are skilled at fancy word games to try to avoid answering the most basic simple questions, while some, like Bob Ross, don't even try. At least based on my fairly quick perusal of the sight. Apparently the only real Bible issue for Ross is to try to deny the authority and majesty and accuracy of the King James Bible. If somebody finds a bit more of his actual pure Bible views, please share aware.

Despite the normal anti-KJB cornfusion, there are a couple of interesting issues raised on the website, about which we may want to make some notes


Last edited by Steven Avery; 05-31-2008 at 05:33 AM.
Old 05-31-2008, 09:43 AM
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Yes Brother Steven how right you are.

These people like Ross really accept that evey Bible translation except the AV 1611 KJB has God`s infallible Word`s.I just quit a local Southern Baptist Church because the new hireling came preaching out of the NKJV.I told other members me and my wife would leave if any preacher came preaching/teaching from any other than the AV 1611 KJ Bible.

Also southern baptist only use life way sunday school resources on one side it has readings from the KJB the other The Christian Standard Holman Bibles.The sunday school teachers only read from the side in the sunday school lesson from the chsb.

This large Church building small in attendance in the Country has been dying off in the last 10 years.I was the only male in the Sunday school.The Church had just celebrated its 160th year.The Church is a two story church and the top story is nothing but storage now and I can rembeber as a small child the upper story every room on Sunday was packed with children and adult Sunday School members and now only elderly people are left.

Up the road is a large church called the living word {i.e.word of faithers}is packed out with 3 services on Sunday mornings with a band no different that a hard rock ban and the women are dressed like sin.They also have raffle`s on Sunday`s for big screen tv`s ect.I say unBiblical heresy.

It`s a crying shame.

In Christ.

Brother Miller.
Old 05-31-2008, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by broswmiller View Post
Yes Brother Steven how right you are.

These people like Ross really accept that evey Bible translation except the AV 1611 KJB has God`s infallible Word`s.I just quit a local Southern Baptist Church because the new hireling came preaching out of the NKJV.I told other members me and my wife would leave if any preacher came preaching/teaching from any other than the AV 1611 KJ Bible.

Also southern baptist only use life way sunday school resources on one side it has readings from the KJB the other The Christian Standard Holman Bibles.The sunday school teachers only read from the side in the sunday school lesson from the chsb.

This large Church building small in attendance in the Country has been dying off in the last 10 years.I was the only male in the Sunday school.The Church had just celebrated its 160th year.The Church is a two story church and the top story is nothing but storage now and I can rembeber as a small child the upper story every room on Sunday was packed with children and adult Sunday School members and now only elderly people are left.

Up the road is a large church called the living word {i.e.word of faithers}is packed out with 3 services on Sunday mornings with a band no different that a hard rock ban and the women are dressed like sin.They also have raffle`s on Sunday`s for big screen tv`s ect.I say unBiblical heresy.

It`s a crying shame.

In Christ.

Brother Miller.

How right you are brother,

And it's been going on ever since I received the Lord (1958) - except that for the last few years there has been an acceleration of apostasy (within so-called "Fundamentalist" churches) that none of us could have imagined 20 years ago.

I have friends and family in Washington, California, Iowa, Oklahoma, Florida, Ohio, and Connecticut; and on the Islands of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu and here on the Island of Kauai who cannot find one single church in their communities that is "Scriptural"; not one church that believes the Book; not one church that is even trying to follow the word of God.

The so-called "Evangelical" churches never were founded on the word of God - so there is no surprise that most of them are "Apostate" or on the way (the “seeker” churches, the “Emerging Church Movement” {ECM}, etc., etc.). The great disappointment for me is to see so many so-called "Fundamentalist" churches departing from the words of God and going the way of the world.

The times that we live in are so much like the "days of Noah" and the "days of Sodom & Gomorrah"- where lost people (in today's world) are engaged in the most heinous sins and debauchery. But on the other hand today's Christians (in America) , while hopefully not engaged in those sins, are very much like God's people during the times of the Judges where: "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes." [Judges 17:6, Judges 21:25]; instead of: ". . . . David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite." [1 Kings 15:5]; or:"And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father.".[1 Kings 15:11]

Today's Christians (in America) are turning away from God's words, and in doing so they are turning away from God. The churches are in decline: “Because that they have forsaken me, . . . . and have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judgments, . . . . ” [1 Kings 11:33]. And herein lies the rub – instead of turning back to God and keeping His Holy Word, most so-called “Fundamentalist” churches today are turning to carnal (worldly) methods to win the lost and “keep” the saints in the fold.

They have “NO KING”! Neither the Lord Jesus Christ nor His Holy words rule in their hearts. Instead nearly every Christian man (and woman) in America is being ruled by their own subjective preferences and opinions (Humanism); or the opinions and preferences of their churches, their schools, their pastors, counselors (psychiatry & psychology), or famous Christian “Celebrities”. It’s no longer: “What sayeth the Scriptures?” – It’s what sayeth the “Commentators”!

You’ll go a long way in the “good ole” USA to find a church even trying to follow the early churches in the Book of Acts or in Paul’s letters. Most of the churches in America are approved (by Caesar) “corporations” i.e. “businesses” run (read - “ruled”) by hired “professionals” – NOT the body of Christ (an organism), led by God-called and Spirit-led men of God.

If you want to see what a scriptural church is like you will have to look to the “home” churches in the USA or go to places like the Philippines, South Korea, China, India, etc. to see Christians that have a genuine love and care for one another. Christians that are willing to “hazard” their lives – not only for the brethren, but also for the lost. (I.e. Chinese Christians aiding North Koreans – despite the Chinese Government’s prohibition. And I am sure that you would find selfless examples in those other countries as well.)

Most American Christians have lost their “Authority” and have no desire to be in submission to God or His Holy word. Instead:

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

This is one reason why I urge my Christian brethren in other countries NOT to copy or emulate our (USA) “brand” of Christianity, but to emulate Biblical principles and precepts found in Paul’s letters and in the Book of Acts and to follow those examples of church operation and function - NOT the “Madison Avenue” approach of many so-called “Fundamentalist” churches in the USA.

Don’t get too discouraged and down hearted brother, the Scriptures have foretold of the “Apostasy” that must take place before the return of our Lord and Saviour. I believe that we are witnessing that “Final Apostasy”, and if so, that can only mean that his return is soon – seek out those brothers and sisters of “like mind” and fellowship with them, continue to stand firm on God’s Holy word, and keep looking up for His soon return.
Old 05-31-2008, 06:29 PM
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Thank and God bless you Brother George.

When someone takes a stand on the AV 1611 KJ Bible they are called trouble makers and do cause division`s in the Church.

{St Matthew 10:34-36}KJ Bible.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:I came not to send peace but a sword.For I am come to set man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law.And a man`s foes shall be they of his own household.

In Christ.

Brother Miller.

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