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Old 01-24-2009, 09:55 AM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 232

You are correct.
The Bible was not used on the Second swearing in.

I did not see the Initial swearing in, the big deal was made over the Second.
Sorry for the confusion.
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Old 01-24-2009, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Biblestudent View Post
One Southern Baptist "missionary" told me that "Isa" was the name "Jesus" in the Muslim tongue.
Do you agree or disagree with this. Can anyone give us more info on this?
The legitimate Arabic name for Jesus is "Yitha." The following is an excerpt from the book Allah:Who Is He, by Steve Van Nattan, who has worked among Muslims in Africa. The book is available online at

Before you can win a Muslim to the Lord Jesus Christ it is urgent that you use his right name in Arabic. I realize that I shall be disagreeing with the overwhelming majority of those, inside and outside of Islam, who call Jesus "Isa," but if you will bear with me, I think you will see that this is every bit as urgent a matter as not calling Jehovah "Allah."

If all men disagree with me on this point, I shall not be moved, since The Bible says in Romans 3:4, "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." Please read the following carefully and prayerfully, especially my dear Arab Christian friends.

The Bible says in Matthew 1:21, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." It is absolutely necessary to get the name of Jesus right to be saved. Vatican II and John Paul II agree that all of the religions of the world are transcendent, inclusive, and redeeming if reduced to mediocrity. Blasphemy! Bible Christianity is not universal, rather; it is very specific, exclusive, and narrow.
The Hebrew for Jesus is Yeshu or Yeshua. What is the Arabic name for Jesus? Muhammed claimed it was Isa, and the whole Christian community has taken his word for it. As a matter of fact, Muhammed got the name of Jesus from his neighbors. We cannot even blame his demon possessed mind from the days he spent in the caves outside of Mecca where he received his alleged revelations from Haji Allah.

Some "scholar" will tell me that the pre-Islamic Arab Christians in Arabia called Jesus Isa. That is a lie, and I shall now tell you the name of Jesus, or Yeshua, used by pre-Islamic Arabs. In about 300 to 500 BC the North and South Arabian inscriptions had an influx of the name YTH. You will recall that Semitic writing lacks vowels, which the reader must supply. This deity, YTH, was appealed to in Saba along with the gods and goddesses, Dhat Hmy, Immaqah, Athtar (this is Ishtar of Babylon), Hambas, Rudah (Al Uzza, a goddess), and Karib`il (note the late use of LIL / IL of Sumer).

YTH was listed in one inscription as the consort of the goddess Allat. One Sabaean even built YTH a prayer house and sacrificed animals to him there. These inscriptions were found in Saba in the south to Syria in the north, or, in the whole Arab community. (FOOTNOTE 2: 207 / 342-353 / 636-641)
What is the point? There are two. First, the Arabs received the Gospel in the upper room at Pentecost and took it home with them. Later Paul would have given them the Gospel when he was stationed in the Arabian desert to be taught by the Lord prior to his ministry. The ship he sailed on from Adramyttium (Greek) was from the Hadhramaut (Arabic) in South Arabia, and it is inconceivable that he would not share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the crew. (FOOTNOTE 3: Acts 2:1-11; Galatians 1:15-18; Acts 27:2)
During the 300 years following, that Gospel was warped and twisted by the Arabs until YTH, Jesus, became merely another Arab god to be supplicated just before going on a journey or when seeking to win some lover.
Secondly, though they warped his holiness and lost his Gospel just like the Roman Catholic Church, this YTH is the only Jesus the Arabs ever knew. Three hundred years later Muhammed came along, and YTH was so obscured from the true biblical account, that Muhammed, thinking he had found Jesus in the Kaaba, turned to another deity's name, Isa.

The pre-Islamic Arab word YTH becomes Yitha with the vowels supplied, and linguists all agree that Isa is not even an Arabic form, and it certainly is not the pronunciation of YTH. Yitha is the direct Arab equivalent of Yeshua which means "salvation of Jehovah" in Hebrew. There is no known meaning for Isa, per se, so let us briefly see where the name Isa came from.
ISA NUMBER ONE: Long before the prophet Muhammed was born, the Kaaba in Mecca was a veritable convention center for any god of any significance in Arabia. The Kouraish tribe, which tended the Kaaba for the many pilgrims to Mecca, stood to benefit immensely by enrolling every god they could get their hands on and by giving these gods and goddesses a place in the scheme of things. They even threw any odd meteorites, or strange objects that fell from the sky, into the Kaaba and declared them to be gods. This made the Kaaba the object of holy pilgrimage to every Arab in Arabia, since his favorite god was certain to be residing there awaiting his devotions.

Two of the deities which had been collected over the centuries were Isaf (male god) and Na`ila (a goddess). Legend says that they tried to commit fornication in the Kaaba, but the other gods caught them and, as punishment, turned them to stone. Local Arabs decided they were fine objects of worship since they were the picture of virility, so sacrifices were regularly made to them.
You will at once notice that Na`ila has the ancient Sumerian root, LIL / IL, or the primal goddess, in her name. Also, more importantly, if you drop the "f" off of the end of Isaf you have Isa. This god would have been in residence when Muhammed later came to cleanse the Kaaba of gods. Also please recall that Muhammed found a painting of Jesus and Mary in the Kaaba, and you can see how Muhammed might easily have confused Isaf with Jesus and given the name Isa to Jesus. (FOOTNOTE 4: 194 / 46 / 709)
ISA NUMBER TWO: Muhammed took much from his Jewish neighbors as he developed his view of things sacred. One historian claims that Islam is in fact a sect of Judaism. Actually, one might say that, in regard to its laws, codes, and legend, Islam is heavily Judaistic, while in regard to its revelatory notions it is more a cult of Christianity. One legend Muhammed must have heard, from his Jewish friends, came from Babylon in the Cabalistic legends told by paganized Jews.

It seems, according to the Cabala, that Elijah was met one day by Lilith, the wife of Satan, on her way to kill a woman while she was giving birth. Elijah questioned her, and when she told him her mission the good prophet chased her off. If you believe that one I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you. During the conversation with Elijah Lilith gave the names of her fourteen goddess entourage, and one of them was Kali, the vicious goddess of India. Another was Kitsha.

Here then is another possible origin of the name Isa in that we find the feminine goddess form given. If there was not such a clear bridge to India in this story I would ignore it, but Kali connects us to Persia and India, and that is where we go for the next Isa, so keep Kitsha in mind. (FOOTNOTE 5: 122 / 214-215 / 1368)
ISA NUMBER THREE: In the Satapatha Brahmana, the Mahabharata, and the Puranas of the Hindus of India, a story is told of Manu and a sacred fish which he caught. The fish was a god, and it warned Manu of an impending flood and how he could escape it by building a big ship. This flood account is very much like the Chaldean flood account and is typical of many cultures of the world which derived their legends from the Bible's true account handed to us by the patriarch Noah.
Manu kept the fish, but later released it into the sea. He built a ship, and the nice fish returned, Manu tied a rope to its tail, and it towed the ship to safety. While this tale sounds more like mother goose than the true biblical account, it does give another possible source for the name Isa. The fish's name was Vishnu (note the ISH root), and the forest where he resided was called Visala, so it seems that here again we find the Isa root. The root form is "ish" which can run to Isha as the root of the god name. It is of note that, in the Semitic Ethiopian language, the word for fish is "asa," which shows the possibility that the word Isa was well engrained in the whole of the old world as the fish god. (FOOTNOTE 6: 114 / 190-193 / 1633-1634 ) Before you accuse me of obscurity, please hear me out.

This all comes together in this last and frightening observation.
Vishnu, and the whole god and goddess system of India, were derived from the ancient Vedas and Upanishads of Persia. The Vedas of 1800 - 1000 BC came to the conclusion that animistic paganism was disgusting, and so they developed a discipline of meditation on the unseen supreme deities. Their god list was very short and included Rahman from Syria and Babylon, who became Brahman. They missed Jehovah altogether, but they did pitch out general idol worship. Ah yes, they did have one more god- a fellow named Usha. Does that sound familiar?

The next group to come after them were the Upanishads, and they modified the Vedas' system and transported it to India in 1000 - 800 BC. Their various thinkers, over the ages, slowly abandoned the mystical and replaced it with a more tangible god system that centered on grotesque many armed images and universal spirituality. This has resulted today in virtually every Hindu having the option of inventing his own god, and, if he abandons the world and makes a disgusting filthy mess of himself, he can con the Indian masses into actually worshiping him, and the gods be damned.

Now, please prepare yourself for a bit of a shock. The next thought will be heavy for my Christian Arab readers. The greatest of the ancient Upanishads were called the ISA UPANISHADS. This name came from Persia, and it predated Christ Jesus by at least 800 years. It is thought by some historians that the name Isa came from Syria where, 1400 years later, Muhammed could have heard it during his camel caravan journeys which he conducted for Khadijah before he married her.

The name Rahman came from Syria to Persia where the Upanishads altered it to Brahman. So we see that the Vedas brought Usha into fashion, which was modified into the title Isa for the Upanishads, who were the founders of modern Hinduism.

There is more. My Vedanta dictionary of Hindu terms gives this definition for LORD- as "ISA. I invite you to look in a Vedanta Hindu dictionary under Isa. So, let us not hear any nonsense that Isa came to Hinduism from Islam. Since the Upanishad Isa greatly pre-dated Islam, Hinduism has always hated the intrusion of Islam.

To show the solid bridge to Sumer and Babylon from Hinduism, the pleasure of Brahman is called LILA. Here we see the most ancient name for the goddess from Sumer-- LIL. The filthy sexual connection is clear, in that LILA is associated with the god Brahman's pleasure. I tell you this last bit to be sure you understand that Isa came along with a whole body of sexually explicit Sumerian and Babylonian theology right into modern Hinduism. (FOOTNOTE 7: 140 / 11-121 / 2038-2051. More material available upon request.)
Isa is also the Hindu root for the god name, Iswara. Iswara is a sort of press agent for Brahman, who cannot communicate with men, so Iswara makes the mind of Brahman known to the common Hindu. This is why the name Isa is very current to Hinduism, and it is the most urgent reason why the name Isa cannot possibly be the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, do you recall Kitsha, the goddess friend of Lilith who allegedly confronted Elijah? That legend came from Babylon in the mind of Jews who were paganized by Babylon during the captivity. This is very incriminating, since the Cabalistic Jews didn't migrate back to Palestine until just before the time of Christ. This shows the staying power of the name Isa who may well have been the male consort of the goddess Kitsha.

Also, please recall the god in the Kaaba, Isaf. We know that the Arabs conducted trade with India as early as the Dilmun era which was highly developed by the time of Muhammed, so Isaf could well have been Isa imported from India by Arab merchants. Any way you figure it, the heritage of the name Isa is pagan and cannot be that of the biblical Jesus. Wherever Muhammed got Isa, he is just as vile as the name Allah.

The same trade routes that brought Allah and the gods of Sumer and Babylon to Mecca, also brought Isa to the demon possessed mind of Muhammed. Many missionaries and Arab Christians today call Jesus Isa, which is a terrifying tribute to the power of Satan to deceive the most sincere of us when we get a bit careless. I have included a map of the Middle East and India showing the locations of Isa's heritage and the evolutions of this pagan deity's migration to Mecca. There may be another whole book in this discussion, but this presentation must suffice to warn the faithful.

I believe I have to do this in order to convince you of this-- you cannot call Jesus Christ "Isa." Use the name used by pre-Islamic Arab Christians-- "Yitha." This is clearly the right name for him, and you cannot expect our Lord to give you a full measure of blessing, in your witness to Muslims, if you perpetuate the blasphemy of Muhammed against our Lord's holy Name.
If Muslims ask why you use Yitha for Jesus, simply tell them that it is the most purely Arabic way to speak of Jesus Christ, then move on to discuss the life of Jesus. Don't get into the details of the above discussion before a Muslim is born-again, since your first priority is to exalt Christ's person and words.

Dear Arab Christian, if this discussion of Isa has caused you great stress, I understand. But, would you want me to hold back the results of my research? I would answer to God for not revealing the truth. With so much blasphemy in Islam, how could you expect Muhammed to pass on the correct name for God and The Lord Jesus Christ? When you come to the name Isa in your Bible reading, simply speak the correct Name, Yitha, and you will soon hear from the Holy Spirit as He gives you peace in this.
Again, I invite you to communicate with me by E-Mail. I shall pray with you that your zeal will be strong as you resolve to cleanse your mind and mouth of the demonic name, Isa, and exalt the holy Name of Jesus as Yitha in Arabic. I would also be very encouraged to hear from those whom God has helped through this transition to victory.
Old 01-24-2009, 09:06 PM
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Very interesting read, VR. Thank you for posting it.

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Old 01-25-2009, 10:53 AM
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Thanks a lot, VR!
Old 01-25-2009, 12:56 PM
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wow, VR, very interesting read!!

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