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Old 12-17-2008, 09:36 PM
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Absolutely brother ! I will share anything I find.
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:42 PM
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I'm currently without a bible, because I had a NKJV bible which I burned because it was just corrupt and I felt it the right thing to do. I wasn't going to pass a corrupt bible on to someone else. But, I downloaded the PCE from BibleProtectors site, so I read it until I can get one. Until I find me a PCE, what is a good Authorized King James Bible I can get to carry with me ? Preferably without footnotes.. I'm not sure if center column references to other scriptures are ok ?
Old 12-17-2008, 09:43 PM
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This is an affordable PCE from Collins:

Not leather:

Look for this ISBN 0007103077
ISBN 0-00-710307-7


Isbn 000725976x

Search the internet with "000725976x" and you will see sites to buy it.

Read this thread:
Old 12-17-2008, 09:44 PM
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Thanks BibleProtector !
Old 12-17-2008, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by bibleprotector View Post
This is an affordable PCE from Collins:

Not leather:

Look for this ISBN 0007103077
ISBN 0-00-710307-7


Isbn 000725976x

Search the internet with "000725976x" and you will see sites to buy it.

Read this thread:
Bibleprotector, do you have the PCE in LaTeX format by any chance?

Peace and Love,
Old 12-18-2008, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by illusionznc View Post
I am not so sure about it though, because it says something about a Trinitarian Bible Society, and I'm not getting good vibes from that name for some reason.
< snipped for brevity >

The Trinitarian Bible Society are a fine bunch of folks. They have been around since 1831. Headquarters are in London, England and they have Branch offices in the U.S.A./Canada/Australia/New Zealand/Brazil.

They sell and distribute A.V./K.J. Bibles and they also have Scripture verse posters, Scripture Bookmarks, Scripture Calenders/Scripture Postcards/ Scripture Tracts/ Memory Text cards/Some really neat puzzle and coloring books for children...(remind myself to send some to the Grandsons-) and some excellent booklets/pamphlets concerning the A.V. and some history behind our Bible. Some of the titles are reviews/critiques of the modern versions. Very good information in a small package and low price. { No, I'm not on commission. Just like to pass on good info to other folks. }

Try the website and look at the various Bibles-- Small ones like the "Royal Ruby" for about $ 6.00 ? for a soft cover , up to their Large Print (15.5 print font size) for about $ 38.00 ? I have their "Comfort Print Text Bible" which is a good readable font size. Remember--- The smaller the size of the Bible,,, the smaller the print will be. { No sense buying something so compact that you can't read it without a magnifying glass... } .

Read the "Aims of the Society", and look at the "Articles" in the margin of the home page. This is the U.S. sales site (Yankee money prices)

What the other poster was saying about T.B.S. Bibles is that they are made by Cambridge Bible Press of England... Just about the oldest Bible maker around and they make quality products. Cambridge then stamps the letters "TBS" on the spine instead of "Cambridge". They have a good readable font/print.

Here is a website with sermons/lectures/classes from various speakers associated with The Trinitarian Bible Society. Some are about specific verses, and others about some problem with a modern version, and various other topics. Click on and give a listen... be advised that several of the speakers are from the British Isles so listen closely-- .


BTW--- To echo something another poster said earlier: Get a KJ Bible...ANY edition/Any publisher/Hardback-Pew Bible/ Paperback from a thrift store/ any one is better than having NO Bible! I Googled Asheboro, N.C. and there looks to be at least 3 bookstores in your town, so as soon as you get off shift from your job, go find a Used Book Shop/Salvation Army Store/ Local Library sale cart... something, and get a sword...! It might be a little rusty and dented and has some scratches... No problem. A Christian without a Bible is like Soldier without a Rifle. Hebrews 4:12
Old 12-18-2008, 07:16 AM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Bibleprotector, do you have the PCE in LaTeX format by any chance?

Peace and Love,
What's that? There are text files available, also at which can be changed to certain file types or formats from plain text.
Old 12-18-2008, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by illusionznc View Post
........ Time and evil has corrupted many things to include Gods Holy Word & my search for the truth will be everlasting until the end of my time.

Do not be discouraged or weary in well doing. We are all struggling in this age of apostasy. Try not to become disillusioned, although we all go through these stages as well. The Book of Revelation warns that there will be those who add and subtract from the Word of God, so why should we be surprised to find this is the case.

Keep the faith!


Old 12-18-2008, 07:30 AM
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There are a few reasons why TBS was a nineteenth and twentieth century organisation for God's truth, and not future-wise. This is because they seem to be going the wrong way.

1. They are not going the "pure" Cambridge way, but even have an article wonderfully commending David Norton's recent edit (i.e. mess-up) of the KJB, full of modern spelling and word changes (some quite silly ones too!).

2. TBS do not stand for the final authority of the English Bible, but the authority for a Greek construct, i.e. that which was manufactured in the late 1800s by F. H. A. Scrivener, commonly called the standard edition of "The Textus Receptus". The problem here is that this kind of view does not see that the KJB itself is the final form of the Received Text.

3. TBS does not promote the KJB only, in the sense that they are promoting translating to other langauges and dialects from the Greek mentioned above. The problem here is that effort/resources are being put into translations which are barely reaching a small number of people when the world is tending to learn English, and that they could just have the KJB instead as the world-wide standard. Since the KJB is perfect and other language Bibles might have some objection placed against them, it is better to present the tried and true KJB than other works.

4. TBS have some local or particular problems, e.g. branch in fighting, technical problems with Cambridge's printing of their "Concord Editions", etc.

Having said that, they are not without merit for various work they have done, and that they are better than many others who have laboured (or sown tares) in the Bible distribution field.
Old 12-18-2008, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by illusionznc View Post
Preferably without footnotes.. I'm not sure if center column references to other scriptures are ok ?

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