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Old 03-11-2009, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Hayseed View Post
It was such a blessing that my son and his wife had recently been seeing a DVD that I had on comparisons of Bible versions.That made them give up their NIV's without any input from me,they were convinced themselves.
That is a wonderful blessing, especially for them. It's amazing how little effort it takes sometimes to convince sincere belivers of the truth of the King James Bible. The fact is that most Christians don't even know there is a bible version issue! This is a sad indictment on the Church today, it demonstrates how little importance is being placed on God's word, and also demonstrates how successful Satan has been in getting corrupted versions of the Bible into the hands of God's children.
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Hayseed View Post
My son and his wife just recently purchased KJV Bibles and as he was leaving church,he dropped it and the man that picked it up, began getting quite snooty about it.
He became challenging toward my 27yearold son on his preferred version of the Bible.It was such a blessing that my son and his wife had recently been seeing a DVD that I had on comparisons of Bible versions.That made them give up their NIV's without any input from me,they were convinced themselves.
Another two men approached him and they were on the defensive too,infact one said he had found himself,sixteen errors in the King James son has asked him to give him a list so he can check it for himself.

Gosh the KJV get's reactions alright.

Do you know which video it was they watched? Was it Gail Riplinger's "Transparent Translations"?

Peace and Love,
Old 03-11-2009, 10:34 PM
Hayseed Hayseed is offline
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It was "Hidden Secrets Of New Bibles Exposed" an underground christian network DVD

After they watched that and had that incident happen,they felt on track.

They have since watched "The Terrible Text" by Dr Peter S Ruckman.
Old 03-16-2009, 03:39 PM
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Hayseed, you said you had a 27 year old son? I'm 27 myself. Be great to have someone in NZ to chat to around my age Does he have an email address?
Old 03-17-2009, 12:03 AM
Hayseed Hayseed is offline
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Luke he is on holiday with his wife down the South Island at the moment and I don't use his e-mail address,we use Facebook to communicate,but I can ask him for his e-mail address and PM you.
He goes back to Canada next month with his wife.We have been blessed with their company for 3 months,a lovely visit.
I have another son married to a Canadian and they live here,her parents are visiting at the moment for three weeks.It's lovely.

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