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Old 12-16-2008, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
What is PCE's?
Pure Cambridge Edition.

Peace and Love,
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Old 12-16-2008, 06:41 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by illusionznc View Post
It is disheartening this bible is not more readily available. Several google searches using different methods have only turned up the concord edition which doesnt seem to be quite the same. To have this Pure Bible, I feel my only alternative is to print off the pages, & hire a book maker. Something I cannot afford. It is a shame the truth must be so hard to obtain.
I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 12-16-2008 at 07:01 PM.
Old 12-16-2008, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want.
Yeah pretty much. There isn't much point in getting all worked up about a very short list of changes in most King James Bibles. Really, one could just get a Cambridge KJV and take a pen to it. Or just remember where those verses are that are restored in the PCE and call that good until someone takes up the task of printing a quality PCE.

I remember the feeling I got in my gut when I heard about the PCE. I was pretty depressed, but then I realized that it was just folly to worry about that. I've got the restored verse references at my disposal and can memorize those verses if need be.

So take brother parrish's advice, and get a good KJB ( and stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your soul.

Much Love in Christ,
Old 12-16-2008, 08:54 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Hi Folks,

While I do not know about this poster, we see a lot of posters who are simply playing games about the purity and editions of the King James Bible. They just play charades.

If you are sympathetic to the Pure Cambridge Edition and get a 100%-in-order edition, excellent. If you are sympathetic and feel to watch out and correct certain verses from a generally fine edition (e.g. watching for 1 John 5:8) you will have an excellent Bible. If you use any King James Bible at all, your purity level will be a gazillion times higher than the ultra-corrupt modern versions, and a part of a gazillion times more pure than other various versions.

Again, I do not know about this recent poster, however we have seen a lot of foolishness from people with no pure Bible at all, not even remotely, who try to create a wedge among King James Bible defenders. Their game is sooo pitiful. They have nothing at all, and they pretend to be so concerned about all ways and always (that may be a real variant, or not, I am just giving an example).

Steven Avery
Old 12-16-2008, 09:24 PM
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[QUOTE=Steven Avery;13295][COLOR="Navy"]Hi Folks,
If you use any King James Bible at all, your purity level will be a gazillion times higher than the ultra-corrupt modern versions, and a part of a gazillion times more pure than other various versions.<<<

AMEN!!! Steven.

A lot of new posters don't take advantage of the Threads that are up...if
they would scroll through them..they would see the excellent answers and
realize most of their questions are already answered.


Old 12-16-2008, 10:57 PM
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I remember the feeling I got in my gut when I heard about the PCE. I was pretty depressed, but then I realized that it was just folly to worry about that. I've got the restored verse references at my disposal and can memorize those verses if need be.
Right now there are all kinds of KJB editions around. The point is that people do not have to be at a loss, even if they are using, say, a Concord Cambridge Edition at Church. As long as people are aware, and willing to desire the pure, and that they do take it up and use it as God supplies to them, and as they seek for it. At any time people can check out the pure and accurate presentation by checking on their computer right now.

People should not be worried that their Bible might have a printer's mistake. Most books have printer's mistakes. The point is that God has worked besides that, and that we now have knowledge of exact accuracy. People are still going to use Scofield or Thompson and other tools even though they might have been using an Oxford or whatever edition for their text. Many KJBOs believe that the KJB is true, even though they might not have been using a PCE. (When I first fully believed the KJB was 100% accurate, I did not own a PCE. I did not, like most folk at the time, know that there was variations in KJB editions. That is why some anti-KJBO people have been able to sow doubt when they show people a 1611 edition and how "different" it is from today.)

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. ... go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want.
It is better to have any KJB edition than no KJB at all. Maybe getting a temporary one for a few dollars, and look go get a PCE (hunt second hand places, buy them over the internet, you can get Cambridge Pitt PCEs from Allen Publishers, or Collins Popular PCEs through a variety of sites, etc.)

Last edited by bibleprotector; 12-16-2008 at 11:02 PM.
Old 12-17-2008, 12:54 AM
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Right now I'm almost at a loss for words. I came across this website while looking at other websites about the Bible and different versions. I have asked some questions, and some of those questions have been answered, and some haven't. Some of you guys act like I don't pay attention to what you say. I have been to the other areas of this forum, checked out the links provided, and looked into everything people recommended. Some things were answered in other areas, and some things were not. Some things even after checking out the other parts of the forum still left me not quite understanding completely.

But some of you, (Bro. Parrish & Steven Avery) for example, act like I'm some spammer or waste of your time. Maybe I'm not as smart as you are when it comes to the Bible. And I'm sorry I may not know all your proper procedures on the forums, but you act like by me asking some questions that I'm upsetting some fragile balance in here.

I have received some less than hospitable responses in here that quite frankly kind of upset me at first, and then hurt my feelings. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, and I may not be as smart as you are, but from some of the responses in here that I've seen, I would have to seriously question whether you were truly a christian. I have been nice to people, and only try to get some help with stuff I don't understand.

For the ones that have sincerely helped me, Thank You ! I do appreciate it from my heart. I will not forget the act of kindness you showed me. I don't know whats been going on around here before I registered, but It's not my fault bad people come here and start trouble. I'm not some "Poster" as you refer to me as. I'm a human being. Them kind of remarks is something I consider non-christian like. I think it was a mistake coming here.

But again, I sincerely thank all of you that helped me with some questions. Whenever I become more knowledgeable, I will remember your kindness, and pass it on to others.
Old 12-17-2008, 05:09 AM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Hi Folks,

Originally Posted by illusionznc
some of you, (Bro. Parrish & Steven Avery) for example, act like I'm some spammer or waste of your time.
You misunderstood my post, where I specifically said that I did not know your motivations (twice). The fact is that we have had a few spammers, on this forum and others, who make mock complaints about the difficulty to find a pure Bible. And some of what they will say sounded similar "oh, no, I will have to print my own Bible" type of stuff. I very specifically could not discern whether you overlapped that group or were simply making deep and valid inquiries. Looking at the post of Brother Parrish I would say he had the same perplexity as I. Perhaps your quickness to actually understand the truths of the pure Bible, as a newbie, surprised us, understand that the game-players are common, so we are less ready for those quick to see.

If your questions were all earnest and heart-felt, that is great news. And my the Lord Jesus help you to have his pure and perfect word in your hand.

And may your sojourn here asking questions and getting responses be pleasant.

Steven Avery

Last edited by Steven Avery; 12-17-2008 at 05:16 AM.
Old 12-17-2008, 08:48 AM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Pure Cambridge Edition.

Peace and Love,
This is all new to me,there is a lot on this forum that i have never seen or heard before.
Thank you Stephen.
Old 12-17-2008, 09:03 AM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want.

Thank you Bro. Parrish. and thanks to the real KJ Bible Believers on this forum. Its hard to find a trusted website that still believes in Gods word.

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